• lauren's givin head
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ps you guys waiters are like some of the most consistent people in terms of JUDGING BASED ON RACE so if you are a darkie or an indian or something tip like 25% so they will maybe reconsider their preconceptions.  seriously like, there's a ridiculous ratio of white tables who tip 5% vs black tables who tip 5%; i really wish people wouldn't reinforce stereotypes by doing shit like RUNNING YOU AROUND, THEN BEING CHEAP.

I am a waiter and i really dont consider myself to be racist and i dont mind waiting on tables but I dont judge my tables based on race, i judge them based on how they look. for example, if its a bunch of kids, you are pretty much rolling the dice, in their 40s white/black/brown with a girl who is clearly not their wife, the tip is alot greater. unfortunately with my experience (including yesterday) black "ghetto" people usually don't tip too well, white rednecks dont tip for shit. so i pretty much sterotype the stereotypes of each race and dislike them all equally. rednecks, ignorant. large black ladies, ignorant. brown guys clearly from mexico, not enough money to tip. asian people who do not speak english, ????. but yea, i dont consider myself to be racist because i dislike groups of people not actually any races as a whole or else i'd pretty much hate everyone!
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post more vids, i cant find any :sadface:
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if burgers dont win, i dont think i can ever return to gw. teasing me with those awesome pixel burgers and then seeing them disappear into the sunset might be too much to handle.
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i like cheeseburgers
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i live in delaware so i would go to philadelphia, baltimore, and maybe ny
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each coming month i love the fact that i bought a ds and an m3 real for it. hells yea.
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i want to see that bird in a video or a bigger form, it looks cool i just cant tell what it is/see it's intricacies in that little icon. also, i will probably upload/show mine tomorrow after work.
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ive never played the diablo series but this looks like world of warcraft from an rts perspective (ahah look at this noob saying this looks like wow when actually wow derives from this1?!?!) but it looks really cool and i am digging it. its just gonna be hard playing and seeing the witch doctor do some misc spell that is pretty much fear from WoW (or it is engraved in my mind as a wow spell). Oh well looks cool and i wont have to invest months slash get kicked out of guilds for not being online all the time. sweet.
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the only piece of advice i can offer (living on my own for 3 years now) is turn shit off. it doesnt matter if it's water, lights, whatever; that shit racks up and it sucks. i have come to detest bills with the very essence of my soul. you get one for cable, internet, water, gas, electricity and its fucked up. so yea, turn off lights, learn to love the dark, and dont leave shit on thinking "ah this lightbulb wont use any electricity." also you probably wont listen and youll learn your lesson once you get a mammoth electricity bill on your first month, atleast thats what happened to me. feck.

also thx for the penises!??
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ill take khaki.
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im an oldbie sort of ish but i had to make another account with help of old steel because I got into trouble with my parents a while back for some college essay or some bullshit that i posted on GW. this is the old account, we switched up the name and things just in case i actually got confronted about it again i could have semi-plausible deniability. also with original join date, http://www.gamingw.net/forums/index.php?action=profile;u=35551 . hey buddy!
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Or worse, finding a way to change it some time down the road so there's no more homosexuals. I doubt we'd ever reach that, but I could see some backwards country doing it eventually.

if this happens, gay couples will adopt gay kids which will keep the gays going and the straight couples will either: not care or ELIMINATE GAYS.

also cool. lucky me i guess. so if someones bisexual it means theyre mentally deficient for not being 100% gay or 100% straight? i hope it does.
  • lauren's givin head
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There's two easy ass jobs that are pretty much expecting you to work for short periods of time/summer. They are waiting and lifeguarding. You dont do shit in lifeguarding, you just chill next to a 5 foot pool where people never drown for eight hours a day. It's not too bad, Ive done it a few summers and its extremely chill just extremely boring but you can pull in around 8 dollars an hour doing that. My current job is being a waiter, it is pretty much easy as hell and using tips as an hourly wage Im ranging around 18 dollars an hour for bringing out drinks, food, and smiling. it's pretty easy and the hours are banging. So yea, waiting or life guarding will be the best choice for a summer job. go you.

i also sell adderall for around 400 dollaz a month. not bad!
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Im still on the second act but this game is fantastic. I love the way the cut scenes are handled even though the story so far is a tad over the top. I dont mind the overly long sequences because I really enjoy the sickness of the graphics and the quality voice acting. So far I am not playing this game as a Metal Gear game but I'm not saying that as a bad thing, so far Im playing it as Metal Gear Rambo since I had around 233 kills in the first act and I'm not so far behind on the second act. Also, I didnt know you were suppose to tranq the bosses so Laughing Octopus is currently dead forever. Eh well. Ill probably try tranqing the rest of them or maybe just killing them and then just replay the game in tranq mode.

I also like how you can customize the weapons (aka furthering the Rambo aspect) like adding a silencer, shotgun, and handler thing on the m4. It's banging and this is my favorite MGS game out of all of them. I have yet to try out the online but I'll probably hit that up after I beat the game. Sick game.
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Sorry I know this is kind of late but

Not to be a mood-killer here, but Myaguez is distant from San Juan. San Juan is located at around the northeastern coast of the island, while Mayaguez is at the westernmost part of the island. But still, I hope you get better man.

well when i was little it seemed like a long time but in reality mayaguez is only like an hour and a half to two hours away from san juan, which really isnt that far away. Lots of people travel these distances daily for work and shit, especially if they live in jersey and work in new york. so yea, not too far away at all! also, distance wise, since puerto rico is so little (only like 54 miles wide or w/e) san juan is pretty close to mayaguez and it only takes so long to get there cuz of windy roads and shit. so yea, not too far away!
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If I were you Id just get a DS with an m3 card and just relive some old games. its definitely one of my top ten time killers. that and perkocets.
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i actually owned this comic and few of their 40+ page specials. Super Sonic v Knuckles and Mecha SOnic v Knuckles were da bomb and theres nothing to say against that. i lost them while moving or something, i dunno. it sucked when i discovered the loss. This one was pretty retarded though, dont the little kids have to save sonic or something?
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yea i can do this pretty easily, when i am hungry i "eat" a few things in my head. depending on what "tastes" good is what i feel like eating at the time. i have a whole assortment of favorite foods but depending on the time of day, how heavily i drank, and other assorted variables, defines what is going to hit the spot. huzzah.
  • lauren's givin head
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we talked about you living in puerto rico before dude, we went to SESO POSSIBLY AT THE SAME TIME, how did you forget this.

my dad also taught at RUM, thermodynamics I think.

also what kind of cancer did he have? its uh...I just never heard of EAR CANCER.

edit update: because of my knee, neck, and back stuff, we're going to see the doc tomorrow morning.

yea i remember us talking about it before i just dont remember the going to seso together for some reason. if so, that shit is fucked up. like crazy. now im gonna start searching for seso yearbooks. also i am not entirely sure what kind of cancer he had, i would have to double check with my mom.

i hope you start feeling better, dude. step up the anti-anxiety pills for a day or two to kind of mellow out if you feel like it.