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oh man.....if there is a Chrono Trigger remake on the DS i'm going to fart with joy.

maybe thats why sqenix gave all those cease and decease letters to people making remakes of CT, because they themselves will be doing one! FFIII, FFIV, CT.

ok most of my post is false hope but IT WOULD BE SO COOOL

Hey look Brown from February 14th, you win!
  • lauren's givin head
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Yeah, I knew that the Joker was the main villain in the movie. Towards the end though, is he a villain or anti-hero? Roger Ebert says that he only goes after the bad guys after he starts to become Two-Face?

If a response to this spoiler worthy, then tag it and I'll read it. I wouldn't want anything that spoils the plot or not. I'm simply wondering if he's a BAD DUDE by the end of the movie and all that.

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Sonic looks pretty bad ass with that glove and sword.
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idk man. maybe he did, but i thought

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i just got done watching this movie again and it was still epic. i lose.
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yea thats what ive been thinking but i would need someone who knows what theyre doing slash professional because a really long time ago i thought it was a good idea to installl linux, then i decided i didnt like it and just like downloaded some random program that just deleted it off my pc, but the partition remained in limbo and it fucked up all my bios. thats why everytime i start up my computer it boots up to a gnu grub input screen and i enter:

unhide (hd0,0)
hide (hd0,1)
rootnoverify (hd0,0)
chainloader +1

and i know that by heart now, its pretty much permanently engraved in my head since ive been doing it for around 3 years now. soooo... formatting my computer with all this unresolved shit and fucked up bios would probably lead to some even worse shit that i dont think i can get out of.

also i called it quits, since i really wanted sp2 to work i tried getting help from you guys to see if i could fix it but i started it up in safe mode and just restored to the point right before i installed sp2. sadface.
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this movie is ridiculous. i dont care if heath ledger was alive or dead, its real good. the acting is top notch, you get grabbed right from the beginning. no introductory sequences or anything, you're put straight in the middle of the action. it also is very realistic, as in if batman and crazy villains existed, this would pretty much be how i would picture it happening. it's just and awesome movie, action packed throughout and even filled with some tear jerking momemnts. i recommend the shit out of this movie, but that's just me.

there was also a trailer for watchmen in this movie and it was pretty cool too.
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probably KFC
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If it's that then, since i got it like 4 years ago. hollah.
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uh the install takes around 40 minutes but ive tried it multiple times and it never works.
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i booted it it up in safe mode, it worked, uninstalled a few things. the violent blinking is gone but the taskbar/desktop is still unresponsive

Recently, everytime I load up my computer, log in under my user name, Windows loads up like normal, with one minor difference. The start button, taskbar, and system tray are all completely unresponsive. My cursor turns to an hourglass whenever it hovers over any of the aforementioned. About half of the normal icons in my System tray are present, so it seems as if it all half-loads and then somehow just freezes. Through the task manager, or desktop icons, I can still do everything as normal, except windows don't show in the taskbar, etc - as it is frozen. The windows key is unresponsive also.

Searching on Microsoft's support, they said to disable to SSMP adapter, which I did to no avail. Hoping others might have some ideas.

I've already loaded up in Safe Mode (with the taskbar working) and run Lavasoft's Ad-Aware, the VX2 Add-On for Ad-Aware, Trend Micro's CWShredder, Norton Anti-virus, and defragged my harddrive without any change.

It seems to be a start-up problem. I also don't think it's a hardware issue so much as software; given that it seems to work fine in Safe Mode.

this is exactly my problem, found it on google but with no answer to it. yea.
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i did get sp2, and thats whats causing all of the shenanigans described in the first post. (different problem now.)
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the main problem is itunes cant work with my ipod because i do not have the newest version which doesnt work because i dont have windows sp2.
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yea... how do you format the ipod nano? i searched on google but to no avail.
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the new ones don't come with the cd or anything. they come ready to go. and i wouldnt want to format it, to have it not work and then lose some of the music i no longer have. if no other alternative pops up ill try formatting it.
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I have the newest ipod nano, the little tiny ass silver one. there was an upgrade available on itunes for the nano so i decided to do it. then when i tried running it on my itunes it said it couldnt work because i needed to upgrade to the newest version of itunes. i tried the update button and it said no new update was found. i was mildly dumbfounded, it said i needed itunes 7.6. then i searched online, found it ,and downloaded it. i decided to install it but then... DUN DUN DUN it said it requires windows service pack 2 in order to work. me and windows service pack 2 dont get along. ive tried to install sp2 multiple times but all it ends up doing is nuking my computer. so that means i cant update my ipod with new tunes. so that was the story and the question is pretty simple.

is there a way to revert your ipod to an earlier update? kind of like the way system restore works on windows or something. thanks.

Okay so here's the new problem, which is a tad bit worse. I managed to upgrade my drivers and shit and ended up installing windows sp2 again. it worked! yay! oh wait, now the problem is that whenever i log into my windows account, and everything starts to load. once i do ANYTHING the desktop becomes unresponsive and the start bar/menu/everything else including icons and shit on the desktop start blinking, on and off. nothing is responsive and the only thing i can use is firefox. i managed to get into firefox because when i installed windowsblinds(talk about it below)i can hit buy and it pops up firefox (since i am using the trial version). i can try to get into files by putting "c:" in the firefox link bar and stuff. ctrlaltdel doesnt work. i cant get into windows restore because my start bar doesnt work. i am not entirely sure if i can run programs via firefox but i tried downloading the new stardock custom bar shit or whatever because i was using an old one and thought that was causing the problem and it actually let me install it/restart but it didnt do anything but make the start bar look pretty while it blinks violently. ok, that was pretty much all the info i collected so far. help please.

extra bonus, i can access ctrl alt delete if i dont touch anything and can browse through it using only the keyboard.
when i get kicked off ctrl alt delete (when i do anything on it, like end a program etc) it says "windows prevented 'run dll as an app' from running"
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well, wanted is based off a comic book and it is awesome.
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i dont know if this antiracism or racism or w/e but if given the choice to fuck between an equally attractive black girl and a white girl, i would take the black girl merely for the fact that she was black. i dunno what that fits into.
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that is pretty much the most embarassing video i have seen in a very long time. i actually was embarassed for all of those grown people and how retarded they mustve looked in front of tons of reporters, especially when nintendo's lineup was pretty much dogshit.