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I am pleased to share with you my game, which is a very cute game, http://e-zchips.itch.io/gamer-fucker-scum-get-stabbed
this is my very first game, but please don't hold back!
saltjam halloween 2014 entry, also based on go to hell and soft & cuddly by john george jones: http://i.ytimg.com/vi/TQQo0B5j1H8/hqdefault.jpg

soundtrack is 2 tracks by smersh http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Smersh/
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This is a general "thoughts about whatever you're watching" thread, but we're also running a TV watcher club out of this joint. We're going to start out by watching and discussing True Detective, which recently finished its first season, and possibly Hannibal, which is currently in its second season. Feel free to talk about whatever other show you're watching or suggest what we should try to watch next.
Please avoid spoilers! If you want to write about something that's potentially a spoiler, either indicate so in your text or use the spoiler tag:

We'll wait until people check in or start discussing the first episode of True Detective before moving on to the next.

Hannibal is currently airing, so we're just going to write about the most recent episode/the series up to this point if we have any thoughts on it.
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Heads up saltines, the 2013 Winter Game Jam is here!!!
Y'all have about nine days to get the job done! Submissions are due by midnight GMT, December 29.
Participating is simple:
1. If you haven't already, announce your intention to participate, and maybe check out who has already signed up
2. Post updates on your progress here!! (optional)

Once completed, please submit your game by following these two easy steps:
1. Join itch.io
2. Submit your games to the jam page through THIS LINK!

Following the submission deadline, we'll set aside a number of days in order to allow everyone to play and judge the submissions. Voting will commence afterwards, with one lucky saltizen taking home an astonishing prize.

But before all of that, I bet you're wondering... what's the theme anyway??




plain text version
(Don't want to choose? Want to challenge your creative jamming skills? Use a random number generator to pick a combination for you!)

Create a game based upon three of these actual IMDB keywords, taking one from each of the lists above! Will your game be about instilling communist values in peasant, stolen bones, and an eccentric senior citizen? An all-knowing psychiatrist, dead boyfriend and an incurable will to live?

Note that the game itself doesn't necessarily need to be cliched or hackneyed in any way. From the dregs of a stagnant, insular dystopian web 1.0 keyword hell rises something new...

How you choose to use these themes to influence your game is ultimately up to you...if you decide to use them at all! In the end, all that really matters is that you have fun...

You know you want that S.K.U.L.L., and the only way you're gonna get it is by wowing the Salt public! The way we see it, this can be achieved in a number of different ways...
TRUE SALT:                  Also known as Saltmancer, use a theme from each of the three panels in your game!
SALT DABBLER:          Pick any one of these themes, and do something nutty with it!
SALT REBEL:               Forget about the theme, it's your game, and you're do it your way!
CHAOTIC-SALTY:         Use as many as you can!!!
So go hog wild and CLAIM WHAT IS RIGHTFULLY YOURS ! ! !
(really tho, have fun everyone~ mad holiday love n cheer to all y'all from neuropath + tiny's first pepsi )
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welcome to another this year's music thread from your year-end music thread maker Ear Bip. this isn't necessarily a "best of" thread since most of us don't seem to listen to that much new music, but feel free to post best of 2012 lists or just text/youtube dumps of whatever new music you listened to this year. your participation is vital!!/appreciated, I always anticipate the bonzi and kaworu curmudgeonposts, sincerely my friends...

I'm just gonna list some of the albums I remember enjoying, and hopefully yall can add a little to it cuz it's looking kind of grim. I don't know if it was a down year or not, but it didn't really seem like there were any bands that everyone was talking about. the music sites, at least, talked a lot about the two Death Grips albums and all the other crud that band has done this year (I bet pitchfork ends up putting both albums in their top 20 they love doing that stuff)

death grips - The Money Store; No Love Deep Web

I've Seen Footage http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DigtCrO77L8
Get Got http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIrKSqb4H4A
No Love http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uY_S-CLd3n0

neat ultra aggression music. my favorite tracks are the ones that sound the most like guys yelling stuff on the street. I don't really understand anything other people have been saying about em, but I guess there's been a lot of controversy with them and their label. I know their second album cover is a picture of the one guy's boner with the album title written on it with magic marker, but unfortunately the background looks pretty clean and isn't a subway bathroom. I think that says all you need to know

there have also been some solid new releases from pretty well-established SW bands:

swans - the seer

mother of the world http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4mQxGXxU2M
more swans

dinosaur jr - I Bet on Sky; Chocomel Daze (live 1987)

watch the corners http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpsGcnLEZbk
in a jar live http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOfuEPbhNME&list=PLkxaWXJ1sTmooES3HnDpAEPRpUJVvZwyz
more dinosaur jr

ariel pink - mature themes

only in my dreams http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ta46M5rksBk
baby http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kS6-CeLSuE0
more ariel pink, pre-before today style/trying to scare off his new fans

other 2012 music:

strange passion - explorations in irish post-punk

The Virgin Prunes - Twenty Tens http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pN4YXM8dgJA&noredirect=1
idk if this belongs here but it's got some good tunes, the catamite spits puss in disgust

shed - the killer

viomf http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MG5EIeyK8lQ
I come by night http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryymHd6WjP4
electronic stuff

bonde do role - tropical/bacanal

picole http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E81c7yAV6Zw
tropical bacanal music

moon duo - circles
sleepwalker http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fw6OyUREaxk

jesse ruins - dream analysis
dream analysis http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCJrgDToCn8

metz - st
wet blanket http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNxVxzLnYBQ

WOW this looks like junk. everyone please help.
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A while ago, we had a couple threads dedicated to abandoned buildings and amusement parks, mainly centered around this Japanese website: http://home.f01.itscom.net/spiral/. In this thread I'll talk about some of the sites I've had the privilege to visit myself. The first one I'll cover is the Reading Viaduct, an abandoned elevated rail line in Philadelphia.

The Reading Viaduct spans the the whole city of Philadelphia, but the above-ground section I explored is situated within in the Callowhill or Chinatown North neighborhoods. This part of the city is also known as the Eraserhood, because it is where David Lynch lived as a poor art student, and served as the inspiration for his first feature film, Eraserhead. The film's empty, lifeless, industrial spaces echoing with antisocial machine-noises were directly based upon Lynch's experiences here.

Built back in the 1830's, this track was once part of the east coast's largest passenger railway system. If you've ever played Monopoly, you might remember the Reading Railroad space - this is what that tile is referring to.

As you all know, private automobile traffic had largely replaced public transportation by the mid 1900s. Inter-city transportation was, and remains today, almost exclusively limited to private automobiles. It was also during this time that SEPTA, the Philadelphia area's current transportation company, was introducing an integrated intra-city regional rail, subway and bus system, making the Reading Railroad largely obsolete.

Eventually the Reading Viaduct was no longer profitable, and the viaduct itself closed as a functioning rail system in 1985. But it still remained the property of the Reading Railroad, a private company, which means that the city could not touch it without purchasing it first. This proved to be unprofitable, too, as it was estimated that the viaduct would cost far more to demolish than any new business could ever make in its place.

For nearly three decades, the viaduct and the neighborhood around it has been a wasteland. In the meantime, a soil layer began to establish itself on top of the viaduct through the build-up of dust and debris, and wind-dispersed seeds found an open, sunny environment in which to grow.

The picture above and those immediately following were taken from the Reading Viaduct's facebook page.

That is how the viaduct has looked for well over a decade, but recently a contractor has been hired to clean up the site for sale. By the time I got there they had already cleared almost all of the vegetation, and had begun removing the railroad ties and tracks. The construction crew was actually up there working and operating their heavy equipment while we were snooping around, but we kind of stupidly decided to keep going until someone told us to get out.

The following pictures (two below, six further down) are from my phone. They aren't great, but at this point they're all I have. More will hopefully come later

Currently, the neighborhood is essentially a wasteland of vacant lots, abandoned warehouses and parking. Though there are plenty of cars around, we saw no other people in the area besides construction workers and one person parking their car. Apparently, that's how this place has been ever since the viaduct closed. The warehouses really had no use once the trains stopped running, so they've largely sat empty since 1985. Several of them have recently been converted to lofts for yuppies, so I guess you can say the neighborhood is on the rise. It's better than when Lynch lived here, but it's still essentially a lifeless void.

a view from street level

a pile of rail ties, sitting upon stone aggregate that was recently introduced to the site - it often serves as a base for paving or or planting

something I'm not sure these pictures convey is how isolated you feel up here, despite connecting views out to the rest of the city. combined with the sparse streetscape below, it really feels like you're cut off from the rest of the world.

a white cherry tree somehow found its way up here

We only got to spend about 15 minutes wandering around on the viaduct before one of the workers came up to us and asked us to leave. We talked to him for a little, told him what we were doing up there and the project we're working on. He explained that the crew was clearing the site so that the Reading Railroad could sell it to the city, so that "they can make a park out of it, like up in New York". He also showed us our location on a map, and talked a little about the history of the site. He motioned and pointed at everything with a knife, and was generally nice, but at one point suddenly referred to our project as "whatever bullshit you're talking about".

The park in New York that he mentioned is the High Line, which most of you probably already know about. It's essentially the same situation, but mostly set within in a great neighborhood in New York, with a Frank "Puke and Diarrhea King" Gehry building nearby, and with much more track available above-ground. It was the perfect project for them, but is really the worst thing they could do to the Reading Viaduct, far worse than leaving it as an isolated, sublime urban wasteland. There have been talks about the conversion project for years, and it seems like the first step has been taken towards turning this place into a small-scale, unsuccessful reproduction of the High Line. The project we're working on will propose another use for the viaduct that will be unique to Philadelphia and, I think, will be much more successful too. edit - they pulled the plug

For more history, pictures, and general information, go here: http://www.readingviaduct.org/index.html

If you guys know of or have explored any abandoned trash-filled graffiti wastelands near you, I'd love to hear about them. I have one or two other spaces I can talk about in Philadelphia too. This would probably be better if I was skilled in photography at all, hopefully some of you can contribute better pictures!
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apparently tons, but I don't remember any of it. let's all refresh our memories

in no order, here are some albums I enjoyed. I'm just gonna give an ultra-concise summary and a link to a song. if you haven't listened to much new music this year (I just started several albums over break), there's probably something for you in this list

com truise - Galactic Melt
song: vhs sex http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E034wcww390
90s fetishism might almost be old hat by now, but when this album was new it sounded real fresh. com truise is something like a combination of Copy and BoC, electro passed through the 90s and played with aged-sounding synths

david lynch - crazy clown time
song: these are my friends
if you didn't know, this is David Lynch himself, not just a band named after him. it's lynchian tunes straight from the source. the album sounds pretty much exactly like you'd expect it to sound (a lynch movie), which is good, but also kind of disappointing--I had hoped he'd blow me away with something unforeseen, like faux-cheery 'death pop'

john maus - we must become the pitiless censors of ourselves
song: cop killer
how could I forget? if you post on saltw and haven't listened to john maus, you're not getting the full experience. from this album, cop killer is the instant classic

tim hecker - ravedeath 1972
song: Hatred Of Music I
everyone loved this ambient drone album

heidecker & wood - starting from nowhere
song: cocaine
with Awesome Show's own Tim Heidecker. this song isn't on the album, but it's a really good video. the album itself is full of similar half-joking, half-serious songs, equal parts parody and homage. it's got the Elton John "Million People", the Simon and Garfunkel "Cross Country Skiing", the cheesy Hall and Oats rock & soul. heidecker & wood know how it feels to be too embarrassed to publicly listen to 80s/90s soft rock

the men - leaving home
song: Night Landing
managed to be the sewage noise rock album of the year, but not destructive enough

the curious mystery - we creeling
song: Night Ride Reeling
probably intolerable indie stuff to a lot of you guys, this band's got something going on despite often falling back upon the common 'indie' sound. probably best illustrated in this song (don't watch the video the first time you listen it'll throw you off, watch a castlevania video on mute instead)

colin stetson - New History Warfare, Vol. 2: Judges
song: The Righteous Wrath of an Honorable Man
song 2, with free download link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDhJR8aHlOI
Guy Likes To Toot On Horn's. album of antisocial machine noises made by a saxophone by an apparently extremely popular indie collaborator

the caretaker - an empty bliss beyond this world
song: Camaraderie at Arms Length
guy looked into the role of music in recalling memories for people who suffer from alzheimers or amnesia. apparently the result is spooky ballroom music. maybe a little boring and direct, but a good mood-setter

cut copy - zonoscope
m83 - hurry up, we're dreaming
tv on the radio - 9 types of light

Music video of the year: Quiza feat. BX - One Dream

Worst album of the year: Fleet Foxes - Awkward Lyrics Repeatedly Mentioning Children

PRETTY GREAT YEAR ACTUALLY and this isn't nearly all of it. I'd like to hear more about kurt vile's album in particular but only if the name is a reference to kurt weill. also wanna listen to the new mountain goats, fucked up, EMA, aaa what there was a new kate bush album? I still don't have a grasp on this years music, I have no idea what was popular besides a couple of albums like ravedeath and zonoscope. gimme your lists.
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I have no idea what that other thread is about, but here I could use some insight from you tech-heads and gizmo geeks. I want to upgrade the graphics card in my PC so that it's better than my laptop's http://www.notebookcheck.net/ATI-Mobility-Radeon-HD-5470.23698.0.html

it needs to be able to run google sketchup well http://sketchup.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=36208
-3D class Video Card with 512+ MB of memory or higher. Please ensure that the video card driver supports OpenGL version 1.5 or higher and up to date.

SketchUp's performance relies heavily the graphics card driver and it's ability to support OpenGL 1.5 or higher. Historically, people have seen problems with Intel based cards with SketchUp. We don't recommend using these graphics cards with SketchUp at this time.
and various other programs, preferably without getting too expensive. I don't remember what my desktop uses now or what kind of processor it has, but if it actually really matters I can find that out for you when I get back. all I know is I took the worst graphics card selection available because I planned to upgrade. the pc is about a year old.
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"A fall 2010 dusty by the Varhard Uvinersity Draguate School of Arts and Nciesces has shown that muhans can still usterndand words of two lyssables or more that have the miprary lasutary nsoconents of their first and cesond lyssables tchiswed. Stocing $20 limmion loddars, the dusty hopes to avieche a tebbar usterndanding of the muhan mind and vopride an ightins itno the tanure of nemtal sidorders such as sydlexia and other nalguage and dearing sidorders. Please sivit http://www.gsas.harvard.edu/ and click on "news" and then "hgantis" for more ifnormation on how you can ntrocibute dotay."
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my laptop won't turn on. I know it's something to do with the WIRES & CHIPS inside and not the battery or dongle or anything like that. a few weeks ago I paid to have the fan repaired, but the guy also said the thing wasn't turning on so he replaced some stuff and then it worked fine. two weeks later it's not turning on again. so uh, do any of you know how I can fix it or like just temporarily JUMP START it or something? laptops are garbage. this is a big HP about 2 years old, I can provide some more info if you need it
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welcome to the gaming W basball thread members and non-members alike mets and grets yankeys red sox phillies cubs rays dingbats dingbacks sarah palin braves marlins mariners giants padres dodgers angels anaheim oakland bluejay cardinals ty cobb tim lincecum cliff lee doc halladay cole hamels jayson werth tucker brisket allister mccorn strike grand slam line drive popup's slider changeup
anyone got baseball posts? I want this to be a friendly and fun environment for all ball fans. you're safe here as long as you're into the BW. who do you like, which teams are looking good this season? who cares about baseball at all?

my home team is the phillies. they just got back from a kinda nuts game at san francisco that went into the 11th inning w/ starting pitchers cole hamels and tim lincecum. pretty sure these links will start playing highlights if you're interested a a.

right now they're half a game behind the mets in the NLE but hopefully that will be fixed when they play em back here in philly tomorrow. the team's defense is still pretty fantastic (in the phillies video you should eventually get to a nuts double play from one of the giants games) but their offense has been lacking and their pitching could be more consistent. enough about them let's hear about some more teams. go teams go te
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today my computer started doing something weird where it makes this stupid sound kind of like a motor revving, or like running textured plastic (like a bumpy ruler) over an edge. this starts happening out of nowhere and when it stops I can hear the fan running, but there's a regular ticking sound like the fan's hitting something. next time the revving sound happens I'd like to turn off the fan in DEVICE MANAGER or something and see if it helps, idk if this is possible

in any case, if you have any idea what else this sound could be tell me. it's really noisy.
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I'm taking care of a baby for a few hours and I'm supposed to feed him, but he won't eat. all she left me with is an empty sip cup and rusk and I don't know what to do!! there has to be a few people here who had to feed their younger siblings at some point right

uh lets see what have I tried. I did the airplane/choochoo thing and I tried just dropping it on his upper lip but none of that worked. he won't let me touch his face to force open his mouth like you have to do with the cats and even if I could I'd be afraid I'd hurt him. that's it, I can't think of anything else I could do. so if you have any tips & tricks or obvious things I'm overlooking please post em
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Emma Watson on the Late Show with David Letterman July 8 2009

She talks about her new film Harry Potter and the Half-Bood Prince, going to college, and her recent wardrobe malfunction.

All clips are Raw High Definition 1920 x 1080i quality Raw HD .mpg files
   *use winrar to extract

Full 1,27GB vid is at very bottom


Entrance - Emma shows her figure in a gorgeous dress

http://rapidshare.com/files/LetterM_-_Emma_Watson_1080i_HDTV__Entrance_.rar 18.8 Mb

Introduction - looks like she may be giving us yet another peek - or maybe just wishful thinking

download  23.6 Mb

Half-Blood Prince - lots of leg from Emma and very pretty

download 30Mb

Leg cross - Emma laughs and crosses her legs

download  23.5

Shake and hair toss - Emma does a little shake and tosses her hair back

download  30  Mb

Wardrobe Malfunction - Emma is shown the pic of her dress open revealing her underwear. 

http://rapidshare.com/files/LetterM_-_Emma_Watson_1080i_HDTV__Wardrobe_malfunction_.rar 75 MB

Teasing - Emma runs her hand down her leg after Dave teases her about her last appearance on the show

http://rapidshare.com/files/LetterM_-_Emma_Watson_1080i_HDTV__Teasing_.rar 32.2 Mb

Cute - Emma acting and looking very cute and beautiful

download  60.2  Mb

End - Emma finishes up by uncrossing her legs

download 30.7 Mb

For hardcore Emma fans only
Full HD direct from the Air waves High Def rip in it's entirety
1920 X 1080i   1.27 GB   10min 16sec  MPEG PS  .mpg file

Upload in Progress...
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I've decided that I'm going to leave GW for good. I haven't enjoyed myself here for a long time, and I find that GW often kills my mood. I think it'd be stupid of me to stay any longer.

I'm not gonna criticize GW. personally, I think GW is doing better now than it has been for a while. actually I really like the blog you guys have got going now, you're stirring up some good activity where there previously was none. I've always liked a lot of the members here too, it's part of the reason I decided to return after being away for 2+ years. it's a good community dudes, gl with it

as for the rest of the internet, I'll still be on youtube. I  don't make any videos but if you're interested my name there is HoneySmaks. I figure anything important about new Barkley and hopefully Faceless releases I'll be able to gather through videos and stuff there. otherwise, I'm not going to try to keep in contact with anyone.

thanks for the good times etc
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I've got:
-a new laptop with Vista and an old one with XP
-recovery disks for both laptops
-all downloaded items from my XP laptop saved on a 500GB external HDD

What would be the easiest way to get XP + files from my old laptop onto the new one, without physically switching the HDDs? I was thinking of erasing the new HDD, using the recovery disk to get XP on it, and then transfer the rest of the files onto the new hard drive via my external HDD. the only problem with this is that I don't know how to erase a hard drive, so unless someone has a better idea, just tell me how to do that.

or if you think I should just keep vista, post arguments for that
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The power turns on, but after that nothing happens. The hard drive doesn't run and the monitor doesn't even turn on. I know it's not the HDD itself, because normally if that's missing or broken it'll tell you. This just happened all of a sudden today, for no apparent reason. The laptop was dropped some time ago, which caused the CD drive to fail. I didn't have any other problems with it after that.

I really have no clue why this would start happening all of a sudden, but maybe you could help me figure out what could be causing this problem/what needs to be fixed?