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This looks really good!
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I wanted to get it at first but I couldn't find transportation and eventually just said nevermind.
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There's a topic on the very same page as this one about geohot recently making a slight breakthrough in PS3 modding but as of yet, no. (or at least not to my knowledge)
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On the note of Earthbound, that link you posted linked to an article I read ages ago about the numerous and blatant classical music references in MOTHER 3. http://cruiseelroy.net/2009/01/mother-3-musical-allusions/.
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I was wondering why Other OS was suddenly removed. Interesting read despite my lack of understand of half the technical terms used on his blog. Will people who previously installed another OS run into problems?
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Can you imagine if this was legitimate? The people behind this sitting around wondering why noone is taking advantage of A FREE LAPTOP when they have a massive stockpile of them slowly growing in the back room.
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How i get ps3?
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Wow, nice! If this is the CMS I can only guess about the overall quality of the project.
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Sounds good in theory but I can imagine it quickly being ruined by 4chan faggotry and people saying what is essentially "LOLDICKS I WIN".
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Nothing because I'm living with my parents while I finish college. After that I'm moving out and I can't imagine I'll find anything cheap near Toronto.
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I prefer worldgaming over sharkwaters LET US DISCUSS
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Edgar is cheap because his tool command can do massive damage at every point in the game.
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Another one when Princess Pain used a flaming surge on me.
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edit: I'm ... sorry.
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I can see why you don't post much

 He said /thread.  :fogetshh:
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Found an error. During my fight with Seth he used his drain attack and there was an error prompt and the game closed down.

edit: I'll try and replicate it and screenshot the prompt.
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If you want to play the demo without downloading it you can find the demo at newgrounds (discovered this the other day). http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/524398
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Earthbound. First!

edit: It isn't out on WiiWare :fogetcry:
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