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The full version of the game may gather a tad more attention, but only time and patience will be able to show me that. It will take a while, but I am still going to complete the game using these graphics I've made. They ARE simple, yes, but they are simple in a bad way... that is good! Only real way that I can word it.
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Even if XIII didn't acquire it, I still love the music that it has (especially the three final boss themes and the regular battle theme).

Anyway, I just love the look of this game, Lil Vivi. I could care less that it is a fangame or whatnot; go and do what you want, as it is yourself that you will need to please the most in the long run. Not that many people take an interest to my games anymore, but I still churn them out because it is just so fun.

The style you have going, as well as the music that you have showed us and given us a sample of all looks and sounds great. I will definitely try this when you're able to release a demo!

Other than that... that is about all I can say! I just wish you the best of luck with this, and hope that you are able to complete the game in the future.
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  • Angel of wavering tides.
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Well there is a demo up, so you're very welcome to give it a try if you're up for it. I haven't really gotten that much feedback yet, so a bit more would be nice.
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Well I can't really put it any other way. And I found all of it on the internet already. A lot of the sprites and such were given to me by Kentona, and I found a good few of the chipsets online. The monsters were taken from rpgclassics.
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I have many nude models, yes.

Anywhoo, some feedback of the gameply would be good if you got it, people!
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I used GraphicsGale to make the sprites and the chipset.

Also, it just takes a lot of time. Anyone can finish a game as long as they take their time and just work on it when they want to.
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Nope. Never made a bit of it. The sprites are from DW/DQ, while the monster images come from Lunar for the SCD.
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I just really do not like any other look other than black with what I'm trying to go for here. I've experimented around a bit, but the others just do not suit my fancy. So I guess this will be one of those not verl well liked things! Oh well. Doesn't mean that I'm not going to finish it. =B
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@Immakinganaccountk: Exacta! There shall be none. And I'm up to... 6? I think that's right.

@EvilDemonCreature: It is awesome, actually. I love it. I love everything about it, and that definitely includes making it! It is just so fun to make these kinds of graphics. However, the graphics are also what is stopping a lot of people from playing it... and so I do not gather very much information at all about the gameplay/how balanced or difficult it may be.

@Evil Pikachu: You don't need to like it. Not everyone is going to like this, and I knew that as a fact ever since I finished DF II.
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Like Final Fantasy? I guess. I don't think many of the names are very close to any of the Final Fantasy name's I can recall, however... other than the title, which just takes Final Fantasy and Dragon Warrior, then presses them both together to get my not-so-original title.
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The art is "negative"? In what way? Oh, so you mean it's bad? I was going for bad. Bad in a good way, of course.

Light? There's going to be no light in here.
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Basic Information:

This new entry in to the Dragon Fantasy series of RPG Maker games brings the series back to the good and nostalgic times of the Nintendo Entertainment System... and to a time before even then! With 80%~ custom graphics made by myself, Origins is aimed to emulate a fusion of the old Ultima games and Dragon Warrior. Also, as in the 2nd entry in to the series, Origins re-introduces the Class-Selection system! Also, unlike before, you can now choose the class for your Hero, too! Want to have a party made entirely of Priests? Then go right ahead and be my guest! Any combination is available to you.

The story behind this game is pretty much non-existent. I have to tell all of you this now. Unlike in most of the other titles where there may have been some grand plot with semi-fleshed out characters thrown in to the mix, Origins is a simple as it can possibly get (within the Dragon Fantasy universe). The driving-force behind the character's actions and the reason you are sent off on a grand adventure is as follows:

-A curse has been placed upon the land by the Dark Mage, Vlad, and it is turning people in to hideous monsters! It is your job as the hero to gather together a band of worthy companions and venture out in to the world to put an end to Vlad's evil plot.-

Character Class Information:

The Dancer is a fairly agile fighter that uses a variety of Dances to inflict status conditions on to her foes. Most of the dances at her disposal, however, merely target a single enemy.

Equips some 1 and 2-Handed Weapons.
Equips Light Armour.

Musician's are beautiful artists whom use their voice to sing many songs to aid her allies in battle. All of her songs target a single ally/enemy.

Equips some 1 and 2-Handed Weapons.
Equips Light Armour.

Elementalist's wield black magics to summon elemental beasts to the battlefield to obliterate her enemies. All of the Elementalist's spells are aimed at a single target, and she is granted a single spell per-element.

Equips some 1 and 2-Handed Weapons.
Equips Light Armour.

The Priest utilizes his holy powers to heal his comrades in battle.

Equips some 1 and 2-Handed Weapons.
Equips Light Armour.

Combines deadly poisons to create deadly mixtures that disorient and disable enemy groups. All of their mixtures are aimed at entire enemy parties, but their abilities come at a fine price (Both Gil and MP-wise). However, the Hexer does wield a majority of the more deadly status conditions.

Equips some 1 and 2-Handed Weapons.
Equips Light Armour.

The Sage conjures powerful elemental-based storms to decimate enemy groups. All of his spells are linked to a single element, and they also target enemy groups.

Equips some 1 and 2-Handed Weapons.
Equips Light Armour.

Dark Knight
Dark Knight's utilize black magics to weaken their enemy's magical and elemental defenses. His abilities  target single enemy units.

Equips some 1 and 2-Handed Weapons.
Equips Heavy Armour.

The Warrior wields their swords to channel magical energies and break their foes defenses, and also inflict certain status conditions. His abilities target single enemy units.

Equips some 1 and 2-Handed Weapons.
Equips Heavy Armour.


Demo Download:

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  • Angel of wavering tides.
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Few more from Dragon Fantasy: Origins.

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  • Angel of wavering tides.
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Some more of the custom stuff:

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Some chracters that I have been working on! They're for another old-school game that is sort of loosely based off of Ultima and those type of games. It will still be Dragon Warrior-like, though.



Not really any sort of IN-GAME screenshot, but it's still something to show. I'll have them in a map in due time once I've made the Chipset.
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Oi. Also, I forgot to mention this last night: The demo is supposed to end once you meet up with Fasia and defeat the first boss.

Short, no? Yeah, that's mainly because I only started developing it not too long ago, and I made this demo to put in to RMN's Release Something Day event. Still, don't be worried or guessing (or whatever) about the download size and such, because the full game will not be all that much bigger.
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There. Now I've gone and got a better (WORKING) version up there.

Sorry about that, though. It was the one thing that I missed.
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  • Angel of wavering tides.
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Why does something like this always happen...? This is more than likely from me reducing the number of empty item/monster/etc slots just before uploading it to reduce the space a tad (after deleting all of the un-used MP3's and such).

Oh well. I'll be back shortly.
Check out Eternal Paradise, my latest RPG Maker 2003 project, over at RMN!
  • Angel of wavering tides.
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A game made to look like an early Nintendo Entertainment System game, but feel much different. Dragon Fantasy: Venaitura will mix the old and the new to form a whirlpool of oddly pleasant emotions that you did not think possible from such a creation. So while it may share its graphical style with the games of old, every other aspect is linked to other ages and their corresponding gaming systems. As an example, this game will feature an NES graphical style, but then take on Sega CD-level monsters on top of a PlayStation-level sound track.

Who knows, you may just like it! I know that I do.

"The Dragon's Fantasy comes to a conclusion in this installment, with the very fabric of reality its self being jeopardized by the appearance of the Hero of Old.

When all of the dreams become one, the gate will open, and the truth revealed. What this truth holds is unknown to all creation, but the result of being witness to its knowledge is cataclysmic.

The end is near.

-As seen on the Game Page's description at RMN.

The final tale that will conclude the Dragon Fantasy series of games and finally explain the meaning behind the multiple worlds within its universe begins with young Gerald and his 86 year old Grandfather, Zaggus. The pair eventually meet up with their long-time friend and fellow villager Fasia, and finally a middle-aged swordsman going by the name of "Pinnik," who claims that the soul reason he has taken up the sword and ventured out in to the world is due to a compelling and mysteriously magical dream he had one night after having fallen in to a deep sleep beneath a statue of the Goddess.

The four friends are plunged in to an epic tale that has woven their very existence in to the fabric of time, and are pit against a force so malevolent and evil that its presence could jeopardize the entirety of reality its self.

Traditional, ATB encounters make their appearance once again. As in the previous installment in to the "Venaitura" games, enemies are viewable on the field, triggering encounters only if your player character is touched by one of them. The battles will also take a more strategic approach down the line, and will become exceedingly more difficult in correspondence to the amount of resources that have been given to the player and characters. So while the beginning of the game may be fairly easy, that is going to change once the project nears the end-game.

--Screen shots--

--Demo Download--

Check out Eternal Paradise, my latest RPG Maker 2003 project, over at RMN!
  • Angel of wavering tides.
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Wowza. Holy hell that's one LARGE map. Bwa ha ha! But it still looks great none-the-less! That styel...I don't know, but it looks familiar. It doesn't really look line an SNES game, but more of a...I don't know...more along the lines of Lunars Sega CD look.
Check out Eternal Paradise, my latest RPG Maker 2003 project, over at RMN!