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Amazing update.
I was praying for more stages with either non-passable walls or ceilings. I guess breakable walls is good enough, though I hope that Zelda's castle stage comes back with that underground ceiling.
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I'm doubtful that Pichu will make it back. Marth too. If either of the Melee FE characters will make it back, it'll be Roy, because Marth looks crazy (fag) similar to Ike.

But then again, Lucas looks crazy (fag) similar to Ness, so if Ness is in, why not Marth.
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I would have assumed Ness is still included, based on the update, but I hope that's not the case.
Sakurai specifically named Ness in the update, whereas, if I were replacing a veteran character, I probably wouldn't flaunt it.

R.I.P. Ness.
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If Lucas is replacing Ness, he had damn well better have the best move in the game: PK Thunder.

2 characters for such a small series seems too much for me. I'll probably end up the only person that doesn't like Lucas.
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Cpt. Falcon in 90 minutes.
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Also, if they're going to promote that Sonic is in the game, or even announce it, basic marketing knowledge implies the importance of him being on the cover.

Also, I'm going to put my bets on the idea that this is a temporary image. Turns out Mario Galaxy and a few other games were using temp. official images too. I don't know anything about the subject, but I'm assuming this is a common, to allow the developers more time on boxart while preorders can begin.
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Btw Bowser and DK aren't on the "Box" either... Same with Snake and Zelda, and Diddy Kong...
You see where I'm going with this.

DK, Bowser, Snake, Zelda, or Diddy Kong aren't big enough characters that would sell more of the game if they were on the box. If Sonic is in the game, not putting him on the box would be a huge mistake, just because so many people will randomly see the box and say "ooohhh Sonic is in it? I'll buy it."

I thought the same thing about Sonic & Mario olympics, and I'm doing my best to ignore that game, but I'm hoping we can count on Saukrai to include the #1 most demanded character in his fan polls. I'll be really upset if we get characters like Geno or Ridley and not Sonic.
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I hate to be a bad-news-betsy, but if Amazon's Brawl boxart is accurate, Sonic is probably not in the game.
I think we can all agree that Sonic is a big enough character to make it onto the box, especially for marketing purposes. That said, either the boxart being used for preoders is temporary, sonic is not in the game, or sonic is a hidden character.
I highly doubt Sonic is a hidden character, as much as I doubt Sonic would be included without being on the cover, but god almighty let's hope.
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Pyramid Head... imagine his grab.


He grabs you by the tits and rips your skin off, while Mario, Kirby and the others run screaming into the church!
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That news topic is awesome. Makes me happy just reading that much.
I don't have a wii either, I plan on buying one later this year, because frankly, I believe SB will be good enough for a 300$ purchase alone.
I'm not buying it if Sonic's not in it, I'm so sure he will be.
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i was really hoping PT's final smash would be summoning that god pokemon from diamond/pearl or something rather than just ULTIMATE ATTACKS but oh well

I agree, PT would've been one of the best characters in the game if he had summoned a fourth pokemon for his final smash. I had Aerodactyl stuck in mind for some reason, but I was secretly praying for Dragonite, Rayquayza or something.
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Regardless, the icon thing is still there, which is convincing enough for me, since the other games with trophies and items don't have their own icons.
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Well, after seeing that last update, I'm pretty disappointed.  PT had a lot of potential, but his smash is exactly what I would've expected.

I do like, however, that they added that little "it's super effective!" in there.
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Animal Crossing Playable Character

Someone at Smash world figured out that each of the playables has an icon next to their title on the character pages.
Each of the icons has this url: http://www.smashbros.com/en_us/images/icon/world_b_XX.gif
Replace the XX with a two digit number, between 01 and 18, and each of the numbers represents a franchise, one of these being Animal Crossing. That's why a lot of people agree that an AC character is probably included.

Also, here's a link to a topic in SMash World forums, where they have a translated Japanese interview with the AC creator, where he confesses to an AC character in the game, and his descriptions make it sound a lot like the protagonist from said games.

Edit: God, I am way too far into this.
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Wow this topic got hostile and unappealing real quick.
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Arthur would be fun to see. I'll be glad if they don't overload the game with sword users though.
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Looks like maybe the Dojo could be doing character updates on fridays now. I hope at least, since we've gone weeks before without anything but stages and items to tide us over. C'mon Cpt. Falcon n Ness.
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After playing Justice for All again (Pheonix Wright) I noticed that underneath the CAPCOM logo, it says "Licensed by Nintendo". Does this mean Pheonix Wright isn't a technically a third party character? Cause if he's not, I'd put money down on him being included right now, seeing the games' success in Japan, and the growing popularity in US/Europe.
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I'm hoping that when Sakurai said there were no more clones, that he meant there is only 1 of each character. WW Link/Dr. Mario/YoungLink/DarkSamus/ZeroSuitSamus/etc... would all make great alt. costumes, sure, but there's no reason they couldn't use the slots for original characters, whether or not they be from the same franchise.

The original smash bros was cool because it was 12 characters coming from different games to duke it out. Melee was good, but it lost the "legends of nintendo" feeling, and became more of a way to please fans of certain games, for the most part, Mario and Zelda.

Mario's/Zelda's popularity aside, Brawl has the opportunity to regain some glory, but it won't if they decide to focuson cashing in on the bigger franchises' success.