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To give it an ''olde touche'', yes. Gramatically it will be today's English, but with a few olde words. That's all. It shouldn't be something like correct language from Shakesbeer's time. It will be today's English with and old touch.
I don't think touche translates backwards like that.

Hundley is right, though.  If you don't know what you're doing yourself, then it won't turn out well.  If you simply want Middle Engrish in there, then simply throw in some words.  If you want it to actually sound like Middle English, then you're going to have to have a clue about what you're doing.  Not knowing what you're doing is the number one cause of completed video games just absolutely failing -- the gameplay won't matter, the story itself won't matter, hell, the graphics won't even help if your game is misguided and most of it is obtained through using a translator, even though I'm certain none exist.

If you want it to turn out good and actually strike the older feel that such a use of language should, then you just have to know how to do it yourself.  Honestly, researching a topic like this wouldn't take a long time -- You should already know what the words mean, the only issue is grammatical structure, which is maybe a single days worth of reading, if even that much!
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And as such, the menu is essentially entirely done.  The only thing it's missing is the ability to discard weapons/armors/accessories (since you're somewhat limited in capacity) and I'm considering how to go about this.  Otherwise, the menu is done!

Oh.  I'll get to work on darkening it now, but let me know what you think and if it looks laggy or anything as is.  There is some lag due to recording (as always).
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Works fine except the fact that when ever i move the cursor the hero moves  :mad:
Either use autostart events or set four invisible events on eee~verymap that surround the hero when you call the menu!  (Or control all of the hero's movement through the event that calls the menu!)
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Continuing work on this, I couldn't get the effect I quite wanted due to 50 picture limit, so this is what I came up with!
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Includes the skill screen now, although apparently I forgot to show that you could sort Magics/Skills.  I've now set it so that menus will bind to a maximum size -- such that, if you have 3 items (display will show 7), it'll only scroll 3 slots.  I've also taken into account items "disappearing" after they're all used up, so I've, essentially, made my menu controlled dynamically instead of statically, all of the limiting parameters are adjusted while in use, instead of before/after.  You can see this in the Passive/Ascended skill screen, when selecting the final skill on the list, the cursor is moved up automatically, and all blank space is automatically filled.

Also, try clicking it to play it on youtube, since that'll be closer to the actual size of the game, and if it's still hard to read there, I'll go ahead and adjust it.

I also switched to the non-winter forest, so it's not a mindfuck of bright colors.
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I do agree, I think the Old King is the hardest boss in the game, and at that, the best boss (as far as a fight perspective goes.)  However, the end of 5...-4?  Was by far the most epic.
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There's not enough contrast between the text and the background. It's hard to read
Once I finish the menu I'll move the game over to my laptop, since it has a brighter monitor, so it should be easier for me to see how light/dark it is.
(I could also just add a menu-darkening thing to the config menu)
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Beat the game you guys do know there is an evil ending to witch BTW gives you more souls I think 200000
I don't recommend doing that until subsequent play throughs, as getting the good ending lands you a Soul to learn Soul Sucker.

I, no offense, find it kind of sad that you manage to get hit by Soul Sucker... it has like 5-10 seconds of "casting" and you have to be in direct melee contact when it ends to actually be effected by it...

Also, you'll find that 200,000 souls is really not a lot (it takes me well more than that to level up >: )
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Working on the equipment window (finishing this means menu is 100% complete, as I've spent an entire week trying to provoke any possible bug I could think of through the other menus, and I did manage to find and preemptively destroy some!)

Since I'm stuck with the 50 picture limit of RM2k3, this is as detailed as I could make it, but hell, it shows what the stat changes will be, so it's fine for me.
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That sword is super good. I love it. Although, you're really exaggerating with 350 attack power. It's not even nearly that, and even the strongest weapon (in terms of sheer power) isn't 300.

That said, I haven't gotten invaded once yet during my first playthrough. I did invade people like 3-4 times but they gang up with blue phantoms for a 4v1 fight. :(

I can't wait til I beat the game.
There are definitely weapons with > 300 attack.  Perhaps not base weapons, but my +5 Crushing Great Sword has well over 300.
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The real fun of this game is after you beat it the first time and you get invaded repeatedly.  After my first play through I fought, oh yes, 10 player phantoms in the first base, one after another in near seamless sequence.  I also had something like this in 2-1, fighting about 6 guys in a row.  I've been through it maybe 4 times, and I have a level 230 character, but once you get that high PvP becomes kind of... well, imbalanced.  HP growth past 50 vit is dismal (51-99 vit = 400 total hp like what), and the S-Class weapon bonus makes your weapons way too powerful.  Most of the time I get invaded by pushovers that die in one or two hits, but sometimes I'll get invaded by someone that'll one-shot me with hard to dodge magic (homing soul arrow).

Also, if you want a -hard- NPC Black Phantom, Scirvir in 2-2, pure black world tendency.  He's hard.  I currently use a +5 Crushing Great Sword... holy shit, it has REAL high attack when you get 99 str! <3  Up until then, though, I used the Northern Regalia, with Pure White soul tendency for a nice 540 Attack Power.  +5 Dark Silver Shield, Old King Doran armor set, and, for pvp, Eternal Warrior Ring + Ring of Avarice (hey, phantoms give TONS of exp) or, if they're strong, Thief + Graverobbers ring.  lolbackstab.
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@ Jaffer - It is great to see that you are still working on this Jaffer (I have not seen your game for awhile now). Anyways, the grey menu kind of catches me as a bit on the dull, and boring, sides; however, other than that, it is actually very impressive! Everything works good from what I saw in the menu; it looks nice and clean! Great job!

Ah, I want to finish this project as I am now actually learning programming, so it's essentially a vice... Just finish the damn thing before a permanent switch.

And yeah, it's fairly dull, but it accomplishes what I need it to (quick and easy to use, allows to organize items, magics, and skills for the CBS I have planned.)
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More Menu playing.  I found a little issue during the middle of testing so I had to cut out the EQ/Skill screen.  Bug shouldn't take long to find, but I had done a lot of interior work on the game, formula-wise mostly, just testing out the stat growth and EXP change mostly, and making sure the time would auto-update during menu view.

And it all works, so, happy~

I also figure showing a video would be more... purposeful than showing screen shots, 'cause it's all functionality baby.
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Issues I'm seeing:
Lots of trailing cursors that don't erase (Battle, Blacksmith, etc)
If an enemy evades an attack and then uses certain skills, it'll show them "Evade" again (ex: Bat's Drain skill)
Critical modifier is too much (hitting 600+ at level 3 is a bit excessive I believe)

It's pretty fun and pretty pretty, I'm enjoying it, but there are some graphical issues, and in my opinion, your formulas seem a bit too steep.

Edit: 'kay, you really need to reset the hit/evasion back to default every time a character takes action.  I just dodged Healing Light (and consequently died).  That shouldn't happen.
Also; heal doesn't work in the menu (magic heal, items work fine).

Edit++: Got to the ship, and now I get a Stack Depth error.
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Just playing around with the organize+auto-sort and item usage stuff.

Oh, I've missed "coding" so much.
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That message box made me think "Persona 4" so fast.

And that smile is... pretty annoying. >:
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Some things I'd suggest doing;
Add a button to delete selected units
Increase the transfer capacity of cargo ships (I had to run about 15 of these to keep up with Planetary production, and that caused a fair bit of lag)
Decrease the regeneration rate of reactive armor a little -- with 3 ships I was capable of out-healing a whole wave of '5'.
Make it possible to increase your... star thingies.  It seemed a bit low (4 top class warships taking up all your units is painful)
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Consider changing the color, so white text isn't on light gray.
Will see about it.  Dark monitor so it's hard for me to catch things like that!  I believe I'll also be adding a function in to darken the map when the menu comes up for extra visibility.

Trying to keep this simple since I'm working alone and I wanna finish the project~
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Oh, I remember when the Modulus command made people confused...
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Complete lack of artistic vision but strong coding prowess:

I just started working on it today so it'll do all the variables and displays, now I just have to make functionality.  Woo.  and lol at test map.
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