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I had this happen to me, but I believe it was because my ear had swollen shut.
 I did some research at the time and learned that sometimes, if the fluid builds up, the ear drum can burst (which sounds pretty harsh.) I'd talk to your doctor about that if it is still even a problem, cause that'd suck.
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I recently got MSN Plus because I was sick of [c=3] in peoples names and whatnot, and all it did was fuck up my messaging program (MSN, obviously.) and as a result I am searching for a new one, alot of my friends use several, and I don't talk to more than one anyways. I was wondering what programs other people use? Do you use email instead? Opinions? Wrong Forum? (probably.)
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wow this is very wrong. this will refresh your local ip from your router, however it's not going to change the ip your ISP gives you.

 Im glad you corrected me ... As I mentioned, I had no idea if it would work.
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I think you can use IPconfig to change your IP... Not 100% on wether or not this will bypass a blocked IP, but its worth a try. Entering command prompt then typing /ipconfig, then /release, then /renew SHOULD change your IP. I'd do some research if possible because I don't know if I got this correctly, been a while since I used it.
 (Someone else could correct me if needed, also.)
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Thanks a bunch Macubex, I'll see if this helps. Since questions have been answered, this can be locked, if needed.
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Well, it's a bios password then, what exactly do I need to do to get this fixed? Do I need to send it in for repairs to the manufacturer specifically? (I already DID this and it came back with a bios password, wonderful..)
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I know I don't, or rather never, post here very often, but I have an issue with my Laptop that I've been looking for help with:
 A while ago my laptop was crashing randomly and upon reboot it would have lost all the sound drivers, any attempts to re-install etc were futile, my modem would not work either; A week later everything would be all better (quite peculiar, I thought). Then one day it just straight up and left, operating system and all, booting resulted in a black screen. Fans were working and all, I could hear them. I tried connecting an outside monitor to no avail.
 Now its been repaired but a password is required to boot up, I've been told it has been caused by a password on a piece of hardware itself, could this have been caused during repairs? The shop claims to have done nothing involving a password.
 Is there a way to bypass this without knowing said password, or do I need to replace the hardware (I've been told that a piece of hardware is "passworded" I don't consider myself a "techie" so I can't really tell if this is valid or not ... )
 If it is something else please let me know.

 My laptop was an Acer, by the way, if that's relevant at all.

 (Help would be greatly appreciated...)
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my names not on there jerk. I poured my sweat and blood and pre into working on it.  :fogetcry:
Don't wanna waste all those bodily fluids, I guess i'll add you. :fogetnaughty:
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cover your room in mirrors
wedge your bookshelves between your bed and the wall and put everything you don't often use on the now unaccessable shelves
And on that note, mirrors make a room look BIGGER, try putting a few mirrors in. (It won't be feng-shui'd if you sleep facing one of them, though! But yes, lighter colours and mirrors make a room look bigger. (While writing this post I misspelled "Mirrior" at least 5 times. :rolleyes:​)

 And I didn't download the program because I have dialup. :fogetshrug:
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Hmm, shall we vote on a "contest winner" or just keep photoshopping? :D

  EDIT: I added a poll, i'll keep adding names as people submit, of course. Ok, VOTEVOTEVOTE. :gwa:
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 Oh, my.
 When I first saw that picture I wondered where the girls face was, it fits too well.
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Wow, bonehead for #1 photoshopper? Also, hilarious.
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Suppose I don't have much to say, I don't follow politics or anything of the sort because its all useless to me.
 But Hilary is a slut lets hope she doesn't win.
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I have lots of issues with macdonalds (mcdonalds? Seriously, I still dont know which spelling is correct.) But I had a worse experience at Swiss Chalet. (Giant hairs in my drink, sharp plastic in my sundae, you suck SC!).
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Um, you went a little overboard if I do say so myself, climbtree.  :gwa:
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The one with the drag-slide selection was the best picture I could find, just use Catslacks unmarqueed, and you know what i'm going to use that one if you dont mind.
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I figured what everyone needed was to give a random internets person a makeover.
So get out photoshop or paint and you could win!
 The prize?:
 The satisfaction of knowing you've won? Thats the best I can do.

 Thanks to Catslacks for the one without the dragslide. Heh. :shrug:

 (Also I know im relatively new, but who cares, ok go.)
 (And, for more brackets, I figured this belonged in General. So if it doesn't, I apologize.)
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Hmm, I did something of that sort with a glass of water.
 Was making hot chocolate, thought I had put it in for 9 minutes. Went upstairs and figured I'd come down when the microwave beeped - I don't recall what happened exactly. Im assuming the water was very hot though. (What that shatter a mug?)
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You can't expect us to feng-shui such a small room! Theres barely room for a living room (i'm assuming its a living room.), everything should go - thus making room for a broom closet, move things to a bigger room = feng-shuied!
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