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I've got a converter that lets me use a PS2, Gamecube, or 360 controller on my PC.

It's really nice, and for the first few months I owned it, I thought it was the best 10 bucks I ever spent on a peripheral for my PC...but it eventually fucked up my PS2 controller to the point where I cannot press left or right on the d-pad anymore (it won't even work correctly on my PS2), so I suggest being extra careful before prolonged use of such an accessory.  Nowadays, I always unplug my controller from it before powering on/off my PC...hoping this cautiousness is enough to keep that from happening again.
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Sorry, Jaabi.  I wish I could have given you a more efficient way to do it, but no matter what, you're going to have a conditional branch for every character/skill somewhere.  :sad:

This isn't bad, though.  It's definitely the way to go for a large and complicated skill system.  :)
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Also, Mineyl, I had gotten camera panning to work with a character running around and nother npc that blocked your path, but it is really not worth the huge amount of work.  Plus, because you have to have the background as a picture, it creates a huge amount of unavoidable lag, especially if the map is big.

Bolded part is more what I was referencing.  It's not that panning can't be coded; it's just that having to create pictures of every single area of your game would create lag and exponentialize the file size of your project.  I'm glad to see you got it to work, though, because I didn't get very far before I realized that I would have no choice but to use pictures and decided to scrap my creation.   :sad:
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Well, to be quite direct...yes.  Exactly.  :)
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I'm not sure what using items like skills would do - my guess is that they'd be equipped in each of the five equipment slots to work as the five skills, then- oh! XD I see what you mean, I can actually check item IDs this way to check skills just like equipped items. Sounds like a good idea, but I am using equipment for... equipment.

Actually, the suggestion was based on the fact that you can assign things like "number of X item in possession" to a variable for easy reading, whereas you cannot for skills.  I'm glad you've resolved your problem, though.  :)
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I say screw the database altogether, but that's just me.

It looks like you'll have to go with option 1 (which doesn't look or sound so messy to me, really; maybe you can elaborate?).  However, just because items are items doesn't mean you can't get creative and use them for something else (in this case, skills).  As long as you aren't using the DMS, then there should be no problem with popping special, unused items into the player's inventory (that the game will never look at for your CMS) and treating them as skills.
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It goes without saying, but obviously coding a system into RM2k/3 that is not a part of the original program would be "advanced."

More advanced than that, though, would probably be coding pixel-based movement.  It's quite possible and I've done it myself, but making it work with camera panning is a whole other story and is the reason I gave up on my platforming game.
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Gotta' admit that it does resemble Kento quite a bit...  Perhaps a cross-over game?

@Skarik: Interesting that you want suggestions from other people for your project.  Unfortunately, I'm at a loss as I'm not completely sure what I'm looking at.  A shoot 'em up, perhaps?
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Although, sometimes there is some compulsion to go along with someone else's intentions even if you disagree.  This can be because some party members are more of the follower type of personality, or it can be that the relationship between two characters is such that one of them has a need to please the other.

Then make that work for you.  The characters do not have to disagree openly; a cutscene where a character may mumble his thoughts to himself will suffice, as well.  Things do not always have to be direct.  :)​  Though it doesn't have to happen at all, the conflict can come later when the tension from said disagreement has mounted sufficiently to bring an outburst from the "follower."
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@Ocean: I'm digging the style, but your HP/SP displays really need some negative space around them 'cause they're a bit hard to read on that background.

Also, if those graphics are custom, then I must say excellent work! :laugh:
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If they'd just get rid of HMs in Pokemon, I'd be a lot happier.  I'm sick to death of carrying around two HM slaves because there are eight of these damn moves now and you usually need three or four of them for a single dungeon.  Hell, if they have to keep the idea, then they should give us tools like in Lufia II or something!

But I know they won't...and they won't because that's how Pokemon is and it is blasphemous for humans to do anything manually in these games.  How else does a 10-year old brat conquer an entire criminal syndicate by merely whipping the boss and his peons at Pokemon battling?

And so as to not be off-topic: dungeon crawlers are simply "no bullshit" RPGs.  They cut out all or most of the story that will ultimately be called cliche by someone and give the player the raw gameplay of the genre, and due to lack of focus on other aspects of the game, the combat system and character growth will tend to be deeper, more involving, and generally better planned than your typical game.  Sure, your characters become lifeless mutes, but on the other hand, you usually get to name and shape them into whatever you want...so in a way, it's even more of a role-playing game 'cause those characters can be you.  :)

I'd call Unlimited SaGa a dungeon crawler, and it's almost is a damn fine game.  The only thing that screws it up is the fucked up battle system.  The majority of the game takes place in tabletop-style dungeon areas, moving space-to-space and utilizing your skills for survival in the field.  I liked that the town visits cut to the point and were very brief.  Through a quick menu you would go in, trade weapons, view a couple minutes of dialouge at most, and be on your way.  No bullshit!

Fixed that for you.  Unlimited SaGa = love.  Yes, the battle system is weird.  I agree with you on that one, but it's still a lot of fun.   ​  Damn, I'm going to have to go back and actually beat that someday...  I think I cleared three of the characters' games.  Only four left!
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Of course this is good.  Your characters are human; no group of more than one person is going to always nod and agree with everything.  Such things are important for story development; the only way it can be bad is if you did the exact opposite, but even that can be worked out into one's favor for storytelling.
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@SupremeWarrior: You probably won't believe this, but RPG Maker 2003.  :laugh:

@15312: Your screenshot disturbs me, but I do like it.  Flowers in a lava-filled cave, though?  :o
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Hey guys!  I just realized that I've like...NEVER posted anything in these threads in the years that I've been lurking in them, so I think I'll show off my canceled Megaman fangame!  Aren't you lucky?   ​

Here's the title screen (the planet is a placeholder.  I'd rather have an original graphic there, obviously):

Putting the rest in hide tags 'cause there's a bunch.

I might take a video of it later if anyone can recommend me any good FREE software.  (I've had little luck thus far...)
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Corfaisus: Wow, that's a ridiculous improvement over your previous version; it just goes to show what a talented individual can do with simple tools!  Keep it up!

PepsiOtaku: I literally LOL'ed when the gun came out of the house and started shooting at poor Sparrow.  I really should thank you for that, 'cause I haven't seen a decent bit of comedy in RM2k/3 (or any RPG, for that matter) in a very very long time.  Thanks.   :laugh:

Also, I noticed that when Sparrow says he's going back to the first town, it's spelled differently in his message box than it is on the area label that shows up when you enter the town (Raanan instead of Ranaan).  Other than that, good work.  ​
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That looks much better, Gongo.  Now, just do what Rockman said and it'll be golden.   :cool:
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ReiZer0: Looking pretty professional, but I have to agree with Elkalo; ditch the background.  In my opinion, replacing it with a darker complementary color to your already-established grays should do the trick.

MrWeirdGuy: For some reason, I get this vibe of the Green Devil from Megaman 8/Megaman & Bass when I look at your boss's sprite.  xD  I'm also digging your GUI.  Looking good, looking good.
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I'm not sure I understand, but...   :laugh:

And it's nice to be back.  :B  I always liked the atmosphere here.
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@ Elkalo: I'm an overachiever.  B)  Thanks for the warm welcome.  :D

@ DietCoke: The answer is obviously pie.
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@Cyborgasm: Thank you.  :)

Ah, I didn't think to look at the guidelines for the welcome forum until after I made my post, so I'll answer Jeff's questionnaire, which will, in turn, hopefully answer your question:

- Anything that isn't country, rap, or metal.  I make exceptions all-around, but this is my "golden rule" for muzak.

Where do I live?
- West by-God Virginia.  T__T

- Almost 23.

- Can I eat it?  Seriously, though; I've no interest in politics.  It makes about as much sense as a football bat, to me.

- Any sort of action and adventure games.  I've a preference for old time settings.  Not a fan of futuristic games aside from Metroid and Megaman and the like.


- Outside of gaming, college and work consume my life, so I don't get to do all the things I want to do, but I do like to create teh artz!  :woop:

Like anime?
- Yes, but not to the point of obsession.  In other words, if I'm flicking through the television thing and see it, I'll probably watch it.

Why'd I join?
I joined GamingWorld because, for the last 10 years, I've had the insatiable urge to create something.  I feel I have too much experience with Rm2k/3 to not share something with the rest of the world, and by George, Imma' do it one of these days!  I've been a lurker here for quite some time, and feel it's time to once again become my own voice.  :>


@Bakafura: I've been lurking here since 2003.  I created my old account around midway through 2004, and I believe I stopped posting in 2005.  I don't really expect anyone to remember me, as I was quite silent back then.   ​