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I mean...  unless you are making a fan game or something like that , which is what I am doing.
But even if you are making a fan game , the rips should be customly edited to improve onto the design .

And why do people use  overused music or midis?

I heard a zelda song on a dragonballz game  ​
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lol   true.

now i remember why I was always yelled at when I was 10.
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how big is your friend or how crap was your mouse for it to break when they sat on it?

well he's not really my friend.

He is just a ten year old who is my Mother's boyfriend's son.
btw hes 73 pounds.

I still don't understand how he broke it.
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It makes me wonder how many features his RPG banks have.  Interest, overdraft fees, money market, checking and savings, ATM, debit...
Loads of things.

If I went to an inn and bought it , I could affect the economy by changing inn prices.
Or if I destroyed a farm by catching everything on fire or poisoning the farmer , people would starve to death , and so I would add or subtract a variable from the population of X town.

It's really amazing what I could do with banking and such.

In my opinion , banks are the most simple , yet can be the most complex , considering that everything revolves around money and the needs of the people.
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They are so cool.

Just plug a super Nintendo controller into the adapter , and then plug the usb adapter into the computer , and you have yourself a snes gamepad for pc.
And if you really want to see something cool , then download JoyToKey Ver3.7.4 . With Joytokey , you can use any joystick/pad as a keyboard or a mouse.
If you are playing WOW , hotkey WASD to your snes controller . I tried it , and I added a few buttons , like "B" for Jump.
Sometimes , I like to use my snes controller as an mp3 player , with programs like winamp.
My mouse broke because my friend sat on it , so I had to use my snes controller as a mouse.

You can even use your snes controller with rm2k(3) games.
Or you can load up a rom on your favorite super nintendo emulator , and you can go back in time.

Does anyone else have super smart joy?
What would/do you use it for?

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hey man this is definitely not the first time you've suggested this. what stopped you from making it several months ago?

Suggesting it is different from asking how to make it.

I could have sworn Jesus never claimed to be God, as that would be blasphemy. And besides, I have a hard time believing that God would just decide to make Himself mortal, do a few miracles and preach to His followers, and then have Himself killed... You can't -kill- a deity.

It's not blasphemy to say that you are God. It's blasphemy if you are lying about it.
He most certainly does say he is God.


It's hard to copy and paste everything on the site. Im using a snes controller as a mouse , with smart joy and joy-key , because my mouse broke.

If you raped a 13 year old , would the judge let you go if you said "Judge , I am Sawwy"?
If God is a good judge , he wouldn't let you go for saying "sorry" .
He gave us a lawyer , Jesus Christ , who took our sins into his responsibility.

If God is ALL knowing , All Loving , All powerful , and All righteous , then Jesus makes perfect sense.

I hope Richard Dawkins slams this awful game.

You mean the famous biologist that believes aliens seeded life on Earth, only because someone proved to him that 1/100,000^1,000,000,000,000 is the chance of non-living matter to turn into cells?

When I wrote this thread , I knew religious or anti religious posts will be posted , but I didn't want that.
If you want to debate religion , read the bible.
If you want to debate atheism , read "The God delusion"
But if you want to discuss games or game making , then don't bring those debates here.
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Banks a relatively hard to make.

I've conquered almost everything there is to know about rm2k(3) , but I still can't even make a cinematic scene.
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What do you mean?

Like paralleling Bible stories with real life events?
Or having moments in a game where it makes connections with biblical themes (Little timmy goes to Israel to find God but battles evil Jewish ninjas that have stars of david , instead of normal ninja stars)?
Or maybe something about a church?

I  was  thinking about making a game that inspired , taught , and was fun , yet is also based on the events of the bible.
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Then I quit Gaming world because of certain personal problems.
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correction, i DEMAND you make a game about scientology  :fogetangry:

Sorry...   I am not a big fan of science fiction games. Aliens and stuff makes me feel sick , because of that damn movie I watched with my brother , and it had an alien playing Tug of war with a guy's intestines.
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It's based off of the book of Mormon  :( .

I'm basing my game on the Hebrew Bible or the Christian new testament.
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LOL  as far as Canadian law goes , I must be a pretty good person.
I download material that would be considered illegal in other countries , but it's legal here in Canada.
If I lived where JMickle lived , then I would probably be jailed quickly.

The sample game wasn't part of the rm2k program.
RM2k was translated and illegally distributed around the world within a few months , and it became part of our culture.
In fact , Gaming Worlds was based off of rm2k. Just ask any member who has been around for a long time.
Don Miguel attached a game to RM2k , which was part of his creation.

Going by your logic , everyone here should be jailed , because they either downloaded a rm2k(3) game or distributed it.
"Don's Adventure" wasn't created by Ascii or Enterbrain.

Why is this such a big ole fuss?
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JMickle , "Don's Adventures" is a game created by Don Miguel.
It is the sample game to rm2k , but it wasn't created by the people who made rm2k , so you are allowed to safely LEGALLY distribute it on the internet as you please.

just saying.
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Allen Hunter , it was a reptile with arms and legs , which was also probably bipedal , so it isn't a snake.

What gameplay mechanics will be involved?
Battle animals to help Noah get animals onto the Ark?
Keep Jesus from being assassinated before his death on the cross?

Has anyone played "Sunset over Imdahl"?
You get through the game by figuring out clues.
And honestly , it was the best rpg game I have ever played.
Perhaps I could do something similar with a great bible story.

And maybe I could add economy , considering that economic issues were a great deal back then.
A time system might be left out , because it would be frustrating to have to do something in a certain matter of days.
Banks are definitely , a must.

Allen Hunter , yes I am making a game about the bible .
Do you have a problem with that?
More than 20 times , Jesus says that he is God.
I am just making a game about what is historically accurate.
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Ok.    I am making the ark..  It's awesome.

We will see how it goes from there.
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Yea well...   Real life sucked hard.

I needed some space from all of these things called "people" , so I came back to GW.

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This is  clocktown from The Legend of Zelda: majora's mask.


I was just wondering if anyone would like to help me make a remake project or a sequel project , because I have no ideas.

All other maps besides south clocktown are frozen in time.
If you want to go to south clocktown , you will risk having to spend a few minutes waiting for the time to reach 8:00 in the morning.
So unless you want to see the clocktower , I suggest you not go into south clocktown or else you will need to wait on time.
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I made an ark chipset..

I might fit some bible stories into a single game.
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Honestly , I have played bible adventures for nes , and it completely sucked .

Is there any way I can make a great bible game without it sucking?
an rpg perhaps?
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I wanna play Don's adventure though.

Can anyone give me a download of the game?
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