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General Category => General Talk => Topic started by: ClownyBlueBox on May 22, 2011, 05:39:46 pm
Hey I want to eventually take the LSAT here in the coming months and am wondering if any of you have taken it. If so, any tips??
A friend of mine took the LSAT's and he seemed to have a lot of fun studying for them. Supposedly it's all based around logic puzzles and thinking rather than hard facts to be crammed. He would always be playing around in his LSAT study guides for fun and would share questions that he found particularly entertaining or troublesome.
Steel was prepping for them and used to talk about some of the word problems :(
from what i've heard, you should probably get an LSAT prep book (from Kaplan or one of those other good publishers) and just keep practicing!
What is the LSAT? Is it the test to get into law school or whatever? Or is it the US's LPC equivalent?
BUT WHICH!? Yes isn't a valid answer to a multiple choice question!
BUT WHICH!? Yes isn't a valid answer to a multiple choice question!
gosh faust think outside the box, you'll never pass the LSAT that way...
law school isn't really the best idea ATM
I don't know much about it but I know there's TONS and TONS of threads on SA about why law school is a pretty bad idea.
i'm intrigued: why's it such a bad idea?
This is the thread most people link to about it on SA, I read it a while back because what the heck why do I have that kind of time in my life what is wrong with me
Yeah, I would suggest like already having a position lined up before doing like FINAL SOLICITOR EXAMS or whatever the LSAT is. I was doing a Law Degree (TWO YEARS I GOTS A DIPLOMAS INSTEAD ;_; ) before I totally dropped it and opted for the much more FUN Literature route, but I had a job sorted out before I even began my degree. In these MODERN TIMES, like nothing except for MEDICINE is a totally stable and guaranteed better life for yourself.
That said, I'd sooner put all my eggs in the 'Law' basket than I would like pretty much any other profession.
I read it a while back because what the heck why do I have that kind of time in my life what is wrong with me
lol i have this line of thought come into my mind at least once daily
i'm intrigued: why's it such a bad idea?
It's a lot of really hard work and a horrible job market to come into. Same goes for MBAs but those aren't as difficult and life subsuming as a law degree. this was last year and from all I've heard, it's just getting worse.
some people get law degrees with the specific intention of never going into law. i know of one guy who started a game development company using functional programming as soon as he got out, and know of someone else who intends to be a magazine editor when he finishes. might be a waste of time, idk. i am feeling very jaded about the university system in general at the moment.
some people get law degrees with the specific intention of never going into law. i know of one guy who started a game development company using functional programming as soon as he got out, and know of someone else who intends to be a magazine editor when he finishes. might be a waste of time, idk. i am feeling very jaded about the university system in general at the moment.
Unless you are getting a free ride to law school why in the world would you spend this kind of money for this?
This explains it all you have to read no further then this post
Unless you are getting a free ride to law school why in the world would you spend this kind of money for this?
The short answer is social capital, I think. Granted, it's probably easier to justify in countries where the government provides interest free student loans and tuition fees are lower than the US. Isn't something I'd do personally, but it seems to have gone okay for those that have done it.
Yeah, when I was at uni the cost was 1k per year, regardless of the course, plus student loans here are that whole "you will never pay this back, it is a small tax on future income" so it wasn't too bad. I mean, taking a 10k loan to enter a career where you're paid like £120 an hour doesn't sound too bad, but that's if you're both in the UK and connected to a firm initially. I mean, especially as I paid like £6k for my postgraduate shit and am now only earning £25 an hour (only used in the sense of comparative to lawyers and shit).
If you're in the US and paying like 50k fees (I have no idea it is a big guess) and where apparently lawyers earn less, it'd probably take some SERIOUS THOUGHT before jumping in on it.
BUT like if the choice is between getting a Law degree and like NOT getting a degree at all, or going to uni vs going straight into bottom rung service industry or retail type work, then definitely the degree is the way to go. Even if only for the fact that it buys you at least three years of lessened responsibilities and "growing up" and shit. I wouldn't trade those years I spent at uni for like anything man.
I see all your points, but isn't it just badass to be a lawyer tho?
Just like Phoenix Wright!
I see all your points, but isn't it just badass to be a lawyer tho?
Oh totally and incredibly, and INDEED just like Phoenix Wright! I imagine it's one hell of a rewarding career. I did a lot of work experience with family when I was going to be going into the profession, and if you're involved in Criminal or Family Law then fuck yeah, it can be exciting as hell. During the LLBs (Law degrees) here though you also have to study CONTRACT LAW, TORT, CONSTITUTIONAL LAW, PUBLIC LAW, LAND LAW etc though, which are much less fun. Overall though, it is pretty badass.
Don't get me wrong, the only reason I didn't go into Law was my own failings, lack of dedication, and general laziness. In actuality it wasn't like I decided "THIS ISN'T WORTH IT" or anything. I just fucked up and decided to take a much easier route. If you're going for it in a big way then good luck man, I'm sure you'll find it a brilliant career!
I see all your points, but isn't it just badass to be a lawyer tho?
not really
I see all your points, but isn't it just badass to be a lawyer tho?
for 99% of people no. most people don't get to be phoenix wright. most people get to be Paperwork Man.
Well yeah, but it totally depends on the type of lawyer you are and the Law you go into. I don't know how the US system works, but here if you've chosen to specialise in Criminal Law then that's the law you get to do.
And hell, if you become a BARRISTER here as opposed to a solicitor you're pretty much exclusively like Phoenix Wright, arguing shit in Crown Court. Solicitors and legal executives do all the paperwork for barristers here.
I mean if you've specialised in Contract Law or Land Law though you are pretty much Grade-A paperwork man.
Well yeah, but it totally depends on the type of lawyer you are and the Law you go into. I don't know how the US system works, but here if you've chosen to specialise in Criminal Law then that's the law you get to do.
And hell, if you become a BARRISTER here as opposed to a solicitor you're pretty much exclusively like Phoenix Wright, arguing shit in Crown Court. Solicitors and legal executives do all the paperwork for barristers here.
I mean if you've specialised in Contract Law or Land Law though you are pretty much Grade-A paperwork man.
What makes you think that Captain JustGotOutOfSchool is going to be fighting for justice in terrible murder cases? That they won't still have to spend hours upon hours studying ridiculous tiny details about their cases before going into court? That (at least in the US, not sure about UK) they'll even get a job? That last one is a big one, there are very very few job opportunities for lawyers in the US right now. They also have some of the highest cases of depression in any profession, and are the sort of job that leaves very little time outside of work. There's no time to go have a burger with Maya, Faust.
overarching phoenix wright metaphor has so far been very successful in this thread
was going to post objection.swf with variety of real life boring objections but i couldn't find any because they were all to boring to be posted on the internet.
That is terrible news: burgers are the only things that get me through the drudgery of working!!!!
But yeah, Captain JustGotOutOfSchool will probably be dealing with people who've committed really petty crimes. My uncle has been practicing Law for like thirty years now, and he deals with cases like "THE MYSTERY OF THE THREE GUYS WHO FILLED THEIR CAR UP WITH PETROL AND DIDN'T PAY" and "THE CUNNING CASE OF THE BIG FAT MAN WHO SOLD POT THEN GOT A SMALL FINE WHICH HE PAID FOR WITH HIS DISABILITY MONEY".
Considering that murders aren't even THAT prolific a crime here and shit, most Lawyers spend their days dealing with pretty lame crimes. Even so, they still get paid more than me, thus I am filled with ENVY AND ADMIRATION. Just like I am for warlords and arms salesman and shit.
PS: I am talking about the getting a job thing for reasons I have no idea - even in the UK I have NO idea at all how hard it is for lawyers to join a practice - like I say, I had a job lined up since my first year of Law and shit so I was never going to have to even research how to get one. It might be really fucking hard here even to be a Solicitor - I don't know. I mean, I know Barristers have to find someone to study under and pay them money, so I guess you have to be pretty privileged and connected before just assuming it's all going to work out.
Oh yeah, they earn a lot of scratch though if they're successful! Plus I know that like my whole family is DISAPPOINTED in me for failing, so I guess the career has a little prestige. Way more than being a teacher anyway, where working class people admire you whereas middle class people see you as like a SERVANT and shit.
Faust: Arbitrarily capitalising job titles since 2001
prosecuting attorneys are functionaries of the most racist and largest gulag in history & are what many lawyers aspire to be
every lawschool grad i know has a horrible substance abuse problem
There's a HUGE culture of cocaine abuse amongst Barristers and QCs (Queen's Council) here. Every few years we get a BIG STORY or a TELL-ALL BOOK published.
But, then again, there's an enormous culture of drug abuse in this country in general anyway. It's rare to find someone who doesn't get totally out of it on one form of narcotic or another. Just most people stick to things cheaper (and more effective) than cocaine.
Somewhere in that SA thread I think there was a link to a study about how lawyers have some of the highest cases of substance abuse too, not just depression. Lawyers sound they aren't havin' too much fun guys.
but think about the money. it's a possibility you could earn a lot of it!
have you considered being a private investigator who smokes cigars and looks and acts like mr. white in reservoir dogs and ends up on an episode of 20/20 or 60 minutes or whatever those murder shows are I have no idea instead
actually if you're thinking about becoming a lawyer you should probably just do it. what else are you gonna do? what are you even good at if you're looking to become a lawyer? having personality disorders??
lol really?
i don't know what i'm going to do after all this bullshit university stuff is through. i've never really thought about becoming a lawyer, well not seriously anyway. i half like the idea of being one of those guys always walking around the city always in a sweat trying to keep a bunch of dummies out of jail and being a pain in the butt of assholes doing it for money. like the opposite of saul goodman on breaking bad but with the same disreputable way of doing business. i don't think i want money.
but then i think nah that sounds crap. i'm doing an arts degree, and it's not going to be much use for anything i want to do and i don't even really know what i want to do anyway. i think i used to, but that could also have just been teenage perspective making me think that. although this was only a year ago, and i'm 22. which is maybe basically still a teenager.
i can't seem to post at all without it turning into an lj post.
I seriously thought about going to law school and I had only one reason for doing it. I wanted to defend people. I wanted my own private practice and I wanted to choose people to defend and fuck with the dirty ass cops in my home town. I wanted to take my lawfirm business cards and track certain officers and leave my cards to all of the shady ass case files I could find and charge a ridiculously low rate to get victims of their bullshit halfassed policework off scott free if at all possible. Then after doing it and building up a name for myself I wanted to run for council or mayor and then cut the fuck out of their budget so they couldn't even afford a fucking beagle as a K-9 unit.
I would totally be able to do it too because I figured by the time I had gotten ready to go to law school I would have already established myself financially and wouldn't have anything to lose but the degree.
Then I thought about how much stress it would be, how much paperwork I'd have to do, and having to look at and fuck with those disgusting ass people everyday for possibly the rest of my life so I think I'm gonna stay with the sailing thing for now.
just read that sa topic will ya.
just read that sa topic will ya.
yea i never thought much about bein a lawyer but i certainly wouldn't anymore
I still deliberate it sometimes. When things get really stressful and shit, I think "HEY I MAY AS WELL GET PAID MORE FOR SHIT". Then I laugh and shrug it off, aware of my own limitations and apathy concerning personal progression.
I am trapped in a prison of laziness, which is why my days often revolve around punctuation and formatting (FUCKING DON'T FORGET THE ADDRESS AND CORRECT SIGN-OFF YOU LITTLE PUNKS!!)