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  • Joined: Apr 12, 2006
  • Posts: 6
Hey everyone, new guy here... Just a little about me (this isn't really an introduction topic, but whatver). I used to be really active in the RM2K community back when it was the hot stuff. The place where I hung around the most, RPGLand.net, dried up as a community a few years ago and with the releases of RMXP and RMVX, for some reason, I just stopped making games. I have, however, wanted to get back into the fray, so here is my question to you, the only game making community that I know of!!

The Question
To what extent does the RPGMaker community still exist? Are people still making games with RM2K and RM2K3? And to what extent? RMXP and RMVX are simply too hard to work with if you can't script, and getting resources that aren't in a cliche fantasy setting are nigh impossible.
  • Group: Member
  • Joined: Apr 12, 2006
  • Posts: 6
RM2K/3 is still kickin'.

Sweet, exactly the answer I was hoping for!
  • Group: Member
  • Joined: Apr 12, 2006
  • Posts: 6
Hey everyone. I'm pretty much new here (even though I registered about 3 years ago or something,) but I was just wondering if there's still an rm2k community still out there. I want to make another game (I've made many may in the past) but I have no idea whether or not people still use the program. I wouldn't mind getting into RMXP but I don't know how to code and it's too difficult to find good graphics for it.