Site community post Lets play: Dwarf Fortress! [community] (Read 3861 times)

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Okay anyone who wants a chance to be in the first few turns better sign up now, because I'm gonna do the turn order later on tonight. >​
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ill be in but i will be known as

dragon(failure as dwarf leader....)x after this...
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ZOMG GASP here is the turn order, thanks to the mIRC $rand feature. Luckily the first few are actually people that have played the game.

1) Sarevok
2) Frankie
3) Man-O-War
4) Yugi
5) Shinan
6) HL/DN
7) Halfling
8) Woman
9) PTizzle
10) Noz
11) dragonx
12) conchfield

I've putten down everyone on the list, including maybes and new people. If you're not ready/can't play when your turn comes around, we'll just move onto the next person and I'll bump you down the list. If you're not on the list, still express interest and I'll add you to the bottom. Don't worry if you're 12th (conchfield :D​), you'll definately still get to play. A couple of people said THIS SOUNDS COOL BUT I'VE NEVER PLAYED, and that's fine. There's plenty of time before your goes, so get playing!

I've also played through the first year of the fortress, so I'll type that up tonight! Frankie, I'll send over the save to you. <3
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yeah this fortress will probably last 2 seasons before being squashed by goblins all you guys suck.
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Well joke's on's lasted 4
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These are the only entires still legible left in the tattered remains of the diary of Sarevok, during his brief position as military advisor to the new dwarven mining outpost, Inodning 'Gateburned'.

28th Obsidian, 30
I guess I pissed off the fat general one too many times - I just received notice that I'm being sent to help organise the defences of a new fucking mining outpost. A MINING OUTPOST. I'm meant to be a military architect, not a bloody cave-digging gobbo.  The wagon sets off first thing tomorrow morning. At least their not stealing my pride too; I get to keep my iron armour.

1st Granite, 31
Well I've finally arrived on site. I guess I'll rally forth the regiment and ta--Wait. What the FUCK? There's only SIX OF YOU? Where is everyone else? AND WHERE THE HELL IS THE OUTPOST? I didn't expect they'd make me BUILD the ENTIRE outpost, much less with only SIX dwarves. God damn, I didn't sign up for this shit. I don't know what's worse, the fact that there's only six of the buggers to setup an entire mining outpost, or that they decided to name their regiment THE SACK. WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU NAME YOURSELVES THAT? Hi there, I'm Sarevok Ducimrovod, of The Sack, nice to meet you. I've already taken a severe disliking to the sheer stupidity of this Sigun Idendork.

I guess the general REALLY doesn't like me, for an alleged 'mining' outpost we've only got 2 bloody miners and a single mason. At least he had the courtesy to supply me with Lorbam Mesirsazir, the camp's cook. Degel Norammomuz is here too, the poor bastard. At least I can get some decent defensives setup with his siege expertise.

It gets worse too. I can't see any renewable water sources nearby, though one of the miners assures me there's a cave river flowing through this hunk of rock. Great, except with only 2 miners they'll probably get crushed to death before we even dig out a decent bedroom here. There's no wildlife either, so we're going to have to live off bloody plants and dirt. Just graet. I'm going to die here.

I did bring up why on earth we're even setting up here, and the same ever so informative miner (note to self: find out the miner's name already) told me there's a lot of 'gabbro' in the area. I have no idea what gabbro is, but apparently Kim Berleet is in it, and she's got lots of diamonds or something. Why this Kim Berleet is living on her own in a mountain and giving out diamonds, I don't know, but there's also large seams of native gold and copper, as well as aluminium, visible in the side of the mountain. I can only hope there's some 'proper' metals like iron, or else we'll be better off fighting off kobold thieves with sticks.

But all of this pales in comparison to the real problem: We've got no alcohol. NO ALCOHOL! I'M GOING TO DIE HERE. The bastard gave us a bag of about 10 seeds, an anvil and a couple of war dogs for protection. At least we've got enough meat to last us the month. I also noticed a small stockpile of hematite, which I know can be smelted into some decent quality iron. You know what's funny though? This is a mining outpost, the fat bastard didn't even supply us with any picks. A mining outpost with no picks, what an absolute joke. Guess we'll have to setup a forge and get a few made pronto. Did I mention there's no godamn ale?

2nd Granite, 31
Fuck. I've only been here a day and I've already lost ALL SIX dwarves. This isn't funny.

(note: Yes, I actually lost all my dwarves. They started with their wagon on top of a really tiny mountain (like 5x5 at the top), and it took me an age just to find them again)

9th Granite, 31
Well I'm no architect, but I've managed to get the lazy Sacks to setup some stockpiles and get a forge, smelter and masonry up and running. We've got a couple of picks fashioned too, so those miners are getting to work mining out a little cubbyhole for us. A friend back at the stockade told me about this new design  involving two entrances: one for the wagons, with retractable bridges, and one for the goblins with narrow paths, trenches, sniping posts and ballistae. I've got a decent siege engineer with me, so I think I'll try and set this up. If I'm going to die here, the last thing I want is to be spit roasted on the end of a gobbo spike.

I'm getting worried about the drinks problem though. We've still not located any clean water sources, so I've got Idendork out gathering plants. At the very least we can get some decent strawberry wine going. There's only enough water in our 'skins for another couple of days, and panic is really starting to set in.

I spotted a couple of mountain goats a little ways above our position, and it's boosted morale significantly. With a decent supply of meat the miners will actually be somewhat useful, instead of moaning about their near-worthless existances. Interestingly one of the goats was dead, I have no idea what caused this but there's no other animals in site and last time I checked they didn't kill their own.

11th Granite, 31
Shit. Shit. Shit. There's no drinks left. We're all gonna fucking die.

12th Granite, 31
I think I'm in love with Lorbam Mesirsazir, he's cranking out enough alcohol to feed the mountainhomes themselves. Looks like we might actually live beyond our first 2 weeks here.

14th Slate, 31
I've been in this pisshole for 6 weeks now, and I'm still alive. In a tremendous lack of foresightattempt to get us all killed, the fat bastard sent no lumberjacks or carpenters. I've got the smithy to forge me and axe and I've gone out slicing and dicing the local fauna. I didn't expect to have to do fucking manual labour, I'm only an advisor, but at least I'm keeping my axearm strong.

28th Slate, 31
I've had a word with my miners, and we've devised and mapped out what I like to call 'the siege tunnel'. It's wide enough for the wagons still, but it should also hold off any gobbos that think to take Kim's diamonds. The more I hear about this Kim, the more I feel sorry for her. I wish she would come help us out, before she gets her head split in twain by an ettin.

14th Felsite, 31
Fucking useless no good fucking miners. I had an inspection of the siege tunnel today, and the bulk of it has been mined out. Except they've mined it short, by about 3 feet. Jesus christ it's not a complex design just follow the fucking blueprints. The mason assures me she can rectifiy the problem and build some walls where they're meant to be. I only hope she's true to our word, or we've just wasted the last 2 and a half months building a giant neon sign pointing the gobbos to our gravestones.

1st Hematite, 31
Has it already been 3 months? Well despite the useless fucking miners (note to self: I'm glad I didn't learn their names now) botching the siege tunnel, Zulban Othsinerith has managed to sort the walls out. Work is progressing smoothly now, and we've got a steady supply of drink and food. The local wildlife decided to fuck off again after I slaughtered a few goats, so we're back to eating biscuits made of herbs. Herbal biscuits...yeah, to whoever ends up reading this I wouldn't recommend them. I'd prefer to eat rotten hairy mormot cakes then this rubbish, but at least I'm not dead. Yet. Maybe I'll get the miners to make me a tomb, I doubt I'll make it to the end of the year.

15th Hematite, 31
Fucking kobolds. One of the miners stashed his pick away so he could go fuck about with the horses or something, and a fucking kobold stole it. Why, dear Armok, why did you put me with this imbeciles? I'm gonna have to melt my helm to get a new pick for these shits. They could have at least told me he was around, and I would've cleaved his head from his shoulders, but no. Let me chop down some trees whilst we get our worthless fucking equipment stolen.

I take back any comments about liking fucking Lorbam Mesirsazir too.  He's HOUNDING me about the fact that he needs empty barrels. Well that's great but we HAVE NO CARPENTERS. Go make some bloody barrels yourself, for all I care. I don't need to be told THREE TIMES A DAY we have no barrels. I KNOW. I might take up carpentry just to shut the fucker up.

29th Hematite, 31
The siege tunnel is almost finished, at last. Just got to get the upper walls made and the bridges installed. At least we've got a decent mason, shame about the useless miners. I've set Mr No Pick to carving out fortifications in the sniping nest instead, might as well get him doing something instead of sitting around wasting ale.

16th Malachite, 31
I've received word from the mountainhomes that we won't be receiving any immigrants this season. Fan-fucking-tastic. The last thing I want right now is to be told that nobody is coming to fucking help us. Just let us get on with it already, stop rubbing it in our fucking faces. At least they haven't forgotten about us completely.

8th Galena, 31
With the siege tunnel complete, I've gotten the useless miners to start carving out my burial chamber, as well as a few rooms for the noble jackass. I don't see why anyone should get any superior lodgings to the rest of us, but I'm quite aware he can probably have me executed if I don't bow down to his whims. At least when I die here I'll have a nice fancy tomb, which I'll make far superior to his, and right next to it. That'll show him.

9th Galena, 31
I spotted an alligator outside of the fortress earlier this morning. They're not particularly violent, or dangerous, creatures to an armoured dwarf. But considering I'm with a bunch of peasants that can't even pick up a sword, let along swing it, it'll probably tear through our ranks. I'll have to keep an eye on it.

13th Galena, 31
Mr Informative has told me that he's just struck a vein of Chris Talople. I have no idea who this Chris guy is, but if I find out this is true I'm going to have to send word to the mountainhomes for a medic, and the Hammerer to flog this useless bastard.

25th Galena, 31

13th Limestone, 31

It's autumn, and we've hit a vein of aluminium. Great, what can we do with bloody aluminium? Lets make some useless fucking toy forges and boats with it, for all the use it is to us. Find some iron already damnit.

15th Limestone, 31
The alligator strayed within feet of one of the horses and everyone's starting to get really nervous, I'm getting a little bored too. I hunted down and executed the stupid beast with ease. Strangely, in it's corpse, there was a puddle of vomit. I have no idea whose vomit this is, as it certainly isn't mine nor my dogs. I wasn't aware a crocodile could vomit? Especially a dead one. Weird fucking place.

17th Limestone, 31

We got our depot up and running just in time - Dwarven traders from the mountainhomes arrived today, with an armed escort greater than the defences of this entire outpost. I'll have to get Idendork to get us some iron, we need some more armour and weapons before we get slaughtered by goblin raiders. I've also commissioned some stonefall traps at the entrance to our fort. At the very least it'll pick off a stray kobold, or something. One of the axedwarves complimented the design of the siege tunnel too, which was the first nice thing I've heard in 7 months.

6th Sandstone, 31

WHAT THE FUCK is wrong with these fucking dwarves? The Sack has fucking traded ALL our crafts for one fucking barrel of alcohol, which we didn't even fucking need. God damnit I'm really starting to hate these people.

12th Sandstone, 31

Today I inspected the tomb and found that someone had given me an offering of a shoe. Whilst I appreciate the gesture, I have iron boots on and I think some fucker is going to hurt his feet on all this useless rock the miners have left lying around. If I see a shoeless dwarf, I'm having them flogged for idiocy.

16th Sandstone, 31

Well the merchants have departed, with 12 stone bracelets or something ridiculous for a single fucking barrel of rum. Great to trade with you guys, hope to see you again next year. Maybe you could give us a block of alunite for a handful of fucking white sand?

20th Sandstone, 31
I've finally setup some ballistae in front of the siege tunnel. That'll hold any invading fuckers off quite nicely, however we've got nobody that actually knows how to bloody use them. I'll have to send a request off to the King himself for some fucking siege operators.

26th Sandstone, 31
Well I don't fucking believe it. We've finally got some new fucking immigrants to this shitty little outpost. Why they'd come, I don't know, but I'm grateful for any help we can get. Looks like we got a good 8 new dwarves, doubling our population. Things are starting to look up already.

27th Sandstone, 31
I noticed that Cilob Ostrith, one of the new dwarves, seems to have pretty strong arms and - with a lack of any real tradeskills - I've decided to take her under my wing and train her in the arts of fighting. It'll be nice to have someone I can rely on to protect these shits when I'm sleeping.

10th Timber, 31

I've decided to provide sketches of our defensive layouts here for future leaders, so they can see how it functions and the reason why they're still alive when they get sieged.

In this sketch, you can see the sniper post at the bottom and the siege tunnel north, down a z-level. the idea is 5 or 6 marksdwarves can sit up here and pick off the gobbos with ease as they traverse the narrow passageway, whilst the ballistae below tear them to shreads. In the room to the left is the stockpile I've provided for crossbow bolts.

Here's the upper ceiling of the complex. The edges have been hollowed out so none of our foes can climb the walls and fire down into the sniping nest from above. There's not much else to say here.

And this here's the siege tunnel itself. The entrance has a collection of weak stone-fall traps, designed to pick off early invaders but not particularly reliable. I'd recommend adding in a host of weapon traps behind them. Upon invasion, the north lever raises the top bridge whilst the south level raises the bottom one. It's pretty self explanatory. Raise the top one to force them to come down the siege tunnel, and raise the bottom one when they're in the tunnel so they can't get through. The ballistae and archers rip them to shreds in the meantime. I might add another bridge a little further south to completely wall out the outside world, just in case.

15th Timber, 31
Today I injured Cilob Ostrith pretty badly whilst sparring. Some might say they fighting her whilst using platemail and a shield just isn't fair, but I'm not using my axe on her at least. I threw a blow at her and she skidded on a loose rock whilst dodging, causing her to badly bruise her arms and legs. Hopefully she'll be well again soon, and back to training.

9th Moonstone, 31
The cold of winter is setting in, but there's little to be upset about this month. Cilob's fully recoved and we've resumed sparring in the barracks. I'm actually getting a bit worried as she's a lot better at wrestling than me - I'm an axe user, I've never really fought with fists before. My tomb is complete as well, just got to move a couple of statues and clear out the rocks. And throw away that bloody shoe.

21st Moonstone, 31
I really fucking hate this 'noble' trading sonofabitch. He decided to tell me this week no less than ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY NINE times that he needed an office. I had to build the fucker one because he's burst my fucking eardrums with his idiotic moaning.

5th Opal, 31
HAHAHAHA, it's done at last. CRY ABOUT YOUR SUPERIORITY ALL YOU WANT, BITCH. My tomb looks fantastic, it's the talk of the whole outpost. Nobody is saying 'ooh check out noble jackass' tomb', are they? That'll show the fuck who's the real boss around here.

21st Opal, 31
It's been a rather boring month now that the tomb is finished. I seriously cannot think of anything to write that is significant, beyond we made 10 tables this week.

14th Obsidian, 31

I'm starting to become a real professional at this whole wrestling lark, but boy does the student become the fucking teacher or what? Here I am trying to train this girl how to fight, and she's only gone and become so good her skills are legendary, even back at the mountainhomes. Well, at least I've still got an eye for good fighters, that's for sure. The King is impressed with my training so much he's promoted me to Captain of the Militia in the outpost. A militia of one, not counting me. Still, in a year's time we could have a good 10 or 15 fighters so this is great news to me. I'm trying to sneak in the 'Yeah I trained her' in conversation, but people just call me a bragging fuck.

31st Obsidian, 31
Well, I've survived the year. My mission from the fat fucking general was to organise the defences of this outpost, and apparently design and build the entire outpost at the same fucking time. I'm just no good at logistics - I'm a fighter at heart, not a true foreman. Now with the defences fully established and new dwarves on the scene, and the foundations of a militia being formed, I've decided to retire from my post. I'll continue to train the dwarves as Captain of the Militia, and hopefully we'll be able to survive for the next few years as well.

I leave this record for whoever takes on my role, to let them know what a fucking shithole they've joined, but more importantly that they're not totally fucked and the outpost actually has some decent stocks. I'd recommended mining out a complex inside with proper housing, as well as moving the workshops and stockpiles indoors, as the barracks is starting to get a little crowded.

And with that, I close this journal for this last time. Lets just hope I don't get stabbed in the back by a pissed off immigrant after the turmoil I've been through the past year.

The entries of Sarevok end here, and continue with the thoughts of his successor. Frankly, it is our unbiased opinion that in the history of the fortress, he was the true 'Leader' and nobody ever bested him.

Well that's that. It was actually a fairly straightforward year for me - once I got over the initial drinks problem. The fortress is currently pretty self-sustaining, with drinks + food supplied by gathered plants, which is then brewed and the alcohol cooked. The defences are setup, but there's no siege operates or marksdwarves, so training them might be a good idea. I'd also move EVERYTHING inside, as it'll just get nicked by kobolds out there and it's pretty defenceless beyond the siege tunnel.

Frankie: Here's your save, buddy. Anyone else wanting to check it out can too, I guess.

edit: fixed download
Last Edit: October 12, 2008, 06:23:00 pm by Sarevok
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Okay dokey TRIPLE POST. Frankie's got the game and he's got until next sunday to finish, but if he finishes earlier even better. I am giving people 1 week, max, to finish the game because as someone pointed out -  if you get 'tuesday - friday' or something shit like that you might not get time with work.

If he's not done in 1 week, it'll move onto player 3 (man-o-war I think?)
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jesus christ professional wrestler i don't know why but that's funny to me.

i used to play dwarf fortress but there's still too many things that aren't working yet (like milking animals other than that one creature that chases you around).  if the game actually had an interface and wasn't an alpha it'd be fantastic.
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It does have an interface (albeit one that even Tarn Adams (programmer) says is shit), and it's still EXTREMELY playable and EXTREMELY fun

also in an ironic jab in my face way, on DAY ONE of frankie's turn I turn into a legendary wrestler. :(

on the plus side this means he CANNOT make me work anymore, because legendary fighters refuse to work ahahaha
  • god damn it man-o-war god damn it
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Here I am, I'm here. Signing up! Sign me up, I wanna ruin yer fortress. I'm going to introduce Carp to the ecosystem. Gonna breed some carp.

Gonna be some carp here, up in this fortress, gonna be all full of carp.
don't mind me, just postin' after a few brewskies
somebody’s Barkley --- could be another’s Monopolo.
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Just downloaded this, I don't think I'll be joining this group fortress but I definitely want to try playing this.  After reading what you guys were talking about on IRC (..r....rivers of gore?!!?!!?!!) it sounds too great to pass up.
I love this hobby - stealing your mother's diary
Hello!  It's me, Vellfire!  FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER! ... Bye!  CLICK!  @gidgetnomates
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I'd get this if Parental Controls didn't block ALL DOWNLOADS.

magazine i write for
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I am done, here is my Dwarf Journal
(my english isn't SUPER GOOD so don't expect sssuper writing IM FRENCH OK)

1st of Granite
Finally, I have been given the attention I deserve! And just in time for the new year, too. People cared so little about my efforts, they couldn't even remember my name. One of them started to call me Frankie the other day, and the others followed. My name is Frankie now, apparently.
That arrogant whelp Sarevok has resigned as the expedition chief. He is a "legendary" axedwarf now, and refuses any kind of work that doesn't involve beheading  goblins and staring at this ridiculous tomb he built himself. I don't know what mysterious force is keeping me from just tearing it down. This idiot has spent all of our precious time last year building fortifications. Meanwhile our only means of survival is gathering plants. And what is all this protection for? Most of our industry is located OUTSIDE of the fort.
Ah well, all these walls will come in handy later on. My first order of business as the commander will be to build farms so that we can be more self-sustaining. It might be tricky to make suitable farms in this region but its doable. We might also have to build some lodgings because some of the newly arrived dwarves of last year still sleep outside or on the rocky cave ground.

6th of Granite
A scout woke me up this morning, he said he might have found a suitable location for a farm. The work of expanding the living quarters to include individual rooms for the dwarves is advancing well, but the halls are filled with excess stone we will need to haul out eventually. The workers are complaining that their work area is too cluttered with useless stuff. They always complain though, so who cares. Ive designed an area outside where they can haul out the excess rock. We are building a stairway that will lead to our future workshops floor, and possibly to an eventual farm.

Also, great news: one of our miners working on the bedrooms area has struck Hematite. We knew we would find iron ore here eventually, but finding such a vein this early and fortuitously is great news! Our "experts" evaluate the vein is rather large, so iron-based goods could later become an important export of our fortress.

18th of Felsite
Some dwarves from neighbouring forts arrived recently, they seem like nice lads. So now our fort now has a population of 39. Our newly built farms arrive just in time, but now we still have to bring our precious industry inside. We still have a lot of excess stone to haul outside, and our planned digging will create even more of that clutter. I have started the construction of a large kitchen where huge quantities of food could be prepared and stocked, but with only one mining pick, work is progressing slowly. I told my miners to try and dig anyway, but noooo, theyre complaining, boo hoo we dont have any means to dig boo hoo. Well fuck em. I drafted em in the army.

22nd of Hematite

The in-fort workshop area is almost finished, so we'll start moving the workshops in pretty soon. The materials outside will be hauled back to the safety of the forts' walls too. We have not been attacked by groups of goblins yet, which is most fortunate! Less fortunate though, is the loss of Edem Gosmeredem, a child that was kidnapped this month by what we assume was a goblin childsnatcher. No doubt Edem was following his parents to the workshops outside. I put the entire blame on the previous leader Sarevok. Hope you are glad of what you did sarevok. A dwarf has lost his kid, Sarevok. I ordered sarevok to be whipped 4 times. As the captain of the forts' army, Sarevok whipped himself.

16th of Malachite
Child snatchers again today! And this time there was many of them. We could kill two of the buggers, but one of them ran off with another child... We really need to get this workshop move over with!

22nd of Malachite
Today, the cook told me he thinks our siege engineer, Degel Norammomuz, is starting to act erratically. Apparently he wont respond when talked to, and he wont do any work... I fear that the recent events might have been too much for him.

27th of Malachite
More migrants arrived today, bringing our population to a total of 47! Most of them are largely unskilled peasants, but they will provide for the much needed hauling of materials from outside. I will bring 6 of them to Sarevok, maybe he can make soldiers out of em. The might become marksdwarves to help with the fort's defenses, putting that newly dug room next to the barracks to good use.

7th of Limestone
Degel Norammomuz's state has worsened. He mumbles incoherently, and wont eat anything, or even drink. I think he has finally snapped. I held him by the shoulders, and stared at him, but he didn't really stare back, as if he was just gone. We wont ask him to do any more work, who knows what he might do next.

9th of Limestone
We found Degel walking around aimlessly in the trenches of the siege entrance. It doesn't look like he is with us at all anymore.

23rd of Limestone
All this growing population took a toll on our food stocks and our chefs and brewers couldn't keep up, but dwarven traders from the mountainhomes arrived today, and we traded some of our crafts for food and drink. It will be nice to have some meat on our plates for once instead of the old plump helmet meals. I also bought a second pick so another miner can help expanding our fortress.

14th of Sandstone
We have started to exploit a vein of Hematite (Iron ore) that we had found earlier this year while digging up living quarters. We will start building some ballista arrowheads once we got some of that ore into usable iron, and then we will make some weapons and armor for our troops.

20th of Sandstone
Kadol Libashkesham, a courageous hunter, tried to kill an alligator all by himself, but was severely wounded in the battle, losing his left arm. He couldn't be brought to safety in time and bled to death in the field.

3rd of Timber
Degel Norammomuz died this morning. He didn't eat or drink for weeks. Poor guy.

11h of Timber
More migrants earlier this week, bringing us to 53 in all. We need to expand the farms now, or we wont be able to feed everyone. Might as well add a second kitchen and still. I will most likely put quite a few of them in the military.

20th of Timber
Bim Morulthum, one of the newest recruits to the fortress's army acted a little strange recently. At first I thought he was just the shy, silent type, but today he walked straight to a craftsdwarf workshop, kicked out Udib Stinthadrurast who was busy at work there, and then started to gather materials. I have no idea what is going on with him. I told the guards to stand by the workshop, this guy scares me.

22th of Timber
It seems like Bim Morulthum stopped gathering materials. He slammed the door shut behind him, but we can hear him work. By Armok, what is going on in there?

25th of Timber
Bim worked for 3 days straight, and finally came back out today. He has created a scepter made of Andesite. A very well crafted item. He has now resumed his duty as a recruit guard, but I consider getting him out of the army, I am sure my craftsdwarves would love to have him as an apprentice.

8th of moonstone
Today, I decided I would prohibit the export of any item made of Tin! My word is law! The fact we do not own nor have the ability to produce such items is besides the point. Anyone who dares violate this mandate will be beat up by yours truly!

13th of Moonstone
A woodcutter has spotted a small group of goblins heading here, it looks like an ambush. They should be here by tomorrow. I have ordered all dwarves to stay indoors until the fight has ended. We are ready to fend them off, with 20 soldiers and plenty of traps at our entrance. Datan Mebzuthun, the woodcutter, got struck down as he was running back to the fortress's walls. He is the first victim of those savages.

20th of Moonstone
We have pushed back the invaders, there was about 16 of them, 4 or 5 ran away. Most of them were goblins, but there was one snake man who attacked with them. Wether or not he was actually with them or simply seized the opportunity of the siege to attack we will never know.The first attacker, the snake man, killed himself on one of our many stone-fall traps. I had ordered the soldiers to stay inside and let the traps do most of the work for them, but some of them decided to be heroes and ran off to battle. The rest followed them, thinking they wouldnt have a chance if they went in alone.

We suffered our first list before the first strike was exchanged, the dwarf I ordered to raise the drawbridge activated the lever too quickly, crushing one of our horse foals as the poor thing was running inside to safety. Then, Dodok Gomathoslan, a very skilled Marksdwarf, got too close to the heat of the battle and was killed by a goblin maceman. They also killed one of our war dogs. At this point, our best fighters, Sarevok and his wrestler apprentice, ran into the frey and everything was soon over.

Zuntir Oslanmomuz was severely wounded during the battle. He was limping back in when his wounds suddenly gave him intense pain, he fell to the ground at the fortress' entrance, vomiting, and activating one of our own stone fall traps. He was crushed under one ton of Andesite rock.

We will have to mourn later, we got to clean up and prepare our defences for the next assault. No doubt that the gobbs that ran away will be back with friends within months, or even weeks, and we need to be ready.

4th of Opal
Things are slowly returning to normal after these recent hard times. The construction of the living area is advancing. We have a small wood shortage because we had interrupted wood cutting during the siege while the various industries inside were still using up our gathered materials, but we have two talented lumberjacks who will resplenish our wood storage in no time. It is soon time for me to step down, I must now begin to choose my predecessor. It will be a hard decision, but one I must take before the beginning of next year.
Our army's soldiers have been training very hard recently, many of them are now considered elites, but we have very few weapons to give them. I will try to make them some equipment before the end of my rule. Another priority for me is to make a small stock of ballista arrows, which will strengthen our defences by a lot. We only have one of those ready right now, but three more are in construction.

17th of Opal
Lor Febston's hard training and his valiant effort in the last battle has paid off, we now count him as another champion of our fort's army. Our wrestlers squad is now 6 dwarves strong, three of which are champions whose skills are renowed throughout the lands, and two who seem like they could equal them someday. Our Markdwarf squad is not as impressive, because of a lack of arrows to train them with.

19th of Opal
Today, I have thrown a party to inaugurate our statue hall thats on the fortress's third floor, and celebrate the ascension of Lor Febston to the official status of champion of the fortress guard. With some luck, this will inspire the others to attain that goal as well. Many joined the party, there was dance, drink and laughs.

24th of opal
Two other wrestlers has become champions today, and a sixth will soon follow! With some of that new equipment coming up, our fortress guard will soon be unstoppable!

27th of opal
We have finished work on the farms, expanding it with a second section to accomodate our growing population.

13rd of obsidian
We are nearing the end of the year as well as the end of my reign as the fortress leader for now. This year we have produced a wealth of exportable goods that I hope my successor will put to good use. We have also started to exploit the mountains' iron ore vein, but our iron industry is still in its infancy. I have started the building of a second still and kitchen to process our gathered foods faster.

27th of obsidian
Finally, some more ballista projectiles have been made. This is a relief, we could really defend ourselves now. A problem remains that our siege operators are unskilled.Giving how expensive ballista munitions are, training them with those would be impractical. Maybe we should consider building catapults that would only serve as a means of training our operators? As those use simple stones as amunition, it would both train our operators and get rid of all those stones cluttering the fort.

1st of Granite
We have done great things to the fort last year. We have built more living quarters, moved our industries inside for safety, started the exploitation of iron in the mountain and reinforced our fortress guard. What follows is the end-of-year report on the state of the fortress.

This will be my last journal entry for now. I will continue serving my fellow dwarves as accountant and mayor for many years to come, but am officially stepping down as the chief of the fort. I wish luck to my successor, who will officially take my place later today. May your pick strike blue...

Here, Man-o-war my successor, I give you the keys to the city
Last Edit: October 15, 2008, 04:14:16 pm by Sarevok
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man i can't believe you guys are playing with this wimpy graphical mod REAL MEN USE HARD TO SEE WHITE N BLACK ASCII
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man i can't believe you guys are playing with this wimpy graphical mod REAL MEN USE HARD TO SEE WHITE N BLACK ASCII

As far as I can tell there isn't a graphical mod for the Mac so I pretty much have to use the ASCII.... :fogetcool:
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Well jokes on you Marcus, the ASCII version is coloured as well.

Good read Frankie, I have to recover from my self whipping now.
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So I figured out that only that one graphical update was windows-based, the rest are just about changing some settings.  Even still, I only have one that adds graphics to creatures, which is all I needed to keep track of my dwarves better.  I'm cool with ASCII for the rest.
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get a real computer and maybe you could play real games.......
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I have a windows machine but I feel like playing an ascii game on a huge TV would hurt my eyes.

edit: and even with the graphics pack, anything that small isn't going to be pleasant with my setup
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Hey dudes, it's my turn I guess, but I'm busy so I'll get around to doing it tomorrow.
Admiral Robert E Lee: From an alternate reality in which the United States is an archipelago and the Civil War is fought at sea.