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There is a certain type of internet poster, who always writes like this.
They have very strong and smug opinions about movies or games.
Sometimes, they are hard racists and comment on Sopranos videos.
Or really against interracial dating.
Anyway, they write like this.
I wonder if it is specific to some mental disorder.
now that's a fine point. but could it be that it's YOU who has the real disorder? - musings from the park bench. good to see yuu kickin' me olde fella.
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i hope you guys are okay, families are fine, pets are fed, etc etc!!! long live sw!!!
ae quicke glance, but it seems ragnar has kept this thing alive here and now.  i knew it, deep in my heart, in the darkness... i knew i could count on ragny.
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anybody like my new tracks on Artistry? I'm trying to make less chaotic messy detuned stuff, I listened to my old stuff and most of it just spooks me out now. I'm trying to make more mellow tunes, if you go back to my /really/ old music like 2006 there was some more stuff like that, It's kind of same way I feel about Aphex now, there's like Selected Ambient Works 85-92 and a few other tracks that are really euphoric and nice but 90% of it is just wonk for the sake of wonk
voila. bon apetit. commenting: succesful... achievement unlocked: self-respect... pumps muscle openly and publicly...

Yeah i actually really like this new direction!! i just made a hella long ramblepost there, but i think you have a really good knack at right / proper production (eg sounds, pleasantness, reverb, room size, interesting timbre'd synths, etc), and I tended to like most of the melodies etc in there. it's reflective, but not corny nor reverby / 2010's in a bad way. there's enough lightness, so the musical elements are actually kinda easy to follow but also you can let it go in the background... it made me feel somewhat FOCUSED actually.

like imho would need a specific context (tho deffo just go ahead and add this to whatever you want, im just riffing here / ruminating out loud vagueties)... maybe it's the overall quality and "nailing it", but it got me into the whole Dune 1 Adlib OST feel in a good way...

also idk if it's an age thing but i also kinda "went back to roots"? and I started to really become more interested in videogame OSTs / JRPG OSTs / classical music?

it's weird because it skips the whole "serious music age" i had, so it's hard to explain myself outta THIS mess. maybe a sort of a "reneissance"?

i'm not sure if there's gonna be a return/reneissance to "serious music"
but something about the way all those music i mentioned was mathematical involved and intricate, probably plays a part in my re-interest? also like, if you try to make a serious music, you kinda have to play the whole ego game and make a statement, when in reality most of life experiences don't reflect that and most music require LOTS of celebral sophistication and overall maths?

i also seriously got into music theory, and it finally opened to me properly. finally!! it seems this brainy stuff gets way easier and better as you get older.
in case you wonder Ragnar, it's not like ... it (the theory) tells me how to make a good song, or how to make a good continuous melody (yet?). it's more like, "here's how you architecturally can build a songs' / genre's rules". that kinda thing, like it's some wack-ass crystall prison architecht. it's not actually that hard (as an adult)... there's less shooting in the dark about how to go on about achieving stuff i guess. eg you recognize some familiar chords or melody-sounds etc, and now you're like "aaaa it was that damn scale all time along" (tho music schools tend to put out lof fo samey curriculum-music people, it's apparently an univeral problem. realized it thru the grapevine). apologies for the weird mistakes in my sentences.
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actually i take that back about the bell thingy. it's a slower piece and you've deleloped both May pieces much further. it just might need little working on the bell sound and change of drums... a bit more bass rumble/resonances etc... something like that
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Mahchi Nooo
- I like how you can add in these weird timbres (like the kinda-cat-purr - thing in this one, or bubly-chirps, or subtlty add a flanger on drums upon re-introduction... and so on)
- SUDDDEN INTRODUCTION OF A STRONG MELODY IN 3:30!! AND 4:00!! I spotted it!! Maybe bird spotting is THIS fun too IRL...? Sudden epiphany. But I really like how you can now sort of ... add a "strong" melody, but then let go of it when necessary / let piece develope elsewhere... that's the spirit.

sidenote: vidcon osts have a problem with making the harmonies, arpeggios, melodies, etc a bit too "strong"... you don't have this problem.
but you used to idk "forefront" the cacophonous modal harmonies way more before?
-> now there's more variety in multitude of ways, eg rhythm, the density or sense of space, etc.
oh yeah THANK GOD YOU DON'T HAVE REVERB-LADDEN SONGS, or like, you really put a lot of thought into the "room sound" or the overall production??? like i really love just the overall BALANCED reverb and sense of room in the songs. it's super-balanced. Chrono Trigger forest theme looks amazed at Ragmar.

utt Healer 2
- Again, i immediately like this _a lot_ on the get go... there's a- ahhahah "squiiirt" synth appeared, awesome timbre!!
- what i was saying? oh yeah, so there's that sweet spot bet- my god, did you just introduce a NEW MELODY in 1:00?! non-joke shock- WHAT!! .... 1:35 another one!? and squirt is back next?! (so yeah not messing around with you, but YES these all elements and melodies work together WELL. M-maybe finally Donkey Kong water level has met it's winner...? David Wise looks in shock, y... you finally came, hero. Take this 808 and use it wisely...
- so WHAT I WAS SAYING WAS that you have a really good balance between game ost + actual electro + background music + something else ... it sorta reminds me if Oblivion was actually a scifi game? That's a good thing in a weird but sophisticated way.

Theme From Bob Ross Mind Palace
- I like this alot!!!!
- I like it that unlike modern IDM-ambient etc commercial stuff you have, like, BORDERS to your music. It sounds FOCUSED, like eg deus ex soundtrack (not production wise tho). The Headquarters theme from D-Exlooks approvingly at Ragnar...
- like, it's a GOOD THING it doesn't sound "up to date" but more like Ragnar. eg. the next autoplay that came after this song (some other artist's song) immediately starts with the usual modern electro-tropes, gah. It's like "youtube" has become a legit electro genre (unfortunately).
- also i noticed the syclical yet soothing melody and arpeggio, which pleasantly overlaps with each other. music theory mathematics at it's finest.

- i listened to others first, so i found this less exciting (progress of an artist in works?). please don't kill me.
- good bass synth-timbre again.
- and i noticed and liked the "SNES" like hazy-crispy quality of the main melody
- imho dare i say it...? needs maybe different drums (1:30)? mainly noticed that the piece is cyclical, but it's almost as if like the drums also need to be something SOMBER or more nuanced? GAH i bet you worked your ass of on that, feel free to ragequit, but anyways like, EVEN TABLAS MIGHT WORK timbre wise... something bassier and more organic / more in-tune with the "vibrating sounds" feel of the song. I only mean we- *BLAM BLAM*
- apparently Machi nooo had like... more quicker, and specific pattern drums -> sounded like "chatter that comes on" like I described the feel about Deus Ex soundtrack at times?

In general i like this more playful and focused Ragnar!! it seems less "wow future is horrible, prematurer jadedness" but it almost approaching some kind of organic-ness. like... really sophisticated introspective music, not for exactly games or movies or irl installations ... like... it's HONEST, more honest music than most music you hear typically in those contexts. maybe background for serious discussions or something? not new age tho, but something... something serious and reflective.

I could think of multitude of use for these tracks...

you do know that Deus Ex main purpose of the songs was to sort of "add a atmospheric chatter" behind all those long dialogues? so it was used to drive the bureacracy feel home, the feel of "bureacracy/workplacetalk" etc... so you got really immersed into the no-nonsense sensibilities of the politics and workplace banter etc.

sometimes i feel scifi music misses it's point by being too on the nose, but then sometimes artists fuck up by trying to make a very ... self-contained music? like it's too "message-sful" or "chockfull"? like it lacks the "lightness" that charactises some of the really good, serious videogame osts (like fantasy genres... BoF2 Biggie mashup nods wisely)... and then lot of the background music for podcasts etc is really throwaway / non-effortful and really detracts most of the time.

Eg I think what really drew me to SNES music was how SERIOUSLY THE MUSIC TOOK THE GENRES ITSELF? like it didn't sound like "here's folky guitar for folk location", it was usually "HERES A REALLY GOOD WRITTEN FOLK-PIECE, WITH WEIRDO TIMBRE PRODUCTION" etc. Donkey Kong's water level is really good, for the sheer balance of things - you honestly could say that "holy shit, im in some underwater location, it sounds heavenly" with a straight face in a biker gang bar, and everybody would just idk SLAP YOUR BACK approvingly? all men secretely dream of swimming with a sword fish +2000m deep undawada.

but that usually required a certain amount of also LIGHTNESS / REPEATEBILITY and ANONYMITY? so you could properly put yourself into the place? now that's a hard quality to crack, since it's polar opposite of being an music artist usually. but ANYWAYS i feel like you kinda have that quality? you sorta havta govta full-Bach on it and sorta give up on the piece, in order to actually make it "born properly".

gah. im just talking outta my ass for the longest time.
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Put a link to Artistry... barf!!!!
26 February 2019 - 01:22 PM
bonze buddha bhere... shitstorm or stormshit (i tend to think these things carefully in my daily life)... lmao now my computer is broken too, so i'm kind a shit out of storm, shuffling in-between... every other page of dumbo topic is censored/unaccesable by filter... by logical progression i'll be in the streets next... such is the/my life...
still in this rut!!!!
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wait, salvation or salivation?
this whole post GETS me. 10/10 post thorough. also poignant observation re: tony hawk parallels (with great effort for 90's branding).
also LMAOO i thought oaf was some kinda irl goat greature!! ahhah poor ragnar. sudden violent insults outta blue, tour-de-tte-farce, FIEEENDS WILL BE FIEEEEDNZ.
also anybody else has troubles fitting into any... dare i say... licks dry lips... OFFICES? like... idk, there's gender dysphoria, feelin' outta body getthehelloutta. etc'... but is there like, a condition... like, for compy' desire to wear TRENCH COATS inside any offices? *eyes nervously dart from cicada to ragnar to else* *sweats bullets* like, it's really hard to resist- fucking Deus Ex !!! fucking fuck!!! *sudden wooden stern face* "you're gonna burn, alright."
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time for Spirit Animals... horrorscope... *appraises Ragnar critically, jolts down nots with a quill, looks Freudically under brows* are you an oaf, or a snail?

i know that pain about infrogramers *worriedly adds R everywhere in case it saves your face, looks panicked*. i still tend to make that weird death growl and does v. quick instantenous backflip to my stomach... old habits die hard. did i mention that i found a pr weird glitch/secret in that game? i don't want to check youtube, i don't want to destroy my childhood pride for discovering it. i'm special, you know? i got that special somthing. also "face mask" was probably one of the most mysterious and favourite things about that game... i could not comprehend what it WAS *looks passionately at audience, trying to grasp deep essence within*. so many good things about that weird game. also intro video ends in a pretty Tim & Eric moment where everything spontaneously just out of place explodes.

speaking of SoRage, the only improtant thing was the distorted rasteurized unintelligle shrieks, and that BEAT. beating down people against hella good pumping New Jack Swing. even gansters bop, shuffle and move around beating each other on the beat. you nearly half-expect ice skaters spontaneously fight you, according to that game's inner logic. you have sudden unexplained salivation over large basins of roasted chicken etc.

btw i love that maripo's this just in/Newsflash! -vibe, how horrible. you can feel the endless litanies of modern hipster gfx running by at the lower side of screen, while YOU the player and poor unpixalated plumber try to survive modern times and it's modern "shaky handcam" effects etc etc. half-expecting autotune put on every sound in the game. gah, not to be a total depressor and bickerer, but i do think it's a reasonably hilarious meta-humour *looks scientific and reasonable*

btw i keep thinking Air Jordan 1 is like, a movie. like Air Con. important realizations in our daily lives, how dreams connect with brutish reality etc. brah have you watched Air Jordan 3? It's the best.

is there a word between grave and brave!? i'm trying to find a middle ground between brave/grave new world etc

don't mind me, just random musings from the bark bench by bole' bonzey... i've reached new climax, new exciting ways, new euphoria, i wear a turtleneck and give motivation speeches in TED talks etc...
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I had a dream bonzy buddha was defending/supporting Mike Cernovich in dump thread and the posts were really confusing but it seemed like he was arguing that Mike is black.
LMAO you give me MUCH TOO MUCH too MUCH debit... "ooh heavenn is a plaaace ooon eeear-" * in midzt o' mall bonzi throws all groceries on floor with a rageshriek, does wide wrestling pose and bellows to speakers 100%* "THEN WHERE IS IT !!!!!!!!"
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bonze buddha bhere... shitstorm or stormshit (i tend to think these things carefully in my daily life)... lmao now my computer is broken too, so i'm kind a shit out of storm, shuffling in-between... every other page of dumbo topic is censored/unaccesable by filter... by logical progression i'll be in the streets next... such is the/my life...
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is this more mellow than my previous output
i listened bits of songs here and there. i like this. there's a sense of space, but it's not cacophonuous. I was surprised to find that it's somehow more driven/happier than before/more fun but in a virtuous way? or maybe i'm *sudden harrison ford voice* Too Old For This Shit! *voice doesn't get back to normal, but turns into orangutan voice for rest of the post*  but i like that the elements were sort of introduced slowly? like the ACTUAL HOOK or the sample or sequence you had was fun or interesting to listen to, so it was good to "stick around" for more in the tape? it does help that there's this warm reverb-space to the cut, so you feel like playing Ocarina of Time for the first time again / there's a virtuous sense of wonder in there.
i wouldn't exactly say more mellow or "slowen" (whatever that adjective means, i felt it was proper here), like something out of old age. hmmm. ... maybe it's more "clear" or "lucid"? it feels more balanced? but doesn't eke out any kind of... it doesn't feel like it's compromising anything? maybe this is how erik satie would had sounded like if he was making IDM? maybe it sounded THOUGHTFUL but in a good way. doesn't sound like it's out to "prove something". it has a seed in there (?).
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you guys :_^} *perfect!-handsign emoticon* 2 c u rockin...

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(i have to post in another post, in case editing messes up my own post)
"You'll have DESERTS next to your JUNGLE TREES and GRASS + FLOWERS... you check every stone just in case of any beautiful interactions..."
-> what i meant that suburbian garden that has literal desert and jungle PATCHES (not areas... PATCHES, lmao) in the middle of the garden. hell yeah. brain shoots up fireworks imagining them all.
and it doesn't help that everything also has a square look to them lmao. remember ragnar when i made millions of years ago, that the reason why pixel art-look works and functions so well on it's own (genre/esthetci), is because it deliberately ignores golden ratio? it's all perfect squares, which is unnatural in nature.
also i think the subconscious/meta - context or text with the Don's "check every even random looking stone" came from the water stone, but also: i think the reader knows and "feels" that you'll rarely if ever "activate anything at all in this game", thus lending to a particularly feel... a kind of non-pressurized, dreamy feel. So it's like a weird double-lane? You check them out, and reassuredly nothign ever activates, but it's all beautiful anywas....

ANYWAYS on a completely different topic, Jojo Part 5 is well up-and-running :_^) brings a teardrop to me olde eyes...
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RE: Don Miguel videos x 2 (thanks Ragnar!!):
I'm starting to feel the same... as in, I gotta get my hands on RM2K's... getting back 2 rootz... anyways, in case u didn't know Cicada, that demo and Don Miguel is probably the reason GW/SW exists today... all the futuristic teenagers o' of the hayday got their first impression/experience with RM2k through that Don Miguel's demo that came with the program. So it actually IS historically important, to western JRPG scene and to GW/SW. Also important because this was pre-youtube era, so you didn't get easy exposure first by the means of some video... funny how these little seemingly childish/non-important things make big explosions in real life, huh?
Prior to RM95, there were some kinda sliphod children's programming tools for WIN95 like Games Factory, but nothing actually functioning or actually beautiful/esthetical. Lot of these new ideas were still within the engineer-like/nerdy WIN95 esthetic box... like the Chaos Creator or whatever it was called, where you could create Dungeon Master games... but it ran in Win 95 desktop-window look, and looked disappointingly like Win 95 game... so there was no real drive to make games by oneself, since there's no proper inspiration there.
I got into RM95 through by playing FF 4-6 in SNES emulators. In particularly FF4 and FF6 did an lasting impression, like give this exciting burning idea that "wait, if i can just pixel things myself and do midis, then I can make my OWN FF6...!". That kinda deal.
It's like 60-70's rock giving birth to the idea that you can make your own band and own sound with these new instruments - now the idea was that you could spin these beautiful, old/esoteric/mysterious/pre-modern age fables in videogame form fairly easily. 90's Woodstock...
But RM95 again, was mostly plagued by running in Win 95 windowed mode, and thus the resolution was "too good" and the graphics looked something straight out of IBM-256-colours meets PC88 esthetics. Same problem with Tactic's Maker, the resolution and esthetics were not good... you couldn't work on the graphics like that as an amateur very easily.
I was really taken by Don Miguel's demo after trying to make RM95 work somewhat fruitlessly. (But I didn't know it was also a "programming tutorial" either! Thankz 4 Ragny 4 this...). 
I think the demo really still has a lot of charm, and he accidentally did lot of right things in that demo esthetics-wise. He could give the ridicilous default tilesets a kind of a ramshackle charm? Everything makes inner sense in a weird way. You'll have DESERTS next to your JUNGLE TREES and GRASS + FLOWERS... you check every stone just in case of any beautiful interactions...
Just the beginning area is really beautiful, with it's idea to use background panorama, shifting cloud EFX, and combining all this to the often-unexplored cliff-tileset.
Or the area's water stone- moment, where the music stops entirely for a good span of time (or at least contributing to the next areas more somber/quieter level of music), and the way the rain effect transitioned into battles and next area as well... I played a lot of Little Big Adventure 2 in my youth, so I was fond of these nature elements. IT'S INSPIRING you know? So you start to get "visions" on where to take it next.
So yeah, i wouldn't wonder if there was this DIVIDING/AXIOMATIC INSPIRATION in RM2K games like, already built into it? Like there was these "professionals" who wanted to make Custom Battle Systems etc try to push the poor default engine into FF6 territory, but the default tileset etc kinda easily lends itself into the strange mystical territory? Hence you get Space Funeral, Barkley 1, swordofking's EB-inspired game, etc exploring that aspect... a strange platitude-kind of attitude, i'm not sure what i'm trying to convey with that one lmao.
I wouldn't call it exactly "DOS-shareware esthetics" ... not autogenerated either... it somewhat reminds me of the "city of dissonance" at the end of the Space Funeral. Not exactly random, but not without a meaning either? I don't think it's the mind's way of "generating meanings to anything / pattern recognition", but I think the mind probably recognizes SOME kind of ACTUAL ESTHETIC in it... it's just hard to put into words or genres. Probably that esthetic spawned this interest in dumb topic etc into trying to find the proper terminology and descriptions of this mystical in-between-the-lines kinda stuff...  that the esthetic could be highly meaningful, but in an unusual way, that is still distinguishable from schizophrenic-like delusions of reality. It's as if you're receiving data and signifiers, but the metric's say "???? ESTHETIC" or something... that "congratulations, you have found a new genre, but it also seems to function in an unorthodox way as well". Probably lends very well into literature and explorations of new narrations / different set of value systems...
OH YEAH, like that Snoopy - textgame!!! I thought that somehow REALLY captured to an extent that "idea"!!!
Tho I don't think it's easy to literally conclude stories like these... it's not easy to give a narration or meaning to this stuff. hmmm.... like i don't think it's about "taking weird worlds at face value" or "fully exploring weirdness"... it's bit like that Bubsy 3D game, where you get sudendly a strong sense that "this all actually (accidentally) seems to hint at something powerful yet to come", and i don't think it's entirely delusional or laughable to think that possibility? but it doens't either get right to say, "oh, this snoopy game is about how everythign falls to chaos etc", just to make a point (and i don't think that game is like that)... like it doesn't feel that the point is about say, naively immersing yourself into a made-up world... or hell, any other kind of "easy meaning" for these games.
It's bit like sometimes watching a 70's art or arty movie, and the movie tells that "this is the reason why this movie exists, this is the narration" etc. I don't think the movie creator knows, really... The movie itself doesn't know... The watcher knows, on a more subconscious level
(or even on a some kind of meta-level? where it knows WHAT this platform is FOR, like where it is TRYING to take the experiencers mind TOWARDS TO like a stepping stone).
I think some smart psychology researchers like Jung makes a point that humans are largely subconscious in every decision and values we make, and it would make sense that the first ideas and revolutions start maybe from pioneers, but maybe from "a collective pool or pallette of beginnging seeds". Sounds very high-minded, but basically... that maybe human mind first instinctively recognizes something familiar in an intangible, emotional way... in the subconscious... in the "finger feel", deeper in the psychological darkness... and then it slowly makes it's way into terminology and consciousness and metrics. The metrics are already there, and there's the finely tuned senses to already receive it, but it takes hella lotta time to just be able to COMPREHEND.
So it would make sense that these strange artifacts etc esthetics stories dumb topic don miguel, THESE MAKE LARGELY GREAT SENSE IN THE SUBCONSCIOUS. again, very high-minded, but i wouldn't be surprised that the function of these "motions" is to bridge that gap... that they feel important, important to protect and hold unto, BUT YOU ARE UNABLE TO SPECIFY WHY. but they serve some very high or important purpose. Jung would agree. For example, maybe we recogninze eg important archetypes or archetypal metaphorical thematics or modes/lanes of the mind, and this is largely the way human mind works it's way... we just don't know yet properly.
... Wasn't there a research that eg gooses make set paths in the forest, and seemingly walk through those paths for no reasons at all, even if they end up to a dead-end? and someone purpoted that maybe the role for those paths for goose, is to function as "outsourced thinking pattern"... it's almost like an outsourced extension of their brain, where in order to process something, they literally walk through a routine that activates that pattern in their own brain, but in the outside world.
Forests and trees largely commincate with each other through not roots, but the fungi that extends from the roots etc...
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not gonna lie, that fucking Don Migue's demo!!! the very thing that drove this ape off the life's rails!!! that goddamn town theme!!
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well, one point i never seen being made, is that JRPG's single-handedly revived classical music?

Phillip Glass etc 80's stuff isn't nearly as remarkable as the japanese videogames were in this effort. Also probably revived interest into expanded harmonical language and scales than what the 60's blues-rock-country revolution did to musical harmonic language...

Western RPG's sorta played a part, yeah, but not as much since you can't really make low-resolution (pixel) games with CRPG's in mind... making CRPG's wasn't feasible for your every teenager like JRPG's did (so it was essentially our times' rock n roll and woodstock. Earl excitedly sharing his CBS to young bonzi, who dreams of becoming like earl one day).

Also, JRPG's managed to distill many of the core essences and drama-writing of Old West mythos that appeals to younger ages. I mean try imagining the drama of manga shounen, and compare that to Marvel comics like Spider-man etc. You almost compulsively now add gigantic anime-eyes and lively facial expressions to Wolverine. might as well tattoo anime sweatdrop ironically on my forehead.

You could argue that hipster movement was secretely built on this legacy, since it has again become OK to be mature and old in fashion sense (FF6 is nothing BUT adult characters almost routinely, same for Romaning Saga games etc).

It's only a matter of time before you look like Locke from FF6, Earl. Just admit it. You always wanted that bandana and man-vest, you dirty italian feminine reneissance swashbuckler with earrings. Rawwwrrr.
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<p>GODDAMNIT SW SOFTWARE!! stop putting <b> etc after every line!! second post RUIINNEDD!!

i post some cool impressionism instead, i would had totally invited Debussy into dumb topic, then asked Ragnar to collab with him:</p>
<p> </p>
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i don't know who was the kind-hearted gentleman who fixed the bots but alas thank you? let's all assume it was either jester or frisky skelly. no wait, it was unguided. (it really DOES seem to start like a religion, there's an unknown big "daddy" who takes care of everything but never makes him known? *looks around the room spooked*)
great to hear just your random bluts, Ciccie. *nods to Ragnar in a holy manner* just to riff around wif ya, immediately blurting out without much thinking...
to me, a real eye-opener recently was checking out 1-2 hour interviews in the Rubin Show, and especially checking out all youtubes from Jordan Pieterson's channel (about judeo-christian mythology and ethics in West, and how it really shaped what it's become today... that man sorted me out in a time of crisis).
I thought I couldn't down a 10 minute youtube any longer, but after Rubin you realize in utter horror that the reason for that is because the videos and memes are done by people WHO DON'T THINK or are moderate... eeehhh... it's hard to put into words... it's like you automatically sense when a person hasn't thought it over or has some kinda agenda with you, that you are coming off from videos with MORE cognitive dissonance and suspension of disbelief, feeling that the quality of the thinking or idea is low or something...
then you go into an Rubin interview where they talk thoughtfully, moderately and sensibly about really important subjects and generally stay very sharp and non-emotional... for 2 hours straight at best, and holy moly you're invigorated. lot of traditional media along with it's group agenda's and sociopathy sudendly starts to seem super, duper hollow.
also heard that a lot of working men listen all day long to "long-form" podcasts or audio books while at work by these kind of people. so like, not all utubers or podcasters of them are in for that e-buck but are actually competent in their respective fields & thought shit over a lot and actually dare to say them out loud in open. so there's an interesting shift going on, here and there.
another musing: i think the "backwards looking" stuff you echoed from others... It's partially true, but i think in general it became "politically incorrect" to be "subconscious" anymore. after all, all great art and movements and thoughts come all together, deep from subconscious and as an answer to something important. if you've noticed, you are pressurised to be "woke" (=hypervigilant of your social environment) and in general see the world through the lense of social reality only. it's an ongoing assault.
think it this way: i could take your post out of context, and right now make a reaction video about it, and go with a caption "wow! triggered! did he just say that?". and if you examine your feelings, you feel: that irritation that "fucking hell, we're not talking fair and square here, it's now this game of putting words into other's mouth" type of thing. like DUMBING DOWN of everything, powermongering... but also feel of shame of "going unconsciois and let your mind do the talk unfiltered, to get to the heart of the matter". THAT is "political correctness".
not to say this that the situation is hopeless, not at all. give the Rubin stuff a chance, or Peterson. that shit sorted me out. i also needed in my personal life to sort many concurrent philosophical stuff out, and i think i also matured quite a bit.
also i have a hunch the reason why i keep pushing that envelope of mine's into some moderation - argument without actual audience to agree with me... damn i lost my thought. more on this later. but i do feel like the pressure to not to stay unconscious is pretty big these days. it's not so much as "conformity" or "looking the part" but  i kinda of hyperreal metrics where the metrics think they got the life right... wow, i got it right NOW... such a success, much happiness... and its plenty attractive, because i learnt (again) from dumb topic stuff and art that it's largerly terrifyingly UNKNOWN. what do you do with something, that you can't fucking tame or control or predict!??! it's just as wild and unhinged as bonzi posts, where ciccie and raggie blows out air, loose ties, go *PHOOH, bonzi, erm, HUUH, haah, i don't think that was very POLITE... pant pant, bonzi you are drivelling in your obsessions FAR TOO LONG..." etc etc. bwahaha, im just putting words into your mouth. fools. bbhaaah *a cool goblin in a dirty trenchcoat and wild punkrocker hair takes a deep smoke from a boint*
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or to put it in short and immediately understandable form, just replace purple orangutan as main hero: