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Hey, two weeks and two days later, a response from a native GWer!

Of course, it isn't really 3D.  It's meant to sound silly and overglorified.  Just like the game I stole its music from, Sonic 3D Blast.
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Ah, I see you joined in July last year.  Bit of a lurker before, eh?

Anyway, these forums have gone through a lot over the years, and they're at the point where nothing surprises them anymore.  Choose how you post carefully, 'cuz you never know when someone's going to jump down your throat for something.  If you can prove you're an intelligent contributing member, they might respect you (might).  And there's just an ass-tonne of stuff I could never prepare you for.  So, post, learn, and hang on tight; they don't sugarcoat things around here.

This all sounds really hokey, but it's 100% true.
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Yes, it's incomplete, and no, it's not for sale.  It's freeware.  You're really new to the RPG Maker scene, aren't you?
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Resolution is 320 x 240, and it goes full screen automatically.

Also, uh, welcome to GW.  I'm not around here much anymore.
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Just keep shooting it.  It takes a LOT of hits, but it can be killed.  It's meant to impede you so much that you have to fight off everything else in the room first (so you can stand in place and hammer it constantly).
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Now in two dimensions!

This is a minigame featured in my current project, Pokemon Hunter 4.  Although it's part of that game, I felt it was unique and independent enough to get its own separate release.  It was created in RPG Maker 2000.

In it, you play as a Porygon named http:// on a quest through a computer world.  His goal is to find and defeat the other evil Porygons so they won't come into the real world and wreak havoc.

The game uses an ABS that I took great care in crafting.  I did my best to avoid many of the pitfalls such battle systems typically encounter.

It's all extremely simple.  The HUD in the top-left tells you everything you need to know.  The squares are your HP, the triangles are your power level, and the circles are extra hit points.  Pressing the Enter key fires Tri Attack, which hits four squares in front of you.  I've perfected the hit detection, so there's no way the attack could ever miss a target in its range.  HOWEVER, it can only hit one target at a time, so firing at multiple enemies will only register damage on one of them (and not necessarily the one closest to you).

Fighting isn't the focus of the game, as there are no levels or grinding to be done.  Instead, you fight enemies to open doors, solve puzzles, or replenish lost health (enemies occasionally drop health pick-ups when defeated).  Depending on how careful you are, you may not have to fight much at all.

At the end of each zone, an evil Porygon awaits.  These boss fights are quite tricky, and if you don't play carefully, you'll find yourself utterly trashed.  Each Porygon has different abilities depending on its element, which is related to the type of zone you're in.  Once the boss is defeated, you can access the switch to open the next zone up.

This demo covers the first two zones of the game.  It's a good twenty to thirty minutes depending on how well you do.  You can download it here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/iyxmjgk2yyf/SP3D.zip

Check out this review, too.

I've tested all the content, but if you encounter any bugs, please feel free to report them.  I hope you enjoy Super Porygon 3D!

For more about my games, you can check out Pokemon Hunter's crappy official site.

This demo released as part of Release Something! Day IX at RMN.
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I finished three games, but the subject matter turns most people away at the title screen.

I just got back into working on my 4th.  Sometimes I just can't find the motivation to work on it, and others I can't put it down for five minutes!  I guess it's more about persistence than timeliness.
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Speaking of being on topic, I don't mind if someone uses RM for something other than a jRPG as long as its good. However, most of the games I've come across that do this are either "good for a game made in RM" or just plain bad. When it comes down to it, unless you can really pull off some magic with RM its probably best to simply use an engine that's better suited for the game you want to make.
Pirates of the Silver Crescent comes to mind.

I've never had to bother with load screens in my games, probably because I've never made anything that was outside of RM's normal parameters.  I think it's amazing what some people can pull off in RM* when they try hard enough (see "U.S.G. A New Beginning"), but I agree that people should stop trying to break the maker and find ones better suited to their needs.
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Is that an isometric Chip's Challenge?
Weird, this was the first thing that came to my mind even though I knew it wasn't.  No clue.
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Oh.  Then you were in agreement with me.  You'll have to forgive me for not following the game's scientific definitions; I only play it for fun.
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By Beginning Strategy, I assume you mean Sunflowers followed by Peashooters, right?  Yeah, that'll get you be most of the time, but Peashooters can't deal with Bucket Head Zombies very well while a Repeater and a Snow Pea can easily handle one between them.  A Repeater costs exactly as much as two Peashooters, so you can save yourself some time and space by planting only them.  Besides, the extra Sunflowers you need to get them going inevitably help out later on.  Having ten or more Sunflowers is always a good idea.
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All righty.  Leave out Peashooter and Tangle Kelp, and bring Potato Mine and Squash instead.

Right off the bat, plant a Sunflower (duh).  Keep planting as many of them as you can.  When the first few zombies show up, plant Potato Mines and Squashes waaaaay in front of them.  They'll die on impact with either of those plants.  This should buy you enough time to get 10 Sunflowers up (4 in back on each side, two in pool).  Once you've got the Sunflowers, start planting Wall-nuts ad try to get a Repeater in every row.  You'll especially need Wall-Nuts in the pool.  Plant Snow Peas to back up the Repeaters, and make sure the Wall-Nuts are far up the lawn so the pole vaulters won't have time to get anywhere after they jump.  Plant a second row of Repeaters if you have time.

Good luck.
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You can beat just about any level by setting up garlic on the outer-most and middle rows, and lining the remaining two rows(from right to left) with spikes, a tall-nut, and then the ice flower guys.
And then the Zombonis and Gargantuars show up and squish your Garlic without a second thought.  The endless survival mode really makes you appreciate just how much the different zombies are capable of.  Some of them are never really a threat, but others (see Jack-in-the-Box Zombie) can prove to be a true pain in the ass.  My Survival: Endless record is 63, but I saw a crazy guy on YouTube who made it past 200.

unless one of yall wanna help me out im fucked i think i just cant beat this sage take ascreen or something i suck
I can get you through anything!  Just tell me the last plant on your list currently and what zombies your up against.
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The reason I made so many stages was so I would have a grand total of 300 altogether.  Brawl lets you use 258 different songs for the BGMs in custom stages, and there are 41 ordinary/melee stages.  So, one stage for every song is 258, plus 41 normal stages is 299, and I made just one extra stage for an even 300.  The song I reused was Scrap Brain Zone, and the exception stage it went to was the first I ever made.  It's also the first one in that compilation picture.

I tried to do something different with each stage, but with a goal of 259, some were bound to be similar.  At least they're all playable (mostly).

Oh, and an important note for those of you who decide to download them: the Wii has a more difficult time reading stages from an SD Card, and Brawl's random stage select can't choose stages on one, either.  So, if you find one you like, you may be better off copying it to the Wii instead.
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Well, I'm glad to hear they look good, even though you can't really use them.  I might put up more individual shots and descriptions later, but here's the entire contents of the download:

259 in all...nope, I wasn't kidding.
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I recently found an easier way of sharing custom Brawl stages with other people without having to deal with all the friend code bullshit!  I wouldn't be surprised if some of you already knew about this, though.  I've uploaded a file with all my Stage Builder data, and all you have to do to use them is:

1. download the file below
2. copy the contents to a Wii-compatible SD Card

download 'em!

And I have some screenshots for you, too!

This is a very small sample of what's contained in the download.  If you really must know, I made 259 stages in all.  Some are better than others, but they're definitely worth a look.  And you can always delete the ones you don't like.

And, if anyone else wants to share the stages they've made, all you need to do is:

1. Save the stages to an SD Card in Brawl
2. Copy the folder path that starts with "private" to your computer
3. Upload it!

Viva la pelea!
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Hey, Steel?  Just out of curiosity, which bothers you more: the fact that this happened and you don't know why, or the possibilities implied by its occurence?  I mean, are you worried about what it means if you can't find a logical explanation for it?  It seems strange this would have so profound an effect on you.
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I don't know what to tell you, but I'll try not to fill you full of religious mumbo-jumbo.  I'm not an athiest, but I'm not a devout religion-or-bust type, either.  So, from what I've concluded on my own about religion...

"God" (don't know if that's really who/what it is, but that's what I'm calling it) doesn't seem to interfere with our mortal lives much.  I'm sure there are people ready to rip my head off for this one, but from what I've seen, "God" isn't taking any noticeable measures to improve our world.  I get the feeling that "God" is more like a silent observer that lets life play out before its eyes.  It can help, but chooses not to, except in the subtlest ways (ie what recently happened to you).

This is totally unqualified bullshit depending on how credible you think I am, as I have nothing to base this on but my own experiences.  There have been times in the past when I've prayed for strength to overcome something and found myself better able to do so (or feeling better about it) when the time finally came.  God?  Maaaaaaybe.  Psychology?  If you can find the proof you're looking for.

Whatever it was, I'm glad to hear you at least feel better about your situation.  Good luck, Steel.
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Montai won.  Anybody else still doing this, though?
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All right, was this tournament a bust?
Don't get discouraged.  This kind of thing is hard to organize, and sometimes it takes a while for the contenders to get their matches together.  Even the big one we had when the game first came out started falling apart toward the end.
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