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GW Chaingame 2: The C.L.O.W.N. Saga

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GW Chaingame 2: The Clown Saga

Engine: RM2k3

We’re starting from square one since there were a lot of issues getting this off the ground last time. Let’s give it another go now that the previous chaingame is finished!


1.) No AI-generated stuff, not wanting to get into a debate over this but it is what caused a problem last time and I’d just like to try and avoid it.
2.) Puzzles are a-okay but keep the difficulty down to a minimum or at least give people an option to skip them if they fail a certain amount of times.
3.) No overly on-screen visual sexual depictions. Like, making a joke about finding a hentai magazine is okay and subtle innuendo is fine. We want to make it so that everyone can enjoy the game.
4.) I’m not going to be too harsh on a time limit. It took a bit longer to get things done last time but I think it was worth it and because we removed the time constraints in the end I think it resulted in those portions of the last chaingame being better.
5.) Please communicate with me, it’s okay if you need to drop out but just let us know! That way we can make alternative plans.

Current Roster:

--- Quote ---1.) paperjack
2.) Sidewinder
3.) Dosmaen
4.) EpsilonEagle
5.) PianoTM
6.) Riggy2k3
7.) OzzyTheOne
--- End quote ---


In a strange world where humor has been outlawed, one man (Garfunkle) with clown ancestry is destined to repair it. Dive into the mysteries of the C.L.O.W.N. saga and uncover the mysteries of long-lost jokes.
Meet strange folks and bring laughter and joy to a world shrouded in darkness.

Time Length

Each person will be given around a month of time to work on their section of the game, as two weeks seemed like too short a time frame last go around. The length of each section doesn’t need to be that long. At the bare minimum, I’m thinking about 30 minutes for each section of the game.


Assets should be either public domain (opengameart or has some good stuff to use), you have the rights to it, or should be made by yourself / a talented friend / loved one. No FF4 / Super Mario Rips. And, for this game please do not use AI Art / Assets.

REFMAP: Tilesets and Character Sets
FinalBossBlues - Tons of great graphical resources  — Some free and some paid. — Art of different kinds that you are free to use in your games.


It’s important that we communicate with each other when working on this game. For example, if a life even happens let us know and we can either give you more time or switch out for a backup.

Feel free to reach out to the person who worked on the chapter before you if you have questions about how a particular game mechanic works as well.


Instead of doing save points, I’m just going to make it so that you can save anywhere. You can disable the menu / save during cutscenes if you would like. But for the most part it should just be turned on and available.


Combat is not a requirement. If you do put monsters in, try to make them balanced. I’m also going to put in an easy mode at max level for those who wish to avoid being murdered in random encounters. You could also just make your section a really long cutscene or a series of minigames. It’s totally up to you.


There’s no real requirements as far as story goes.

The foundation of the story will start from whatever the first person decides to do and then branch out from there.

DJ Saint-Hubert:
I could maybe work on music, but I would have to learn how to do Mixolydian mode or something, whichever's the goofy one. I do know how to use the whole tone scale which is pretty goofy as well but kind of spooky

I'm getting some wisdom teeth removed today which will make me not in the mood to work on music for a while, but I guess I could mess with something after that!


--- Quote from: DJ Saint-Hubert on February 19, 2024, 05:45:51 am ---I could maybe work on music, but I would have to learn how to do Mixolydian mode or something, whichever's the goofy one. I do know how to use the whole tone scale which is pretty goofy as well but kind of spooky

I'm getting some wisdom teeth removed today which will make me not in the mood to work on music for a while, but I guess I could mess with something after that!

--- End quote ---

Would be cool to have you work on some music for this one as well, I'll reach out to you once we get a bit further along. and I don't blame you, getting wisdom teeth removed sucks.

I will likely do chapter 2 and chapter 3, or just get rid of a chapter and get this moving forward soon if no one wants to do chapter 2.

EDIT: Sidewinder joined in for Chapter 2 so we are good to go.

Hey, just a quick update.

I'm two weeks into the project, I've been working on it fairly consistently and progress has been steady. I'm a little hesitant to commit to a concrete deadline, obviously things out of my control can happen, but barring some disaster, I should be finished no later than April 14th.

Here's some screenshots, for anyone who's curious. I'm open to any feedback (even if you just want to tell me it sucks, that's actually fine by me.)

All the maps in Chapter 2 will be pre-rendered (with the exception of the autotile, which is from a Dajhail tileset). This is mostly because Chapter 1 was sci-fi, and as anyone who's ever tried to make a sci-fi game in RPGmaker 2003 can attest it's very difficult to find sci-fi tilesets, especially since ripped graphics aren't allowed in the Chain Game. 

While I'm by no means a competent environmental artist, I do know enough about Blender to (mostly) get by. It's just easier for me to spend extra time modelling something, than it is for me to spend time hunting through old Japanese websites looking for some way to depict a bridge made of fuel pipes or whatever. So, expect something along the lines of a very low budget Final Fantasy 7 or Septerra Core. That being said, I don't think future chapters will use 3D pan maps, so if you don't like the style then you're in luck, and if you do, enjoy chapter 2 while you can because it'll probably be back to tilesets afterwards.

Setting-wise, I'm trying to make something similar to Fading Suns. It's an obscure Tabletop RPG from the late 90's and early 2000's, it's somehow completely generic to the point where you can adapt pretty much any D&D, Shadowrun, or Star Wars D6 adventure into the setting but it also does this while maintaining a distinct feel and identity. Better than 40K, in my opinion.

Obviously I can't really predict what'll happen in the next five chapters so for all I know chapter 3 will retcon everything I wrote into being a dream, but I'm gambling that it'll come in handy later.

I don't want to get into too many story details, but my chapter will likely end with the protagonist owning a spaceship and working for one of the major factions. If chapter 1 was the Endar Spire, chapter 2 would be Taris and Dantooine, respectively (boy I sure hope you played KOTOR, otherwise that sentence would sound a bit like gibberish, huh?)

But, again, I don't really have (or particularly want to have) control over what future developers do, so if you're reading this and rolling your eyes at the though of making a medieval space opera about a clown uprising, feel free to kill off my Mary Sues original characters and do whatever you want. Just be creative and make something fun.

Looking forward to building on what you set up in Chapter 2. Everything's looking pretty top-notch so far. Really interested in getting to see how it plays! The pre-rendered backgrounds give me Ara Fell and to a degree Nigsek vibes, and I think that's a good thing.


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