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Awesome! Gonna give this a spin asap.
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Enslaved looks like it could be good, probably not a day one purchase for me but Ill be sure to get it eventually.
Thinking about picking up "Ratchet and Clank : Crack in time" since I just beat Tools of Destruction.
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This is a joke topic, right?
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Against my better judgement, I decided to give this game a go. So far it seems awfully generic, but surprisingly not terrible.
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Just picked up Valkyria Chronicles the other day, liking it a lot so far. On a side note, Ive heard some mixed opinions about Assassins Creed, are either of the two PS3 titles worth picking up before AC:Brotherhood comes out or should I just read up on the story and forget about the games.
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Dig up some old Simpsons episodes from the 90's.
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Also playing Demon's Souls, the game that hates you (in a good way).
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For something thats supposed to be "going back to its roots" it sure seems to resemble the new games rather than the old ones. All the characters look a little too "healthy" for starters. I dont really like the world transition either. The creepy siren followed by a blackout only to walk outside and find you're "not in kansas anymore" was a whole lot better than the flashy animations. Truth be told, the stuff the developers of the original thought up to mask the consoles technical drawbacks actually gave the game a large chunk of its character.

Dosn't look bad by any means though. Im actually looking forward to it.
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Final Fantasy Battle Manager 2010
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I quite liked the FFXIII "objective" review. Makes a point that a review without opinion is basically a discription. Funny how some people seem to have missed that.
On a side note, I actually read his propper review of the game. I would have probably given it a 6 instad of a 4 but so far (just over six hours into the game) I find myself agreeing with most of what he said. I do like the music though.
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Ill give it a go, though truth be told, I think Im more interested in seeing how this topic plays out than I am in the actual game.
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Im going to give you the benifit of the doubt and assume that you really do have some sort of weird browser/connection problem.

My suggestion is this. Throw your game onto a cd or pendrive and go somewhere with a regular connection, then upload your game from there. You can also try a different browser like Firefox since you seem to be having problems with your current IE configuration.

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Not really my thing but for anyone interested, its supposed to have a September 30th global release.
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Theres a ton of free hosting sites, but I suppose http://rpgmaker.net/ would be a good place to put your game.
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Youll have better luck if you post a link.
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Just make a text speed selection option. All you have to do is replace the fixed number with a variable and add a small event that sets it.
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How exactly am I "having people make my game for me" when the graphics and sound and coding are the only things I am NOT doing?

I can see what hes trying to say here, but it dosnt make this statement any less funny. Quite an unfortunate way to put it, but at least it made me laugh.

Good luck finding a team dude, I have a feeling may need it.
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I tried it, truth be told I'm finding it a little boring so far. I've yet to try a propper game though, since I only played a few practice rounds. So, not giving up on it just yet.
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You made a slight advertising error. Should have kept the numbers to yourself untill you had a working system to go with them. At this point it just looks like you pulled them out of your ass, so to speak, for the sake of looking smart. If you had actually relesed a tech demo allong with the system details Im almost certain you would have gotten a much better reaction since it would look a lot more credible.
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Fine, I'll leave the ship alone. Suffice to say it kills any drama you try to build up.
I can understand that redoing it all now would be a pain. But lets be honest for a moment dude.
The walking is slow, the text is slow, the leveling is slow even the orb menu is slow. Is it at all posible that you only did this to artificially extend the length of your game? Some people may be fine with that, but I for one would much rather play a 20 hour game that flows smoothly than a 90 hour game that makes me feel like Im watching a loading screen every time I talk to an NPC.

Thats my feedback for you and I hope you try to keep these things in mind if you ever make another game.

The fact that you completed and continue to improve on your game is worth some praise though. Unfortunately it seems the problems I have with it are all the way down at the core of its design. Its just not for me.