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Stop making up things about people considering it a secret club,

Well, people were acting superior in this very thread, which is what I understood the whole arcane secret club thing to be about.
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Game maker might be a good middle step between rpg maker and XNA. I've never worked with XNA, so I don't know how much work is done for you, but atleast in GM get resource management, collision checking and a graphics engine, so you can start experimenting with game mechanics the moment you create a project.

I hate it when people go around acting superior about basic programming knowhow, as if it's some arcane secret club with subject matter that is inherently inaccessible to the brain of the common man.

Dude, I agree 100%! Learning to program is mainly about training yourself to think in a certain way, something anyone can do.
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@Corfaisus: Maybe some lower support on the bridge could actually help it look a little better perspective wise? I know it exists in the same dimensional plane as the ground, but right now it feels kinda weird with the water. Also it might look cool with darker water tiles below the bridge to make it look like it's casting a shadow near the lower edge?
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What you do in Rm2k is neither coding nor programming. Call me an asspisser, but as a student gamedesign I feel offended by that shit. Programming is writing your own code, not clicking some damn buttons and letting a program do it for you. If you're using D&D in Game Maker you're not "programming". It just pisses me off when people use that word in such a context, because apparently they think they're some leet shit and got skillz.

No really in RPG Maker it's still easier to make a platformer. You think Game Maker is a better tool for that, and it is, but definitely not easier if you're inexperienced. Forget GML, even the Game Maker drag&drop commands work dodgy and are more limited then Rm2k.

So yeah for someone who really doesn't know shit about Game Maker it would still be easier in Rm2k. All you have to do is a shitload of graphic editing and using the event commands in an inventive way.

Also no offense to OP, but you offering your "skills" in Rm2k is like someone offering their skills in converting BMP to PNG images. Anyone can do it.

I have coded my own graphics engine from scratch, coded games in game maker and coded games in rpg maker, and I think it is pretty much the same logic applied to different tools. If you know what you're doing you can simulate classes and objects in rm by fully planning your system in advance and then set up data properly in the array. Then you just access it with pointers. You wouldn't get inheritance ofcourse but I think it is a decent example that if you're creative you can do more things in RM than those who diss rm coders think. Ofcourse game maker could do a lot more, and c++ can do more than GM but RM can still do some neat things.

Also, coding might be about writing actual code instead of clicking buttons, but the important aspect is the logic part and the ability to solve problems in an efficient way. Translating your solution to code is not the main thing.
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Yeah we've beaten the campaign in coop and can play the default nazi zombie map.

I guess checking the official forums makes more sense =) Thanks!
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A friend and I are trying to load custom maps in the nazi zombie mode of cod waw. We've followed online instructions to the very letter and the mod shows up and can be launched, but the map does not show up  on the list so obviously we're doing something wrong. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance
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Pretty cool but the perspective feels a little awkward with the basket things in the last shot.
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Haha I agree 100% with Massy2k6!

Also, wasn't monopoly already released? Like over a year ago? :S
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bears get no hugs unless they promise to be good bears
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Feeling a bit cranky today are we, Ed?
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Right, because stickied topics need bumping. Makes sense :)

In your first shot the couches look a little weird, they don't connect. And maybe it would be more realistic to have one small book case in each corner to avoid blocking the light from the window?

I like the second shot alot.
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My favorite songs atm: http://open.spotify.com/user/b3nj1i/playlist/6hItBDQhJxcXl1d1aaxd0j

consists of some nice slow songs and some nice agressive songs
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Chipotle, that looks so cool
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Haha dude I have an almost identical boss in my game, with the strangle move too (only he's a robot and not a zombie)! From watching that video I'd say it looks a little too easy to outrun him and simply spray him with your gun.
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rajew, I think you misunderstood his question
how do i upload an image that shows up as broken on the forums??

What you told him would make an image that doesn't show up as broken

And I don't think mapping is that important as long as it just isn't empty spaces. I would suggest figuring out what you want to have on a specific map, like what has to be done in order to beat it, character interaction etc. Then you can design it with these things in mind, and it will give you ideas for some areas of the map.
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@Killer Wolf: That looks sweet, but I think the character is a little too bright. Just a little.. Don't really know why, maybe because the general colouring of the chipset gives the feel of a dark room and she appears unaffected by the darkness or something.

edit: just reread your post and saw that it isn't that dark in-game so maybe the character looks better suited in game..
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@bi0hazard: Man I really like that  shot. What kinda game is it? looks nice anyway
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Yeah it was made in GM7 pro, sorry to disappoint you Mince Wobley! ;) Hope you might find it in you to try the demo anyway!

that looks very very awesome. a little too much like MGS maybe, but awesome indeed.

I've been told this before actually, but the whole point of the project when I first started working in 2007 was to immitate MGS down to every detail cuz I was a bit of a fanboy back then, so I don't feel that it's too much like MGS since with my original intention in mind it can't get too much like MGS;) We're trying to put some of our own twists to it though.

As for programming stealth in RM, sure it can be done, I did it at first but like you say it is very poor. The pathfinding gets sooo slow, and soliton radar can't be made the exact way it's done in MGS either, I found a workaround for that though but it was never a smoothly scrolling thing.

andyw: your portraits look pretty cool, what's up with the yellow thing in the upper right corner of the main character though?
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Made a trailer for my game which should have a demo done quite soon now!

Music by me.

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Oh okay, is it any longer than it was 1-2 years ago?
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