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I never understood why people expect God to make their lives perfect in the first place.  I mean, devout religious people explain it away like "God works in mysterious ways," but do you really think that an all-powerful all-knowing vastly superior being is going to bother micromanaging every human's life so there's no pain or suffering?  Isn't that what heaven is for?

I don't blame God for earthly problems.  It's tempting to think "why me?" and "what'd I do to deserve this?," but I seriously doubt God would go out of his way to help or hinder any specific individual on purpose.
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Just trying to help out...you've gone through a lot already.  I'm sure it seems like the worst has yet to come, and I can only imagine how you're feeling now.

But there's a website full of people here that care about you and think you're going to be all right.  Try to find the strength in yourself that we all see in you, and I'm sure you'll be okay.
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You gotta believe in yourself, man!  If you can be optimistic and think you'll get through this, it could help your chances.  Don't underestimate the power of the placebo effect!
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95% ain't bad for all complications considered.  Think of it this way:  if you had this surgery twenty different times, you might only have a complication once.  And, as you said, not all complications are fatal!

Of course, I'd hate to bet my life on anything but 100% odds, but this is still a lot better than your 50% chance when you first found out.  Don't let it get you down, the stats are in your favor!

You'll be just fine, I'm sure of it.
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GW's here for you, Steel.  Never forget it!
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I'm still waiting for the Smash Bros. event to get started.  And maybe the chess one.  Not so sure about that...
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Pac Man might be good for a high score event as well...

Definitely in this for Brawl.  I'll have to think about the other events, though...my talents are so limited...

I'll do speed run, as long as it isn't like the last level of a really hard game.
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I dunno why this is a bad thing. IMO this is no different than MARIO IN SPACE.
Mario games have always been more about gameplay than anything else.  I thought the idea was hokey when I first heard about it, but the game was tons of fun to play and it didn't matter anymore after that.

IIt looks to me like Sonic team is trying their hands at making various types of games and using Sonic as the figurehead. Aside from really shitty controls, none of the sonic games have been that bad. I think it's hilarious Sonic is criticized for Shadow having a part when we have Wario/Waluigi and other pairs like that.
I think it sucks that Sonic's franchise has been on such a supposed decline.  He's always been one of the cool heroes for me, but everything they throw him in now is just so lame.  I don't know what they could do with him to bring back what made him great in the '90s, but it sure as hell isn't this!  Or, I should say, it sure as hell doesn't look like this.  The game could still be fun, however much the premise sucks.

People keep expecting the same game over and over, but the bottom line is we're NOT going to get Sonic & Tails again, just as we aren't going to get Super Mario Brothers again.
New Super Mario Bros?
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Well...looks like legos win.
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The burgers are too good for a place like this.  We don't deserve the burgers!!!
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I think the legos look best.  The burgers are nice, but having them everywhere would get annoying fast.  If the legos do get used, they would probably be better either stacked sideways or stacked up beside the user's avatar on the left.  They don't work too well just lined up like normal pips.

They also kinda sorta have something to do with GW (somehow), whereas the burgers are totally random.

Why don't we test out each one for a day or two and see which is better through implementation?
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Yes, some vitamins can become too much.  I think it was polar bear liver that has so much Vitamin A in it, you'd die from eating it...
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you are really full of yourself
How so?  Because I'm looking for a challenge?  Or because I'm trash-talking?  I know I'm not the best Brawl player out there, I just love playing it!  Sorry if I came off like a pompous jerk...

EDIT: Boy, did this die fast.  This is why I made a separate thread.
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In Super Smash Bros. Brawl, All-Star Mode pits you against the entire cast of the game with one life and limited healing items.  This is the same idea, but without all the life and percentage restrictions.

halibabica's All-Star Mode

So, here's the deal.  I've been playing Brawl for a good while now, and I finally feel comfortable enough with all the characters to hold my own in a fight with them (with a few exceptions :fogetshifty:​).  Now, I'm looking for people who are willing to take me on as all of them in one sitting.

It's basically 40 matches in a row.  I start as Mario and change characters each match, working my way from left to right on the character select screen (you can be whoever you want).  Each character gets their own stage that suits them best without repeating stages.  Since there are 39 different characters and 41 stages, all but two stages are used.  Here's a list of who I'd be in what order and where.

But, wait!  If there are only 39 cast members, how can there be 40 fights?  Well, the final fight is a random character on a random stage, so you never know what you'll get for the last round.  The only two stages that don't get used are 75m and Mario Bros., but they still might come up in the end...

The matches would all be 3 stock and non-timed.  Items can be on, but if they're on, I'd keep them on low.  Also, with this list, you'll know who I'm being next and what stage I'm choosing for them.  You can use this info to your advantage.  If you don't like the stage I'm choosing next, you can pick a different one and hope mine doesn't get chosen.  Or, if you like the sound of this, you can play along and pick the same as me.  I can't control you, but I'll pick these spots for these characters regardless!

Now, here's what separates this from just a regular batch of Brawls.  With each match, I'm going to be keeping score.  You don't have to win to get points, just K.O. me at least once.  Here's how the scoring breaks down:

K.O. me once:  1 point.  That's nothing!
K.O. me twice:  another 4 points, for a total of 5.
K.O. me all three times:  another 5 points, for a total of 10.

So, if you fought every match and beat me every time, the most you could get would be 400 points.  But, wait!  There's more!  If, by some act of Satan, you manage to K.O. me all three times without losing a life yourself (ie 3-stocking), you get an additional 10 points for a match total of 20!  I'm not betting on this happening, so your score is defined by the 400 limit in spite of it.  It'd be a dark day when someone got an 800 out of me...

When all the fighting is over, I'll post the results here.  It'll include who you played as, where we fought (if any different from my chosen stages), how many points you got in each round, and your end total/rank.  Even if you quit in the middle of it, I'll still post the results.  However, your score and rank will be adjusted based on when you quit.

Any questions?  Or, more importantly, any challengers?!  If you're interested in attempting my All-Star mode, PM me with your schedule so I can pick a time we both can meet online.  Just please remember about time zones, as I'm on America's east coast.  I may also need your Brawl code and name tag, so include those as well.  Also, if you're serious about this, remember:

40 matches x 5 minutes each = 3 hours and 20 minutes.

I don't think every match would take that long to fight, but it's a possibility.  So, keep in mind how early you'll want to start this if you intend on finishing it.  I'm also okay with someone starting where they left off if they had to quit from an earlier try.

I look forward to destroying you all.

My Brawl code/tag:  "LIBBY" 0645-5438-6224
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If Doppleganger's pips win, are we going to turn them sideways like Mateui suggested?

Also, yay, mine aren't completely hated.
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Legos forever...

Hey, today's the day they round up all the pips and make a poll.
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As long as there are Foget smilies, Foget will remain ruler. :fogetlaugh:

I think the lego pips are still the best new ones so far.  They work well, save space when stacked sideways, and still have something to do with GW (even though I have no idea how GW became associated with legos in the first place).
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Yeah, Doppleganger's legos work well enough.  But, we'll see once the voting starts...
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Fools! Simply recolor the DOP (Darkest Oblivion Productions) pips!


Those look nice, but they're a little eye catching.  People have been saying they prefer subtlety in pips (or no pips at all).

I think mine are somewhere inbetween.  I've spiffed them up a bunch since page 2.Even though people hate Foget more than all the rest.

Sunglasses are for mods/staff/admins/people who can change the site.  Red eyes are for banned/banished/pedo/bad groups.  XX eyes are for fallen heroes and ^^ eyes are for Flower Boys.  Everybody else gets normal eyes...thought that would add a little something to it.
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