• lauren's givin head
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everyone here is pretty much a clone of everyone else except for a few select people! wild. i am not trying to defend the game or anything, just derailing.
  • lauren's givin head
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Vesperia is actually fun. Better than the rest of the Tales games. Just make sure to be reading a walkthrough or youll miss a shitton of sidequests.
  • lauren's givin head
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get it, its good.
  • lauren's givin head
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I just got my hands on the beta today and I don't think the hype's gonna hurt this game at all. Some of the UGC is kinda retarded but I played a few gems that made me love the game. Like, its ridiculous. I highly recommend this game to anyone out there.
  • lauren's givin head
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not entirely true. every piece except two can be gotten immediately, the two before the first "hunt" are obtainable only after you get the "hunt" piece, so you have to backtrack a room
the only qualm i had with the game is that i haven't the foggiest idea what the story meant

yahtzee's thing about the key breaking actually makes sense. in an area where going right makes time go forwards, and left makes time go backwards, you can't unlock a door from the right hand side because as you unlock it you're moving left and time goes backwards, meaning it relocks as it unlocks and your key is wasted

plot analysis:

reading all that actually makes the game cooler.
  • lauren's givin head
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it's supposed to be really bad. what i played from the demo it was alright but the camera was fucking horrible and a bitch to maneuver. also the demo takes place like a few hours into the game, so that means that when you start the game you have less powers than during the demo, which is also pretty bad. i would probably recommend people to look into the reviews and stuff before renting it and really wouldnt suggest anyone to buy it.

edit: the game not the story, apparently the story changes canon around a bit to make room for it.
  • lauren's givin head
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silly black people.
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omg it sux!
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its not letting me use it since i dont have windows service pack 2. rip chrome.
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is a-ok!
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i cant do tuesday night so i was hoping it could be not the 26th!
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too many goddamn people play as ken
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I dont know if this counts for anything but: http://www.slashfilm.com/2008/08/15/kevin-smith-has-seen-watchmen-its-fking-astounding/

also i want to see this movie, the comic was sick.
  • lauren's givin head
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this is fucked up. he was awesome. if morgan freeman dies i am straight up crying for like 50 years. he is in the top two movies in imdb (lolz) but im mainly talking about shawshank redemption. ........red...
  • lauren's givin head
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next step: do the same for Video Game flicks.

this is probably never happening. atleast comic books have some semblance of a story and in some cases really good stories and stuff. video games on the other hand, no matter how good the story, are based upon playing the video game first and foremost and then story. even then, most popular games would most likely end up being shit on the big screen. You probably saw how the Final Fantasy movies turned out and at best they were movies to just sit there, turn you brain off, and watch cloud ride around in motorcycles and fight bahamut.
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who watches the watchmen
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Dirty Diabetics.
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hey me too
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So how many had trouble against Scarmiglone, he took me at least 10-15 minutes to beat, damn that counter! Its like Bad Breath... but equally as deadly. X_X

He does that when you cast offensive spells against him. Since he's a zombie you should've cast cura on him and his bitch ass would be negatively healed and you wouldn't have gotten all those nasty status ailments.
  • lauren's givin head
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Yea, the game is fucking hard. If you think the enemies are hard wait till you get to some of the bosses. Some are straight up impossible without a gamefaqs guide. g'luck though!