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# Successor to the Tsukuru/Maker series.
# Far more developed tileset/autotiles system
# New, more chibi-ish graphical style.
# Slated for release this December... IN JAPAN!
# Costs approx. 100USD, give or take
# No news on English release

# World map tilesets
# Still contains Ruby/RGSS
# Still includes ME, etc.

# Shift key Dash/Run
# Now runs at 60FPS, as opposed to 30FPS
# "Simple Event Edit" Function, which helps create chests, doors, etc.
# Inn events again
# That auto-dungeon feature from 2k3, i believe.

System Requirements:
Windows 2000/XP/Vista
Pentium III 1GHz
Internet connection for registration, (so I assume we're going to have the nTiles protection stuff again)
[permanently] Internet connected environment (i.e. be connected when you run it)

Pentium 4 2GHz
HDD with extra storage for custom content
Broadband connection

Now, for my translation of the info from watch.impress. Keep in mind this is babelfished, and then reworded for sense by me, or otherwise just rewritten using all the information available.

“RPG Tsukuru/Maker VX”

Requiring NO PROGRAMMING KNOWLEDGE, this up-to-date instalment of the RPG creation software “RPG Maker” series is a tool like no other for creating original RPGs.

Similar to former RPG Maker titles, you lay out ‘tiles’ from the tileset, creating a map, you can create the protagonists, the monsters, OTHERWORLDLY CREATURES, items and magic, etc. Then you just use the event editor and you have created an RPG!

In addition, included with RMVX is artwork/battlers, map tile/chipsets, and sprite sheets for characters; also included is BGM and SFX to add ambience to your RPG. By using the included RTP, you do not have to worry if you can’t draw the art yourself, you can get straight into production of your game!

As for compatible graphic formats: PNG files as default (in 32 bit colour), as well as JPGs [although from a technical standpoint, these are not very good].

Compatible sound files include: MIDI, OggVorbis, WMA, MP3 and the WAV file. However, MIDIs can only be used as Back Ground Music and Music Effects.

And as for the game which you designed, which can even be played on the PC of other people, the “compress game data” function which can be done through Internet [I believe this may actually be talking about the site where you could upload the projects], or can be mounted onto CD-R, DVD, etc. Transfer and Transmit! It is permitted to sell your game as shareware.

With this most up to date version, you can find many former aspects utilised in previous titles, and some new ones, whilst kept in a simple UI than even a new user can understand. In addition, many features have been improved or reworked, including:


Auto-tiles Functionality
The auto-tiles, which form their shape automatically, are now far more effective, with more possibilities. There are also many, many more auto-tiles included in the RTP than ever before. Even a beginner can achieve a natural looking map..

Face Graphics
Formerly, with RMXP to have face graphics, you had to use custom scripts. This time, however, in a similar way to RM2k3, face graphic implementation is included in the event editor

Brand New RTP

In addition to the new face graphics, all the map, character and monster graphics are brand new! [the ][/the]

Font Modification
You can easily change the font of the status menu, and message windows easily [possibly ][/possibly] in the "Ume font" Modifier.

Dash/Run Button

During game play, pressing shift makes the protagonist run.

Increased Frame rate
Whilst RMXP ran at 30 Frames Per Second, in VX we have upped this to 60FPS, meaning animations and movement look far smoother.

With the previous title, you required scripting to have an in-game options menu, now it’s fully integrated from the start!

'For beginners' function
For the beginners, there is now a function that helps create character movement, treasure chests, and doors, [and ][/and]. The miscellaneous "Simple Event Edit" [this ][/this] can create events such as the inn at buttons 1, size [not ][/not]. Simply by selecting a wall and a floor, the “John Don (maze)” a dungeon or room can be created easily.

Official Site:

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Pulp Sport.

Pulp Sport is a low budget TV show filmed in New Zealand, that mixes sport with awesome comedy. The hosts Jamie Linehan and Ben Boyce act under their respective pseudonyms Bill and Ben, performing a half hour of various sports based skits.

Shit that happens in the Show.

   * The Great Tui Sneak - a segment where Bill and Ben try to sneak Tui beer into a sports game (where there is an enforced alcohol ban), usually cricket or rugby. Different ways include - carrying it in an IV drip, a coffin, a remote control car, a wrapped birthday present, getting Schapelle Corby to do it and a fiberglass cow. Bill and Ben have achieved surprising success. For some highlights check out this page on the Beige Brigade website.
 * Can a Mascot? - Can the Pulp Sport Mascot (a person in a big brown furry fox suit) complete a challenge like sneaking into a game for free or sneaking on to another TV show, or my favorite, get revenge.
* The Mad Mad Butcher - Series of stunts based around New Zealand Celebrity business man The Mad Butcher. The Pulp Sport Mad Mad Butcher attempts each week to prove to viewers that he is mad by doing crazy, sometimes bizarre stunts like jumping off a building, woodchipping himself and soiling a taxi.
 * Sporting Hell - The boys flip a coin and the winner of the coin toss gets to eat Hell's pizza, while the loser has to do endure sporting hell. eg. doing a fun-run as bum-run i.e. dressed like a bum, smoking and drinking, sitting sideline at big rugby match with a paper bag over their heads, going to the motor racing dressed as a promo chick with a skimpy crop top saying "want a gay time?" while giving out "gay time" brand ice cream cones or standing outside Western Springs Speedway with a sign saying "THIS SPEEDWAY IS TOO NOISY!"
 * Father v Son - These skits (usually in black and white) involve a young boy playing different sports against his highly competitive father who wants to beat his son by any means necessary (including violence and cheating).
 * Celebrity Challenge - Each week some of New Zealand's biggest celebrities are paired up with some of New Zealand's biggest sports stars to partake in ridiculous challenges based around the person's chosen sport.
 * Man-love Moments - A montage of clips from recent sports events showing men congratulating each other by embracing, slapping each other on the buttocks or lying on one another after completing a tackle. Set to provocative music such as Barry White or Marvin Gaye.
    * Super-Streaker - A weekly clip of an unknown man streaking at innapropriate events such as a lawn bowls game or a round of golf.
 * Halfass - A spoof of Jackass where Bill, Ben and friends attempt extremely lame stunts in the style of Jackass. Things like drinking day old milk, walking with untied laces, eating and then swimming, standing on an office chair and running with scissors have all been done!
 * Mc Kay-Ver - This skit replaced McIvor when Pulp Sport moved to TV3 from Sky. Every week Bill and Ben play pranks on TV3 sports reporter Hamish McKay. Stunts like filling his car full of packing peanuts, tinfoiling every item on his desk, covering his car in post-it notes and replacing his car with a similar one that's been flattened have all been shown. To his credit, McKay takes these in good humour unlike his predecessor. Altough it was notioned that this segment would be replaced in a upcoming season by "the Real Campbell Live" they instead continue this segment throught the new season.
 * The Grinch Who Stole Sport - This skit is a take of on "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas". Every week someone in a "Grinch Suit" steals a sports item in the middle of a sport game being played, such as a rugby ball.

Some Episodes...

Episode 4 2/3

Episode 3 3/3

Can A Mascot Beat Up Crazy Frog?

You guys seriously gotta watch these aye, crack up as.

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Its Godzilla!! and yeah Ragnar is right, this is offensive to Asian people. I saw this awhile back, looked alright, the CG still needs work but it was looking alright. It's about time someone made a proper Godzilla movie, after watching that last piece of shit they made.

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Usb cables are in heaps of shit, like cameras and what not, cause thats where I got mine lol... I'm not poor.. shut up lol.

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Got a weird problem with Chrono Cross, I have 3.40 OE-A firmware and I can play the game until the first boss at the Lizard North place and I'm fighting the boss and the game just freezes, also Sometimes it just has this huge ringing sound if I try to play it sometimes, so I used the popstation thing to use it on a different firmware and so far it cant even play it on any of them except "Original with flash, currently playing it now with it and its working but Ill edit this post if it freezes again. Yeah It froze again but during a normal battle this time.

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That is so fucking semantic, seriously.

I am asking, "yes" or "no":

Does this mean that I can ACHIEVE EMULATION ABILITY, or whatever very specific language you are asking for, through this exploit, even though I have the newest-newest official firmware?  Are there motherboard limitations or anything?
Basically YES, I found it funny when you said "More interested in New games" when you just bought Final Fantasy II haha. :happy:

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Looks like my friend is in luck.
By the way, you guys can import that Final Fantasy Anniversary game(I think it's already out here). I've already got the second one, and it's not supposed to be out here in America until late July. It's really not worth it though unless you haven't beaten them before.

Oh, and since you were on the subject of icons and backgrounds Eijin, I've got a cool site with a bunch of nice ones for your PSX games.

Hey Thanks for the Site, now I just need to know HOW to implement them.

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Thanks for the links guys.
Oh, I've also already changed my boot screen, and my gameboot thanks to some tutorials at the website. I'm learning a lot more about this every day.

By the way, is there a difference between compressed PS1 games and just the ISO? Most games are about 400MB but when they're compressed they seem to be about 50-150MB. I've heard some say that they just took out certain cutscenes and other things to cut them down. So my question is, should I stay with using ISO's or use compressed games? I'm just wondering because I don't have that much space on my PSP left.
Most games you download that will work on the PSP aren't always 400+ megs, Unless your looking at Square Games and most RPGs, I mean, Ridge Racer 4 is only 9 megs compressed with nothing ripped but when you extract it, it ends up being 700 megs!!! Id say If you want to be able to play our games on the go stick with the psp, but if you just like to play it at home on a rainy day or whatever, stick to ISOS.

ANYWAYS I was wondering, How do you change the Icons and Background pics, cause I just wanna change a few oh and what are the sizes for the Icons And Backgrounds?

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@Hunter - 430megs, is that after you extracted the download or what?

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Alright so I'm gonna be giving this custom firmware thing a try. I'll be taking my little brothers PSP and hope that it's not 3.10 or higher. He hasn't messed with it in months so it should be fine.

Should I still follow skauert's instructions even though they're a couple months old or find some better ones?
Look at the instructions in the PSP emulation topic that Hunter posted. Can anyone give me a link to Legend of Mana, and tell me if its more than 300megs cause already got heaps of shit on my psp aye haha, I love my psp now.

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Sell crack.
Exactly, anyways, Ohk Has anyone else got Destruction Derby 2 on there PSP, because I just downloaded it and it shows up and everything but every time I try to play it says "game couldn't start, data corrupt" But no one else seems to have any problems with it, I'm running 3.40-OE-A.

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I didnt actually get the screen from Ign anyways. Its just their. Oh and Wackfiend right mostly cause its Momotaru Matsuri.

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Since its been 3 hours. Oh wait nevermind this...unless he doesnt answer in an hour.