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I'm so fucking rolling a goblin.

Also, faction changes are gay.

I'm so fucking changing my alliance dude into a goblin.

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Met through friends on MSN, so technically yes. 3 years later we're still together.

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In my opinion, a true RPG is designed so that the character you create in your mind can do pretty much what you would expect that character to do within the game universe. If I create a gunslinging broad in FO3, I will sufficiently be immersed in that character until somethings forces me to break "character" - ie. If I wanted her to be bad, I feel that if I am forced to do a goody-goody quest then my experience breaks a little immersion, and I feel less like I'm playing the role of who I want, and more the role of who the designers want.

Essentially, in my opinion, I believe a true "RPG" is a difficult thing to come by other than in the PnP world. Because the designers will always want to tell a story, true immersion will never be reached. That being said, i  dont necessarily mean that most RPGs are bad,  no no, sometimes the defined story can play like a good book reads. It just won't be the book I wrote in my head.

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S&M fanatics must shit themselves over this movie

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80mb of .wav music is simply unacceptable. Take 2 minutes and make them into mp3.

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I enjoyed AoC because everyone from my work stayed up the launch day and played it for hours. But seriously, weighing in at 30gb I have no willpower to redownload it. The main reason I will NEVER play it again is all my names I claimed for my toons on launch day were erased when the servers merged. Fuck DAT.

I find though, I'd rather play a game I like less with friends than play a game I like more with no-one.

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Movies will always be geared towards the youth - and since the youth has no super strong attachment to the series, they'll take liberties. Sticking the franchise name on it was simply to build hype.

It'll probably be okay, something to see once and get pumped for all the action. It's just silly to pick it apart and see how badly it violates cannon.

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Brutal virus.

Everyone, though, should have annual or biannual reformatting practices to keep their PCs running smoothly.

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And if you're anything like me, you think these games, and D&D in general, sucks!

I started playing Baldur's Gate quite a few years ago, and in the beginning I quickly learned that the lower the ac the better. Obviously when I exchanged my leather for plate mail and my ac dropped, i picked it up pretty quick. Ofc there was the damage (1d4) that I actually cracked the book to learn a bit about, but again, comparing a few weapons I pretty much knew what was better.

Regardless, I enjoyed the games long before I knew all the rules, and its a shame you couldn't come to enjoy a game that has thier algorithms hanging out. That being said I never could get into the table top game. A lot of people say they hate 4E because it's dumbed down. True, it is. But it's a shitload funner for new people who want to focus more on the game than skipping through the book to see what rule exception should be applied. Also, sleeping everytime after my level 1 mage fires his few spells off in the first encounter would've been a drag. It's a streamlined game designed for a simpler, faster type of DnD not intended for hardcores but to draw new players (like myself).

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I played WoW and Guild Wars, both of which I find have extreme difficulty holding my attention unless I'm playing with a group of local friends at work.

Of course today we all preordered Age of Conan! Tits and gore ftw.

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I stayed up til 4am at work (I work at a LAN gaming center) to play this game on LIVE. And my god it is AMAZING online. We had a 6v6 cops versus robbers game. It felt like an episode of cops, as I was hopping over fences trying to catch the Boss. Only when I finally caught him I emptied a magazine of 9mm into his head.

Turf war and TDM was just as sweet.

Excellent game, try it online, tis sweetness.

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I have (just the original CD) of Dark legions for PC!

I also have Tex Murphy's Under a Killing Moon! (Orig box, cd's, and booklet)
This was by far my favourite game when I was young.

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Who gives a flying fuck about the damn rating? Like anything you have to take it with a grain of salt until YOU evaluate it. 'Nuff said.

Anyway, I'm picking up my copy tonight at 12!  :cool:

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Psychiatrist Peter Sunkin says the children exhibit poor problem-solving skills and is alarmed that they saw violence as the only way to solve a problem.

Sorry kids, the correct answer was "a tac on her chair"

You fail.

At Life.

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Is it the gollywog that's racist... or is it the poliwag that's racist!?

Scared yet?  :shh:

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Now that I think about it... every black guy in DB looked like that as well!

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I'm almost finished my first year here in UNBSJ (university of new brunswick saint john). The experience was pretty fun - most ppl I hang around with are just old friends from high school who chose the same school. I'm currently taking sciences and am going to major in Bio-Psychology. I plan to go to Dal Housie for Medicine afterwards. Tuition is about $6000 a year for living off campus... it hurts but scholarships and NB and Canadian student loans helped a lot (only had to pay about $500 out of my own pocket.)

As for uni life, its rough compared to high school. In high school i popped out A's without even reading over the material on a test. Nowadays its a struggle to keep my average at an A with hours of studying before a test. Also, I gained almost 40 pounds since I finished high school...

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