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Yea advertising should be boring, in your face repeats of HEAD ON. How dare advertisers try and be creative about it  :fogetnah:
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Yeah I prefer games like 2142 and mods like Insurgency opposed to the twitch, fast paced ones.
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Well, I doubt I can pull this one off but I checked out ticket prices anyway. Financially, I can definitely do this. With a couple deals and ordering a ticket way in advance I can get a really good deal on a round trip, and I might even be able to get my dad to pay since he felt bad I didn't get to go last time.

The thing is, this is for a ticket to Detroit. So right now I'd be stuck there without anyway to get to the meet. I dunno if post still plans on attending, but if he is maybe I could carpool (but that's Michigan vs Michigan St. so probably not). Also, I'd either arrive in Detroit on Nov 1st or Nov 2nd so I'd maybe need to burn a day there or something.

Also, I'm not going to have a passport so if the law has changed already I'm screwed. Anyone know for sure about traveling across the border in a car?

So yeah this is up in the air but I'd love to finally make it to Canada
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I can hold my own in Badminton but if I ever want to be good at tennis I'd actually have to try and work hard at it. Badminton is Tennis lite.
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I think I voted Surfing earlier and against Volleyball earlier but Volleyball is more team oriented and that's cool.
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I really like Shina's take, though honestly, some things that would obviously be sports aren't included in the Olympics (at least not to my knowledge).

I have a very backwards reasoning to why I think Poker is alright to be considered a sport. I ran Cross Country in high school and thus personally think racing is something that at the very core defines a sport, no matter the means (feet, cars, swimming). So since NASCAR is a sport by that definition and I think Poker requires much more skill than NASCAR (heh)  so Poker should also be a sport. I just have a really broad definition of sport and it doesn't require any physical fitness component. Honestly, Golf and Baseball can be played heavy middle aged people past their prime so being physically fit isn't a must in sports.
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I've lost a lot interest in Basketball over the years but i use to be a huge fan of the NBA and Timberwolves. I still enjoy playing it.

Ultimate Frisbee is too casual to be the best sport. Though we did play a lot in high School during my Cross Country days, it was pretty much our 2nd favorite activity to running.
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I dunno, I'm not a big fan of either really. Rugby has always seemed to tough for my liking but I don't really know much about it. Curling bores me though so I'm going with Rugby.
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Running is one my favorite things to do. I was into Track and CC in high school and still lvoe running now.
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heh guess you can't read Rone huh? No where do I say that but pro wrestling does in fact give REAL wrestling a bad name. If you think that Pro Wrestling is comparative to Olympic wrestling in terms of ACTUALLY ABILITY then heh you're the clueless one.
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I wrestled for a year and high school and it was pretty fun, even at the lower weights. It requires a lot of skill and hard work and pro wrestling gives the sport a really bad name.
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2 days... on a camping trip.... falling through already..

As far as what site, I'm still looking around. It won't be anywhere you have to pay to play. If a few more people say they will pay to play then we can probably do 2 tournaments.

Also, this won't be happening until September, keep that in mind. We'll pick a day or a weekend and play it all then so plenty of heads up will be given.
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Alright so several people have expressed interest in a poker tournament. I wanted to see exactly how many people would be willing to play.

I need to know 2 things. First, are you willing to pay to play? This would be a $5 to $10 buy-in (maybe more, depends). Typically the winner and 2nd split the pot (sometimes third) but we could also make this a GW benefit and donate a percentage also to GW. These details we'll work out if this option is picked. We can have people just play to have fun, with a possible $10 prize. The thing is this could detract from how people play the game since no real money is actually at stake. Then again, online tournaments are very different as is so.

The other thing we need to decide is what kind of poker we want to play. I have a few of the more popular options up there but feel free to suggest another. I have a feeling Hold Em' already has it in the bag though.

I want to encourage anyone who has any interest in poker to vote and post. If you think you aren't very skilled or aren't good enough I'd still like to know if you are interested. It is possible we'll have enough people for a beginners tournament and a separate Buy-in tournament for more experienced players, but this will only be if we have a huge response.

Check out this topic for some discussion on learning on how to play poker:
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Surfing for sure. Water skiing is a fun pastime but I imagine it isn't all that exciting competitively. Surfing is fun to watch when it is on but it also fun to do so it is an easy vote for the better sport.
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Golf is a lot of fun. My dad plays it, it is really the only fun thing he can find time for, and he brings me along every once in awhile. It is really difficult and a game about being consistent so it takes a little more than just great skill in one area. I also enjoy watching golf, though i don't know many pro golfers by name.

Volleyball is fun to play and easier to get into. Though it is much more physical than golf, I don't think it requires as much skill. It is however more team oriented, in fact, team work is probably the most important skill you need for volleyball.

Still I like golf a lot and it get my vote because it is a game I'll never really be able to master and I have a lot of respect for the players who do.