• 1st Dan Cloudcuckoozoner
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Execution *is* the most important part, yes? Unfortunately it's also the one with the most ways to go about, and not all of them sufficient...I write a little as a hobby, but am a visually-oriented person who works best 'directing' visual projects rather than narrative.

What's your definition of a pet project? In this context, I'm referring to a project held close to heart and done partly for the sake of doing it and partly for sharing with a few people. For developmental feedback and technical advice I'll probably be posting here, but the reason I'm working on it isn't to garner a bunch of attention or do a big public release or anything. It's just that there's this story I'm working on, and I have a few friends I'd like to share it with.  :laugh:
Please copy and paste this to your signature if you know someone, or have been affected by someone, who needs a punch in the face. People who need a punch in the face affect the lives of many. There is still no known cure for someone who deserves a punch in the face, except a punch in the face, but we can raise awareness.
  • 1st Dan Cloudcuckoozoner
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Thank you so much for your feedback! A lot of people, especially people 'playing' a 'story' game without a whole lot of interactivity, are more concerned about eye candy than plot. Which is part of why I want to use RM2K, as the story is a whole lot dialog and directing based and shouldn't really use narrative.

As far as the setting goes, I might have to do some mockups and concept art in different styles to see what is most effective, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to do a lot of the backgrounds from scratch, seeing as one big major area that will be revisited more than once is a run-down factory being renovated...and the later smouldering rubble of said factory. I'll probably do a short 'episode zero' for the project in order to get myself up to speed, and once that's done (ack) there may be a project thread.

My dream project, huh? It's definitely that. Part of why I'm doing it is because I have some people like siblings to me who I've been bouncing my story ideas off of, and I'd like to have something to show for it, but in my style. Your advice will most certainly be kept in mind; this is quite certainly a pet project.

I suppose I ought to give a few details on the story...it involves a young man, and starts as he wakes up clutching a cup of coffee and wearing a jacket that isn't his in a seedy diner. Then he finds that there is a several-hour gap in his memory; what he can remember is several disturbing images, and his best friend's last words. The very thought of going home nearly causes him an anxiety attack, and he sees evidence that somebody may be after him. Even if that isn't the case, he's in big trouble if he does go back, as everyone is certain he was responsible for the destruction of the aforementioned factory. So he goes on the run, deciding to live it up while he does, scamming himself into an interplanetary traveling sort of job as an entertainment and recreational columnist. ...Except he's a teenager, and there IS someone after him. 'Hilarity ensues'?

Basically, it's what happens when an insomniac starts to miss Alias, go on a badly dubbed anime binge, and then watch the movie "Catch Me If You Can". Not necessarily in that order.
Please copy and paste this to your signature if you know someone, or have been affected by someone, who needs a punch in the face. People who need a punch in the face affect the lives of many. There is still no known cure for someone who deserves a punch in the face, except a punch in the face, but we can raise awareness.
  • 1st Dan Cloudcuckoozoner
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@ReiZer0: "Ooh, shiny?"
Please copy and paste this to your signature if you know someone, or have been affected by someone, who needs a punch in the face. People who need a punch in the face affect the lives of many. There is still no known cure for someone who deserves a punch in the face, except a punch in the face, but we can raise awareness.
  • 1st Dan Cloudcuckoozoner
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This probably doesn't mean anything to you, but I'll check it out as soon as my computer speakers are hooked back up.
Please copy and paste this to your signature if you know someone, or have been affected by someone, who needs a punch in the face. People who need a punch in the face affect the lives of many. There is still no known cure for someone who deserves a punch in the face, except a punch in the face, but we can raise awareness.
  • 1st Dan Cloudcuckoozoner
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Ah, hello. I'm new here, but have a confession to make: I was an oldschool rpg2knet refugee who wandered off a few years before it died for a while. A project vagabond, I've found myself wandering back towards game-making, and recalling my bizarre attachment to RM2K, despite the fact that I'd probably be more suited to using, say, Ren'Py. Call it outdated all you like. It's easy and fun for people who don't have a lot of programming skills and are good at thinking outside the box.

This may or may not be the right place to post this. If it isn't, please say so. But the point is, I've found myself planning a project that uses RM2K. First off, if someone isn't too horrible at spriting, is it a positively ridiculous idea to try making a cinematic visual novel or something similar with it?

Also, would it be more effective in the long-run to modify semi-modern chipsets or to make them from scratch? The project is sort of sci-fi, but that's not a main part of the plot. The story is a somewhat cheesy dramedy. I plan on doing all custom graphics, but am a little scared, being an amateur artist and pixel artist at best. There are, partly for satire, a number of explosions, crime scenes, and moments set in and around office buildings, suburbs, space stations, and the rubble of wrecked buildings. So I'd like to know, please, if I shouldn't come up with a simpler form of project first. That is, something a little less art-intensive for getting myself familiar with the process of making the graphics and with using RM2K again.

...It's a bit early to ask this, but should a person working on settings like this be seriously considering the merits of semi-isometric graphics or creative use of panoramas?

Edit: now that I've gotten a better look at the forums I realize this probably belongs under Advertising, and feel like (more of) an idiot. What now?
Please copy and paste this to your signature if you know someone, or have been affected by someone, who needs a punch in the face. People who need a punch in the face affect the lives of many. There is still no known cure for someone who deserves a punch in the face, except a punch in the face, but we can raise awareness.