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I am interest.
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Are you single? My name is Markus and I created Pletoffish.com; my is completely free and generate about 800,000 relationship a year. The majority of users are like you, they want someone to share all those special times with. Being single kind of gets old after a while so if you are looking for someoe you may as well join us; we have millions of people and best of all we're free! so signup here!

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Sounds very good!  I like Couch's and Alec's too, maybe a bit harder to listen to but certainly effective how they are.
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sometimes i get exhausted before i even arrive at the party! once i walked for like three hours just trying to find the place because i caught the bus too far.

4 people like this.
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I don't think it's a matter of maturity, Games cannot be topical unless you include narrative with the game (visual or text).  A game that doesn't include another art form can never be "about" anything.  A game is nothing but a set of rules and rewards (a la operant conditioning).

Video games are more specific, in that they inevitably include video.  Just as text games include text.  These art forms are actually cross-medium and must be viewed as such, and it's not accurate to dismiss cut-scenes as irrelevant.  Cut-scenes can help convey a more complex fixed narrative that cannot be conveyed through game-play alone.

Gosh that sounded pretentious enough.
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Vocals are too loud on Sound of Confusion, could use percussion/a beat too.  Sounds pretty sweet otherwise.
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steel dying is horrible
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I'm pretty into "classical music".  Which I usually call "concert music" because there's not really a better name for it.  Certainly "art music" is pretty horrible.
I find neat:



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Because it proves that no man is above the law and that money won't save you from the crimes you committed? Because it will show that there are people out there who do not tolerate predatory behavior towards woman and children regardless of the time that passes by?

Wouldn't the effort be better spent actively trying to prevent those things rather than just proving people think it's wrong?  This seems to be a lot effort to SEND A MESSAGE, especially when you don't know if everyone will interpret the case in the same way you do, especially the people raping kids.  Besides he was already tolerated for 30 YEARS.  What kind of message does that send?
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It doesn't matter if it's wrong; it's obviously fucked up.  How will the world be any better if he's jailed?
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They are more experimental folk, but they are very cool thanks! I think DS would like this.

I could see that also.
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Think of how much better the world would be if all the ugly people got plastic surgery.

How can you NOT support plastic surgery.
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You all know who I am


Been my favorite band for a while now.  I don't really know why I like them because they really suck and I thought so when I first listened, but somehow I really love them.

Hermit Thrushes
I just got into this band cause they played a show at a local DIY venue and they fucking awesome.  They performed naked which was a bit weird to be honest, but the music is great.  Great experimental pop-rock.

Sleepytime Gorilla Museum
Metal is usually a really shitty genre, thankful SGM isn't really metal.

Girl Band
They're probably not that interesting, but they're my favorite and they sing some pretty cool vocal harmonies hella loud.

I can't really think of a 5th band but somebands that I would like to put here: Mew, My Bloody Valentine, Snowman, Liars, System of a Down, http://www.myspace.com/togetherpangea, http://www.myspace.com/margypepper, http://www.myspace.com/kitchentheband
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Does any one know other good game making communities?  Especially non-rpg maker communities.  
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"The Incident"

How do they not realize how fucking stupid that sounds?

Also I guess it shouldn't be surprising but the track list sounds like the track list for a Dream Theater album.
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Don't go to restaurants, it's disgusting.  There's no packaging or bagging really so even if they throw out good food it gets covered in gross food.

I don't really know what grocery stores there are in the UK, but in the US (California), Trader Joes (sort of a health-food/yuppie grocery place) throws out stuff 3 days before the expiration date, and also anything that is dented or has a slight visual imperfection.  It's pretty ridiculous the amount of non-gross food they throw out; on any given night we usually fill a van with no back seats.  There's usually a shit load of eggs and bread, and also a large amount of assorted packaged or clean vegetables and fruits.  One time we even found several cases of beer.

Most grocery stores donate this stuff so you're going to have to find the ones around you that don't.  Even though the ones that do donate though, don't usually do so on every day of the week so if you find out which day they don't then you're set.
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Grizzly bear are pretty great:

Also I'm friends with the guy who made this video, hah.  He has the stone man suit in his living room.
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