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I've been playing Shadowrun on the SNES all day. I'd never played it for more than 5 minutes prior to today, but it's fucking AWESOME. I don't even know why. There's a shitload of grinding for Skill Points, the battle system is pretty much ass, the story is like an amalgamation of every Philip K. Dick novel ever and I think it's about impossible to know what to do without a walkthrough, but for some reason I've played it like a solid 5 hours today.
Then I'm sure you will be glad to know(if you didn't already...) there is a Kickstarter for making a new Shadowrun game. A full blown RPG, not that FPS shit for Xbox. I'm a bit more interested in the new Wasteland game, but this sounds like it will be pretty awesome as well.
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shit, I did not know about that. Now I'm not playing kotor2 till I get home to download that. I don't understand why they didn't already do that officially, its been years. Whatever asshat decided to scrap the kotor series really needs to lose his job.
Unfortunately, Lucas Art, the extremely poor company it is, told Obsidian to release the game early. And given they weren't willing to wait till the game was finished, they probably weren't willing to pay for a patch or dlc(to be fair, at that time dlc and patches on consoles were new and not built into most games, but that excuse doesn't work for the pc version which was released later I believe).
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The writing was arguably better, it's just they cut a lot of content prior to release and it shows. Well worth a play though.
There is a fan made mod that includes a lot of the stuff that was remove from the game(fortunately most of it was still on the disk).
Actually got it myself a while ago, have yet to actually play through the whole thing though... Need to get on that.
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I'd like to try it out, though my PC is kinda shitty so it may not even work... but if you don't mind potentially wasting an invite:
deadfenix3 at gamil dot com
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what was this?
This is why some of our later patches actually removed content from the core game (e.g. Primm). Even though we had balanced the memory footprint for the core game, DLC content was pushing down the available resources.
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they better fix that shit cus that game is awesome. I like it way better than oblivion theres more shit going on and narrative interactions which is what I hated about oblivion.
Not sure what Jamie is talking about exactly, but someone from Obsidian did mention that due to the way the gamebyro engine was built, the saved game problem is pretty much impossible to fix(and if it can be fixed, it probably isn't worth the time/money to do so), else they probably wouldn't have removed an entire town from New Vegas. The actual problem is that the game saves almost everything in the game world you move, including the tiniest objects you probably didn't even intend to move on purpose. By themselves they don't mean much, but after a couple of towns touching everything, your save game file size explodes.
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I'm breaking da rulz here, but I'm going bring up a game I'm not playing(partly because it won't work for me =/). It is called Hatoful Boyfriend and it is a japanese dating sim(you can get a demo for free and there is an english patch available) in which you play the one human girl in a school full of birds. I could try to explain more, but I think its best if you just read this Let's Play on this site: http://www.quartertothree.com/game-talk/showthread.php?t=67529

And take make my post at least somewhat on topic, I started playing FO1 again and hopefully I actually get around to beating it this time! Seriously I must have tried at least 5 separate times before... usually well before I can actually beat the game something horrible happens(irl) and I am forced to start over.
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Is there any kind of multiplayer in that? I watched TotalBiscuit play it some and it looked pretty solid.
Oh yeah, its all about the multiplayer. Has up to four player co-op online. Apparently you can do split screen and online co-op together though I haven't tried it out yet and I heard later on the PS3 version will be able to play with PC players and possibly even people playing the game on their phones(360 version is left out of whatever reason it seems).
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Been playing a lot of Dungeon Defenders on steam, lots of fun and all the classes play radically different so good amount of re-playability too.
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just imagine what Bioware would do with the millenial fair... or the court trial. all the choices and decisions you could make... paragon or renagade, shep- er crono?
I really like this idea actually, maybe not necessarily Bioware part, but I could imagine a game where Crono has to decided between saving the world from lavos while doing minimal 'damage' to the time stream(the paragon) or taking out lavos while also changing the past to try to make the world a better place in the present(the renegade).
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I'm probably the only person to suggest playing FFXI, but you might want to find people to play with first, though in the last year or so they've made it a lot easier to level up and such, so while you may have trouble finding a party(until you find a decent LS anyways), you shouldn't have too much trouble actually leveling solo(compared to how it use to be back when I started). 

As for FFXIV, though I haven't had a chance to play it myself, they've been making a lot of changes to it, with much more to come, including a battle system revamp(auto-attack is being added I believe) and the addition of Jobs on top of there Class system(basically after leveling a Marauder you can quest to become a Dark Knight).  And until they are sure the players are completely satisfied with the game, there will be no monthly fees.

Also Star Wars: The Old Republic game is not canceled though it has been pushed back once or twice.
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Tried out Space Channel 5, its harder then I thought it would be since I you have to time you movements with the beat alone and I pretty much have to have scrolling arrows/color coded buttons to do this shit. Hopefully a little practice is all I need though.
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I personally spent a lot of time with Jet Grind Radio, Sonic Adventure 2(for some reason I loved playing Sonic's last level and the final boss fights over and over) and Rez, which I'm surprised hasn't been brought up yet. I've also enjoyed a couple other games that have been mentioned(including all the ones in the op), but those ones are the first ones to pop into my head.
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Just beat portal 2, pretty great. I want to play co-op but since i'm a dirty pirate i don't think i can without going though some ridiculous shit...
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Today was patch day so that's why the server was down.
Also, Shen is best played as a tank, possibly even as a jungler if no one better is doing it.
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Just spent about 2 hours+ today trying to train a Gyarados and teach it Dark Pluse(had to pick this up since I skipped it the first time I went though victory road... with pokemon more then ten levels below the random pokemon in the area) with the one TM79 you get in Platinum(only had one level 19 Bronzor to start since I already moved all my other pokemon to Black and I was on the other side of the map) so I could breed the move to a Hydreigon, only to realize mid save the Gyarados I taught it to was female who can't teach moves though breeding.
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Whose is playing on what server(and what faction)? I played solo in the beta, don't think I'm interested in doing so  again, so I'd like to actually have some people to play with this time if it all possible.
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Picked up the new champ and the first real game i try him in my game crash and tells me i'm missing files and have to reinstall... as a bonus this this is going to be the first game i ever leave :\
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Started playing again(though i had only really stopped for about a week or 2) name is
its Level 30 though i have a account i made during beta thats at level 1 that I forgot about if anyone lower wants to play with me without getting put up against other level 30s or just wants to smurf I guess, name is
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Been playing the demo of Spacechem on steam, its a really good puzzle game with fake chemistry!
Here's a trailer:

You can also upload your solutions directly to youtube(here's my horribly inefficient one from the level 1 of the third planet):

you can get the demo here http://www.spacechemthegame.com