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why couldn't it have been vince offer?
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That's called a rebound, son.
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Good job jumping the gun, guys :)
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I voted for 16, but now after reading through the article on Wikipedia I see that both answers would make sense, but -16 would be correct. I never learned the proper order of operations, I suppose. I just assumed that -4 was accepted as only that, not -1*4. Or something.
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Man, so far this game is great. I absolutely love the graphics and the music is awesome too! Awesome work.
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thin girls are not allowed on these forums

this is not thingirlworld it is gamingworld

welcome to gamingworld enjoy gaming
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He died the next day.
I know that, I'm talking about when/if she gets an actual husband that's recognized by law. Probably should've worded it better.
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See, leukemia isn't that bad after all.

That's pretty sad. I'm kinda with everyone in that I hope this doesn't screw her up though. I'm pretty sure it won't, but if her next husband dies early then uh that could be pretty bad. I'm glad she had the heart to go through with it though, that's a pretty great thing to do.
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I've considered naming my child Preferred Customer.
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It's just business. Nobody's saying, "We need to mine this ore so that some kids can play video games," they're saying, "We need to mine this ore because HOT DAMN IT'S BIG BUCKS!" It's pretty gay when people try to shift blame to eachother by taking stuff out of context.
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Even if Frankie doesn't win, I'm still prepared. Burgers are the new frontier.
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When I was growing up I was pretty different - I never liked GI Joes, superheroes were boring, cartoons were uninteresting, playing outside was uncomfortable, and being dirty was absolutely terrible. I was always much more interested in video games and the computer and stuff like that. You would think that I would listen to a lot of music with such an empty palette of activities to choose from, but the extent of my musical taste was video game music and techno. In fact, I hadn't casually listened to a song with lyrics until I was 11 years old!

Well, all this changed when I turned 13. Before then I didn't really have a favorite artist or genre, and at the time all I knew was that I hated rap, country, and metal (although now I love metal, older country can be kinda good, and I've discovered that not all rap is annoying gangster rap). As strange an occasion as any to get into a band, only a few days after having a pretty traumatic breakup with my first girlfriend, I began to listen to Radiohead. And I was instantly hooked. I loved their sound, I felt comforted by some of their painfully depressive lyrics, I was amazed by the creativeness and oddness of some of their songs, and although his singing was rather shit, I couldn't get enough of Thom Yorke's voice. I immediately began to buy and download every song of theirs I could get ahold of, and any song I couldn't get a file or CD of, I would listen to in constant rotation on Youtube. Even to this day I am a huge fan of Radiohead, and I can honestly say that they have hugely contributed to my behavior, views, and musical taste.

And then I came across Porcupine Tree and now my life is complete.
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Oh wow, you were Cronosim? Hahaha, nice.

I'm... I'm Jyoakuto... I mean Jyoaktu... Joyakuta Kurymai... Jayotuka Korayumi...

You know what, fuck it. I'm actually Clucky. Please don't ban me, I've changed!
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Why are some of you guys getting worked up over people sharing things? Seriously, lay off, it makes you look like a bunch of assholes. I'm not gonna share any of my personal things because I don't want to, but if people feel like doing it I don't see how that is a bad thing.
Agreed. If somebody wants to share something personal, than by all means they should be allowed to. It's extremely asshole-ish to criticize somebody for sharing about themselves in a topic (however bad it may be) that is dedicated to such a thing.
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Holy shit. Wow. I've never really been like that (granted I'm still a young'un). I've dealt with on-and-off depression for the past few years, but I imagine it was just a teenage thing. I've been putting an effort to stop being depressed just recently and I haven't really had any suicidal thoughts or anything like that for the past few months so that's good. But uh yeah, nothing nearly as intense as your experiences!
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Oh wow where did this come from.

Carius: Yeah I kinda gave up on making lots of games. It's really just SRA and small little pointless things not worthy of being released. But yeah I also remember talking to you on MSN a lot.

Craze: I'm glad you thought I was mature. Yup, I'm just a wee lad. Oh, and that's a candle next to me on the giant footstool. It does kinda look like a jar of milk gone bad, now that you mention it...
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you know I don't ahve spell check plugged into my browser (I know Firefox does) and besides If I wanted to spell correctly I wouldn't be online. Anyway I do take the creative writing seriously.

Just noticed the spell check thingy...
Then slow down typing and actually look over your post. This is a bulletin board, not a chatroom. :)

Anyway, with the unimportant stuff aside, welcome to GW! Enjoy your stay.
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Your bullshit religion is not a science. Therefore, it should NOT be taught to children as such.
Man, chill out. Of course religion isn't a science since it can't be proven, and anybody who says otherwise is an idiot. So no, it shouldn't be taught in schools. But you don't need to go and attack somebody else's beliefs, however ridiculous they may seem, just because you disagree with them.

The dent is, we have evidence that evolution exists. There is no evidence AT ALL for ID.
That's exactly why it's a belief, and why it shouldn't be taught in schools. People are entitled to believe whatever the hell they want until there's proof that stands against it, in which case it's just ignorance. There's nothing to disprove most religions, so people are entitled to believe them.

Anyway, I personally think this is pretty cool. I'm Christian and do believe the universe was created by God, but I also believe that he created it through the big bang and evolution. The Bible also never talked about how long the actual creation process took, so I have no doubts that evolution and whatnot were part of it. There's too much evidence to say that evolution is fake, but I also find it hard to believe that there was no form of intelligence behind the design of such and absolutely amazing universe.
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You're 22? Sure fooled me. Act your age.