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Got a vidya fo' y'all.
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Not a whole lot of new stuff to show off for Mega Man +1, despite having made tons of progress over the last few days (getting screen scrolling to work), but I thought I'd at least post the game over screen, since I haven't shown anything in a while.

And yes, I do have a password system completely written up, just not coded yet.
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I've decided on a title for my Mega Man game.  Mega Man +1.  Instead of naming it Mega Man 11 and then renaming it Mega Man 12 when 11 comes out, I use this title to always stay one number ahead of the canon series!

That's not really what I'm here to post about, especially when I finished the rest of the special weapons!  You can see the first one (Luck Dealer) a few posts up.

Heavy Boulder
Earned from Boulder Man

Drops a large boulder straight down, which shatters when it hits the ground.
Weapon Energy Cost: 2 units

Static Burst
Earned from Balloon Man

Fires a balloon that slowly floats up, and when you press B again or it hits the wall/ceiling/ground, it explodes in a burst of static electricity.
Weapon Energy Cost: 1 unit

Arctic Hail
Earned from Arctic Man

Large chunks of ice cover the entire screen, doing multiple hits on all enemies.
Weapon Energy Cost: 7 units

Toxic Drip
Earned from Toxic Man

A glass orb filled with acid travels forward very slowly, dispensing eight drops of acid consecutively.  Though it's a mere drop, it is immensely potent.
Weapon Energy Cost: 4 units

Inferno Twister
Earned from Inferno Man

This is a fast-moving tornado that rips through enemies like they weren't even there.  However, it disappears after dealing damage six times.
Weapon Energy Cost: 3 units

Slash Barrier
Earned from Katana Man

Two swords rotate around you that absorb bullets and destroy weaker enemies safely.  Pressing the B button again will fire them both outward.
Weapon Energy Cost: 4 units

Tidal Pump
Earned from Tidal Man

Throws a super-concentrated bubble downward that erupts into a huge pillar.  Not much range, but it deals damage quickly.
Weapon Energy Cost: 2 units
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Don't think there's anything like that in there, sorry, but in case you are doing 2 sprites for each animation (like walking left and walking right) then I suggest centering the x origin on the sprites and rotating them using image_xscale = 1 (-1 = reversed). That way you only need 1 sprite for each action, it saves a lot of time and headache.

Yeah, that's what I was doing.  I know enough from my 2 years of Game Maker experience that flipping sprites makes shit so much easier.
And on the subject of palette swaps, I just went ahead and recolored all of Mega Man's sprites for each weapon.  It took a while, but it looks awesome now.
I even got special weapons working somewhat.  Weapon bars are fully functional, I just need to actually make the special weapons now.
You can even have a screenshot!

Still gotta worry about ladders, though.  Not looking forward to that at all. Ugh.

btw Supra, that is awesome.  Kinda reminds me of Banana Nababa.

EDIT: New screen here!  The first special weapon!

Luck Dealer
Earned from Deal Man

Throws a random card forward quickly.  Rarer cards deal more damage.
Weapon Energy Cost: 1/2
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Making a Mega Man fan game, to celebrate the coming of Mega Man 10.

Currently Working:
Mega Buster
Life Bar
Energy Refilling that works exactly like in the original games
Rush Coil

Still to be Implemented:
Special Weapons
Special Energy Refilling
Bosses (Robot Masters and Fortress Bosses)
Stage Select
Title Screen
Palette Swaps for different weapons (If anyone knows a better way to do this in Game Maker than making extra sprites for every weapon, let me know)
Ladder Climbing
And much, much more!
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Just showing off some new background clouds.
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@Hima - Nah, brentalfloss (http://www.youtube.com/user/brentalfloss) is the only one.  Maybe I'll add a few more cameos though, but I don't really know yet.
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After a long break, I'm back to working on my game.  I just finished a new enemy.  He's pretty much a Sniper Joe from the Mega Man series.  His sprite's supposed to be based off brentalfloss, that one awesome guy from Youtube. >_>
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I haven't posted a screen in a while, so here you go.  It's a water attack that summons a wave.  Also, I only need to make 5 more attacks before I can get really started with levels and bosses.

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Every weapon has three attacks: A ranged, charged, a melee attack.  The melee attack can only be used when you're completely still.
This screen shows off the fire melee attack, a burning fist with no knockback, but incredible damage compared to the falcon punch.  Its only downsides are its short range and long windup/cooldown time. (17 frames of windup and 15 frames of cooldown, running at 60 FPS.  Might not sound like much, but it is in an action-based game.  And the attack frames last 10 seconds, making the whole attack take 42 frames, or 0.7 seconds.)

And on a related note: I only need to make 10 more melee attacks, and then I can finally start working on the cutscenes, levels, and bosses.  Y'know, stuff that makes it more than a tech demo.
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It's a game I'm making in Game Maker, and plan to sell.
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Just thought I'd show off my latest enemy, Snobloah.  It knows nothing more than to blow snow at anything that crosses its path.  But it's SO DAMN CUTE.  Right?
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Oh good god gosh.  That is a big file.  *downloads*
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You could try to learn how to use Game Maker instead. >_>
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Awesome, people like my menu. :D
I've never played Iji, so I wouldn't know anything about its interface.
My menu is, as SupremeWarrior pointed out, inspired by Mega Man.  Actually the whole game's inspired by Mega Man.
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NAME: Pandora
HP: 23,400
STR: 75
DEF: 42
MAG: 200
AGL: 25
EXP: 15,000
GOLD: 10,000
ITEM DROPPED: Unsealed Box (look inside it for a random powerful accessory)
Elegant Light: Heals some HP.  Chance: 20%

Light Beam: Moderate light damage, may cause blind or sleep. Chance: 30%

Curiousity: A counter starts at 5.  Every time Curiousity is used, the counter goes down one.  When it hits zero, she opens her box and uses one of the three below, which resets the counter to 5 again.  Chance: 50%

World's Horror: Very powerful darkness based magic attack on one character and causes stun.  Chance: 60%

World's Despair: Powerful darkness based magic attack on all characters.  Also reduces MP to 0. Chance: 25%

World's Sorrow: Moderate darkness based magic attack on all characters that causes sleep, silence, bind, or slow.  Also does some damage (around 2000) to Pandora. Chance: 15%
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The pause menu is finally done, and completely functional.  Here you can switch weapons, use a power crystal to restore your health (which lowers your stage score by one rank), and check your lives and crystals (100 of which creates a power crystal).  And if you're good at doing the maths, you'll see that there's room for a total of 15 weapons.  And there will be 15 weapons.
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And here's Mr Weird Guy with another screen from another game.  No, this is not a mockup.  It's an actual screenshot of a working game.
Features included so far:
HUD have !
Weapon Shot!
Collision Detection!
Parallax Backgrounds !
And much much others!

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So apparently Indie Game Maker isn't compatible with 64 bit operating systems. ._.
Well, they say they're working on a compatible version, so hopefully those of us that can't get it running won't have to wait much longer.
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Why is the guy so big compared to his surroundings?

I just didn't want to draw any other enemies his size. >_>