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Yeah, Carius is dropping out.  He has some problems he needs to deal with, and can't participate.

Oh, well.  I'll hop on tomorrow and Brawl some people, anyway.  Been a while since I fought a human...although the CPUs are usuallly more than tough enough.
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Victory by default...should not be my destiny.

Maybe I should fight S4D's former opponent?
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Interesting setup...that final match sounds a bit confusing, though.  Might it be easier for the final three contenders to fight each other all at once in a free for all?  First player with 3 victories takes the whole round, maybe?
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Oh, God...Sarhan's in it, now!

I'm glad to hear Elkalo's mom will likely be all right, but best of luck, anyway!  People dumb enough to drink and drive need their little red wagons fixed.
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I would be DK, i forgot to post that. Also, Halibabica, is that you're real name? That would be pretty sweet.

No, Libby isn't my real name.  It's more like a nickname for my screen name.  Someone on eBay called me that, and it stuck (though I prefer Hali instaead).

Also, I look forward to trashing you all. :fogetsmile:
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Who's halibalica?  If that poser thinks he can stop me, he'd better think again...
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First in line!  Unless the previous entrants carry over.

Sign me up, I'll be using Mr. Game & Watch.

My Brawl tag/code:  "LIBBY" 0645-5438-6224
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Hmm, regarding submissions, will a person who submits something be told if it's accepted or rejected?  And if rejected, will they be told why it was denied?

And yes, I am curious of the state of my recent submission.
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Yeah, wasn't there one small one left in his brain and lung lump #2 still to worry about?
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This is truly a great day for GW.
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Wow, some diseases just don't know when to quit!

Good luck, Steel!  Hopefully this isn't too big of a problem!
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It was something like this, but animated:

I have more of a problem with sexual overtones than nazi ones, so dok gets my vote, too.
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It's not so much that these functions are useless, it's that the circumstances under which they'd be used are so limited, they might as well not be there at all.  I can see how some of these might be used occasionally, but others I just don't get at all.

The most interesting use of Trade Two Event Locations I've seen was in a game called Yume Nikki.  What they had was an event that looked like this weird creature that would teleport away from you and reappear someplace else when touched.  They set it up by having an invisible event in the same room as the creature that moved about randomly at maximum speed.  When the creature was touched, it switched places with the invisible running event, making its teleportations perfectly random.  Thought that was kinda neat.

As for the article, well, I was expecting something better.  Kinda weak, to be honest.  Top 10 lists need more substance to work, especially if they're supposed to be funny.
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I just realized how ambiguous the topic title is.
Yeah, when it was changed from "I have cancer," I had to look around for it.  Maybe it should be "I have cancer, but not anymore" or "I HAD cancer."
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Mine are all these old hand drawn pictures from a time when I was into making Pokemon cards out of things that aren't Pokemon.  I change it every half a month, but the style stays the same, so people don't get confused about who I am.  And yes, I know my art is an eyesore.
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02 from Kirby 64.  Nobody knew what it was, but it got quite a few compliments.

Oh, also...

i want to make a " :gwa: " pumpkin

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Steel's Cancer Adventure?

Just throwing out ideas...
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Sorry, I know the survey isn't exactly perfect, but I'm kinda stuck with it.  The other members of my group are using the same one, so I couldn't change it without nullifying all their results.  We're also on something of a tight schedule, so we don't have enough time to make alterations.  Good advice, but I can't use it.
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Hey, everybody!  I'm doing a survey for one of my college classes.  If you could answer this bunch of questions for me, it'd really help me out.  There aren't that many, and most of them are just a number from 0 to 5.  Also, if you're not comfortable disclosing your age online, please just PM me your answers.  It's important for the statistics and whatnot.

Now, for each one, just put a number from 0 to 5, 0 being strongly disagree, 5 being strongly agree.

1. Censorship is necessary.

2. Freedom of speech is necessary.

3. The current censorship laws should be more strict.

4. We need more censorship.

5. America needs more censorship.

6. Censorship is effective.

7. Censorship in movies has increased.

8. Increased censorship in movies is needed.

9. Censorship in music has increased.

10. Increased censorship in music is needed.

11. Censorship in cartoons has increased.

12. Increased censorship in cartoons is needed.

13. Censorship in television has increased.

14. Increased censorship in television is needed.

15. What do you think might improve censorship? (optional essay, for instance, suppose a universal rating system were employed)

16. What age group are you?

a. Under 18
b. 18-29
c. 30-39
d. 40-49
e. 50 and up (psh, yeah right)

Feel free to talk about how you feel about censorship, too.  Hope you all can help!
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This is what happens when I try to fathom the unfathomable.

I still don't see why God would consider all our problems "his problems."
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