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Wow that really sucks you can't watch it... ...I'm sure you can find it on YouTube or Google Video, or something (it's worth it).  Actually I looked on YouTube and couldn't find it so maybe not.  That sucks.

As for what I thought about it, I loved it.  I felt that it was very humorous and while I knew some of the things about bug sexuality it was occasionally informative.  The main point, in my mind, is how it's all presented.  The acting, costumes, music and generally atmosphere seems to do a lot of things at once and I like that.  It's cute, and child-like, but sometimes even shocking and jarring.  You have to take in consideration, the whole point was to make 1 minute long clips, so there's not going to be much in the way of development.

So yeah, it's really about how she presents the facts, not the facts themselves.
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I used to enjoy this band

but this was 100% pure fucking absolute shit

nice discussion here btwI HAET WEEZER
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http://www.sundancechannel.com/greenporno (maybe NSFW?)

"Green Porno is a series of very short films conceived, written, co-directed by and featuring Isabella Rossellini about the sex life of bugs, insects and various creatures. The films are a comical but insightful study of the curious ways certain bugs “make love”. “Green” echoes the ecological movement of today and our interest in nature, and “Porno” alludes to the racy ways bugs, insects and other creatures have sex, if human, these acts would not be allowed to be screened or air on television, considered instead as most filthy and obscene.

Each film is executed in a very simple childlike manner. They are a playful mixture of real world and cartoon. Each episode begins with Isabella speaking to the camera “ If I were a…(firefly, spider, dragonfly etc.). She then transforms into the male of the species explaining in a simple yet direct dialogue the actual act of species-specific fornication. The costumes, colorful sets and backdrops as well as the female insects contribute to the playfulness of the films. The contrast of this “naïf” expression and filthy sex practices adds to the comicality of Green Porno.

Green Porno is an experiment specifically conceived with the third screen, namely cellular screens, computers and ipods."

- From twitchfilm.net

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Yeah I didn't mean a WASTE OF TIME, of course that's wrong, music is worthwhile just like any art.  What I meant was that music and a great many of the activities humans participate in are things we do only because we have a lot of extra time during which we don't have to worry about survival or something more pressing. 

I don't consider what I do every day ALL DAY a waste of time.

Also I'm talking about both making music and listening to it, because if no music was made, there'd be no music to listen to.

Edit:  Inri, what Couch is saying is that the only reason you, or anyone for that matter, finds music happy, sad, good, bad, glorious, depressing, whatever, is because we culturally associate certain sounds with those feelings.  There is only musical "feeling" because we are trained to respond that way.  That is why it's hard to appreciate certain music from other cultures or subcultures for you and for most people.
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But unlike food it's not necessary, and we certainly have many other ways to enjoy ourselves, communicate, and express ourselves artistically other than music.

BTW, I am a music major and I spend almost all of my time playing music, and I certainly have a huge emotional stake in it.  It's just not as necessary as people think.  It may be hard to imagine a world without music, but I don't think it would be an AWFUL AND BLEAK place like everyone seems to believe.  I'm probably wrong but there's no way to say who's right with out actually living lives without music and seeing the result (no one's going to do that, not worth it).
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that was just an example, it doesn't even matter, but 1) plays can be translated 2) english will soon become a global language, and almost already is.

but it does not even matter I don't know why I responded.
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things that you can find elsewhere.  I'd say a lot of other activities are more effective at giving you those things.  If you need me to LIST EXAMPLES then I will, but I don't think it's necessary.

I'd say out of most of the arts even music is the most easily disposable because of the amount of effort it takes to produce, and also because of it's incredibly temporary and abstract nature.  Well certainly music can be emotionally moving, so can a play, and theater seems to communicate much more effectively to people than music because everyone understand talking and words and not everyone understands music the same way.

Besides, all art is just a way for us all to waste our time, and certainly their are other ways to waste times like sports and other games, discussion etc.

It can be hard to see life without music because you deal with it so much each day, but I guarantee you'd be fine and completely happy if music never existed.  Certainly if music was BANNED you wouldn't be happy, but I'm sure you could learn to live life and enjoy it if you let yourself.
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there are plenty of things equally effective (or more effective) at relaxing people, music is not necessary

the chocolate thing was a joke
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I mean, yeah it would suck at first, but I'm sure people would still be really happy and in the long run completely fine.  People just think OH NOES NO MUSIC because they've had it their whole life, I really don't see it as neccessary in anyway.  Sure it's nice, REALLY NICE, but so is chocolate.

The world would be fine without chocolate.
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I think people overplay how important music is in their life, I'm sure all of us would be fine with no music to listen to or play (I play music all day though).
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I wonder when/if Kaworu will post in here.
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yeah I've definitely thought of the same thing too.  Especially since I'm not necessarily making music for other people to enjoy, I'm just doing it for myself pretty much (if other people like it that's cool too).  I definitely think it's not really fair to do it but a lot of other careers are certainly much worse (corporate bitch who puts money higher than people).

Morals are just a human conception anyway. I don't really try to live my life "morally", I just do whatever I feel is right.  Mostly this leads me to act by some sort of code, but I think that if I do something that people would consider amoral or immoral or whatever it doesn't make me a worse person (most people are immoral, they just don't want to admit to it).
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Yeah I'm recommending The Cardiacs to everyone.  If there was one band that I feel everyone needs to get into (for their own good), it would be this band.  The great part is there's actually enough depth to their music to enjoy it on repeated listens!  It can be a little overwhelming on the first listen for some songs though.
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The Cardiacs

You probably won't like them, I definitely didn't at first, but seriously it's some of the best music ever made.  Seriously:

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You miss the point and so does that site because they don't include the "most wanted" song.


I really like both of these.  The end of the most unwanted song is completely epic and great lol.  The most wanted song is too long I'd say.  Also they did some parts of it too strangely (which made it good).
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Yeah the first two episodes are completely terrible, and so is the last, at least as far as gameplay goes.

But seriously, this is still one of my favorite games of all time possibly, even though some parts are really unenjoyable.

Gameplay sucks though.  The plunge may be the worst system of battle ever invented.  It doesn't even get strategic until like THE LAST FOUR-SIX PLUNGES IN THE WHOLE GAME.

Seriously play it though.
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I listened to all this stuff and it was really good.  I really liked the Brogues and Captain Beefheart, but I liked him beforehand.

I need to listen to/play more punk.  To bad everyone's brain is full of piss in my town (or every town).
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Why do you feel the art form Disappeared Maladroithim?

Also it's mainly me name dropping.  I CHOOSE YOU: JOHN CAGE!!  USE YOUR ABSTRACT MUSIC ATTACK!!!!
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It means taking back what you said.  But I should've said "atonality is not a style" rather than "genre".  Semantics...

If anyone wants to check out some awesome Modern music that is more accessible, and still original, you guys should try Ned Rorem.  He writes in a chromatic tonal style that's pretty neato.