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well 3 votes for migraine is at least a little consoling i guess.

thanks for not condemning me to die for having bad tastes earl! I checked my posts to see if I could find what you're referring to b/c I kinda realized I was being like that a while back and made an effort to be better about it, but I thought I was doing a p. good job... I couldn't find anything overtly rude so sorry if I rubbed you the wrong way somewhere!
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hey bros, I know the obvious thing to do is see a doctor, but shits expensive so I thought it wouldnt hurt to ask if anybody has heard of anything like this. Ive already facebooked and "see a doc" is the best I could get.

Anyway, I've been getting migraines about 1-2 times a week this summer. I've been blaming insane Nebraska humidity, and the doc prescribed me a new med called Axxert, he said it might be humidity, stress, barometric pressure, etc... not important.
Anyway the last week or so, my visions been kinda wacky. As I'm writing this, there are kind of atmospheric blankets of light around my monitor. THe best way to describe it I guess would be to say that everything I look at leaves after-images in my vision, in the way those little pictures work- you stare at a picture of a ghost or whatever and then look at the wall and oooohhh the after image of a ghost is on the wall!
Anyway, even a brief look at a lamp or a chair or anything leaves an after image. THere is also some sensitivity to light, which is a little annoying. Weirdly enough, I don't have much problem with my vision if I'm wearing sunglasses, but that doesn't really put me at ease. I guess it wouldn't be too bad being Cyclops for the rest of my life but it may be a shorter one... :(

So I went to an optomitrist? Eye doc? I went.
They did an hours worth of rooting around, apparently not only in my eyes but in the back of my brain where vision is taken care of... Found nothing. Apparently when I get older I will be high risk for glaucoma, however. Whoop whoop!
Doc says if this thing with my vision doesn't go away to see a neurologist after this weekend. He's got one he can send me to.

Well that sucks and is hella expensive, like thousands of dollars, and I am still paying for my appendectimy in the spring, so if that is unneccessary I'd like to avoid it. Also going in there has some pretty dark evil connotations with a brain tumor or an anneurism. Scary stuff.

So anyway I just thought I'd ask if anybody has any experience with this stuff? I have been unable to google or webmd anything successfully because I can't really describe well what I'm seeing.
If it doesn't go away by this weekend I am going to a doctor regardless :(
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i give you props for that catamites, usually i skip over you guys writing these huge novellas scrutinizing what you had for breakfast this morning and shit but that was pretty good and made me laugh a few times.

if you are into that sort or thing ihateyou, there are some set videos and stuff of the avengers online, and its far better than anything I expected. pretty cool stuff.
never would have thought stuff like the avengers would ever make it into film.
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this sure is a good topic

dada are you in cooking school or something? how does one justify the time cooking that stuff like every day? it looks amazing but you must spend hours and hours a week cooking
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I really liked First Class. I went in expecting it to be horrible but I was genuinely impressed.
But I also thought Transformers 3 was miles and miles better than I thought it would be and also loads better than the reviews are making it out to be.

Also is Ong Bak genuinely good or good in a cheap way?? I keep seeing it on netflix but its buried in a pile of shitty kung fu and cheap scifi movies.
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Listen guys, I am a huge tool and I have fallen into obsession with this nintendo-chip midi thing going around. I have very very limited understanding of midi-creation, and tbh ordering a MIDINES is far beyond my budget. i'd really like to add midi capability to my arsenal, I feel kindof like a dinosaur not understanding this stuff

can anybody tell me enough about midis that I can go about finding/creating an alternative?
I have downloaded anvil studio, but starting out has been frustrating enough to turn elsewhere

thanks homies
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is osama bin laden well known outside of the US?
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Watched the available episodes of Mortal Kombat Legacy : http://www.youtube.com/show/mortalkombatlegacy
Sucks, but I loved it!!!!!!!!!!
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wait are the digimon world games rare? I have the first 4 (the 4th one is GC) but I had no idea they were rare
sadly I can't get the first one to function anymore

I also have the monster rancher series which I understand is pretty rare
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Wow I thought it was star kid too...

my fav part is when he eats the cheeseburger and the suit makes it into this weird ball and feeds it to him. I can verify that even though he says its gross, cheeseburger is actually still very tasty in ball form
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This game was pretty sweet, I just beat the main game and opened up the other half of unova.

sometimes i yearn for a pokemon game that acknowledges the real world though... like they have this other side of unova with all these cities and all i can think about is how the pokemon league is essentially destroying the economy over there because all the gyms are on the other side and travelers/trainers have no reason to go to these places.
also my ocd is constantly bothered by the fact that the leveling system contradicts the  gym leaders and elite four because even the worst trainers will eventually be able to beat these guys so long as they dont quit...

ugh i think i am just aging too quickly for pokemon...
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played the flash version of the room

excellent game. the ending is worth playing through the game to see.
Dear god...
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man i wish i could keep up with politics like you guys do.

i feel like an idiot not being able to converse with people who talk about obama and stuff but god damn where do you guys find the time/energy to follow these things
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Well you wait until next summer to buy this (this is what ill be doing because I dont have the hardware to run this kind of game) and everything will be patched nicely and maybe even GOTY??

Judging only by the trailer this is maybe the single best looking game I've ever seen...
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there were a bunch of stories when smash bros came out that capcom was trying hard for a character but nintendo refused because they didn't give exclusivity to wii with resident evil 4.
i am very not surprised they dropped the ball with the roster, capcom is really great at making games at 90%
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I saw true grit on xmas and forgot to say anything. it was pretty good maybe even really good, but you kinda have to pretend john wayne never existed because otherwise jeff bridges will be a constant comparison and probably not measure up

it was really cool, funny, and maybe one of the only western movies i enjoyed.
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most people here have been cyber bullied faust

yea you're angry about your friend, but really think about where you are
i mean didnt despain get run out of here not even a month or two ago? this place is notorious for people being cruel to each other

not rationalizing anything, i just dont think you're going to make anybody sorry that isnt already
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i have a big problem with endurance.
the problem being that i have too much of it and it takes me like 20+ minutes to orgasm and by then my gf has had like 3 and is ready to be done with it. kinda sucks :(
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Damn I missed it, these games are all awesome too!
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jmickle i am in exactly the same situation as you, my remedy is putting it from my mind and just going day to day