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  • Buttshit.
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  • Joined: May 21, 2009
  • Posts: 55

Intro to the first town.

Yeah this is cool, hope you keep it up, looks really fresh.

Been playing about with Construct recently and been making a platformer RPG engine in it. So far I've done the Leveling system, and a basic combat system, with 3 attack combos. Gonna brush up the combat system and try some simple AI for the enemy, I can only beat up on a lifeless dummy for so long.

Good shit, are you going to keep the RCR sprites? I love that whole game series with those guys.
valves industrial valves tanks and valves valves and ball valves excess flow valves control valves valves industrial solenoid valves quality valves expansion valves check valves gas valves automatic drain valves gate valves air valves relief valves
  • Avatar of Ciox
  • Buttshit.
  • Group: Member
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  • Posts: 55
I love random generation and this is pretty good, the smooth movement is so soothing..
You might want to add something so that you don't have to perfectly dock with corridors, so if you're a bit misaligned it nudges you in and you can go down the corridor.
Can't think of anything else since there isn't much to do.

I tried to run yours Tomato but it asked for like a zillion extra dlls and I kinda stopped when I couldn't find python25.dll on the net.
valves industrial valves tanks and valves valves and ball valves excess flow valves control valves valves industrial solenoid valves quality valves expansion valves check valves gas valves automatic drain valves gate valves air valves relief valves
  • Avatar of Ciox
  • Buttshit.
  • Group: Member
  • Joined: May 21, 2009
  • Posts: 55
valves industrial valves tanks and valves valves and ball valves excess flow valves control valves valves industrial solenoid valves quality valves expansion valves check valves gas valves automatic drain valves gate valves air valves relief valves
  • Avatar of Ciox
  • Buttshit.
  • Group: Member
  • Joined: May 21, 2009
  • Posts: 55
Trigger("Player 1"){
   Deaths("Player 1", "Kyadarin Crystal Formation", Exactly, 50);
   Bring("All players", "Terran Factory", "Player 3x3", At least, 1);

   Display Text Message(Always Display, "\x004Entering Technora Shuttle Management");
   Move Unit("Player 1", "Protoss Zealot", All, "Anywhere", "Artificer entrance");
   Set Switch("Switch190", set);
   Set Switch("Switch192", randomize);
   Set Switch("Switch193", randomize);
   Set Deaths("Player 1", "Kyadarin Crystal Formation", Set To, 0);
   Set Deaths("Player 1", "Right Wall Missile Trap", Set To, 3);
   Move Location("All players", "Terran Factory", "Player 3x3", "HandleToVisitedBuilding");
   Preserve Trigger();
   Set Switch("Switch191", set);
valves industrial valves tanks and valves valves and ball valves excess flow valves control valves valves industrial solenoid valves quality valves expansion valves check valves gas valves automatic drain valves gate valves air valves relief valves