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So, where did everyone end up in life? Are any GWers now fathers, husbands, or forever aloners? I think most of us are either in our mid or late 20s now. What kind of jobs have people landed? We need updates.
As for me, I'm managing a pharmacy now. I've been a pharmacist since 2010. Moved to New Brunswick for one year in 2011 and then moved back to Nova Scotia. No significant other. Always thought I'd be married by 28, but I'm 27 now and that doesn't look like it's going to happen anytime soon. I've almost accepted that I'm going to be alone the rest of my life. Certainly not against the idea of a wife and kids but if it never happens I guess I can live with that. I've always been a solitary kind of dude anyway who never really socialized much out in the real world. But I do have two great cats and finally managed to grow a decent beard; can't complain about that! Gotta look on the bright side of life.
29 years old now, 30 in September. Have a wife. Have an almost 2 year old son. Working as a quality manager / consultant in a not-for-profit organization. Play a lot of board games. Dream about making a game in Game Maker, but looks like it won't happen. Life in general is nice. Sometimes I do miss the silliness of GW though. Life was, while not better, certainly easier then.
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As always, you are still awesome. Keep doing your thing.
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I might come back to this with a longer post, but for now, I'll just give you the cliff notes of DP2014 (as in DarkPriest in 2014):
  • After I completed my mandatory military service in 2006 January I started drifting away from GW
  • I started studying in HAAGA-HELIA university of applies sciences in 2006 fall
  • Met the girl of my dreams and then some in 2007
  • Finally discovered the hobby of my dreams in 2008 - board games
  • Finished my business studies in 2010
  • Got married to the before mentioned girl in 2011
  • Bought my first appartment in 2011 (hello mortgage)
  • Decided that my career would be in the field of quality management and organisational development
  • Bought RPG Maker VX Ace on Steam in 2012, found out that I no longer have time to make games
  • The birth of baby boy in 2013 fall, how awesome and scary is that? (answer: quite)
  • Discovered minimalism at the same time, am currently trying to cut down on my possessions and other clutter
  • At this moment it looks like my career is spanning out quite nicely
  • Board games still play a large role in my life (and probably will continue to do so)
Overall I'm pretty happy, but I do miss the crazy community of GW. It was something quite unique that will probably never happen again. 
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I stil listen to the RPG Troubadours every now and then. There is some stuff there that is just incredible. What about you guys, do you still listen?
Do you still... have the music in you?
Feat. Tyrone Streets/Lars, Drule (Hitlerdog...), Bruce Genitals, Magma King, Cliff, ATARI and others... never forget.
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Wow, Rast! The man behind RPG Engine. I'm not sure if you remember me, DarkPriest. I used to pester you about including support for mod music into RPG Engine  because that's what I was into at that time. It is seriously weird and amazing at the same time to "remeet" someone I had first contact with when I was like what, 13 years old?
Anyway... nice.
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I don't know feel free to add me! (I only remember your first name anyway I think it was IAN JR. GOBBLESWORTH?)
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Just letting you guys know that I have an almost 4 month old boy now. I'm that old.  :foget:
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Have a good 2013 everyone!
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I have the utmost respect for people who try to beat an addiction and especially for those who manage to pull it off. My father did it (cigarettes) and I have done it (fizzy drinks). Alcohol is probably on a whole another level than my examples though. For what its worth, I want you to know that I'm rooting for you.
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Oh, I think DP was hired due to having like ACTUAL SKILL though haha.
Rumors of actual skill are largely exaggerated. What I did was mostly moderating the forums, sometimes well, sometimes like the 15 year old that I was. Fun times. I wonder what happened to wishmoo?
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Terrible news indeed. I always respected doktormartini for standing up for what he believed in. It was the strong and interesting personalities who made GW the great forum it was and dok was definitely one of them. Rest in peace Marty.
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you guys realize that you have to actually make this game now that you have the money? ;)
Actually this is pretty cool. If you had claimed that people will actually pay this much for Barkley 2 I would have called you a fruit.
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hi Seph are you still listening to weird rock?

i remember people telling me how I'll grow out of metal and prog... heh...

anyway if someone wants to make another Troubadour album I'll be up for that
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maybe I will but I will need... images...

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the weekend is long gone.. fucker
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I'm the same pretty much i still write shitty songs and grumble at children

Working on ATARIsick VII by now? I still have the original trilogy stashed away and I listen to it occasionally.
Also Afura yes that was Death Jester. I was never fat and although I did and still do listen to black metal I never looked the part.
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It's really me! I can tell you all about the rm2k3 manifesto, Rast, Foget Factory or wishmoo if you want. Or about that time when we were supposed to meet in London but you were too busy doing goth stuff so that we didn't.

I'm a part of the rat race now, working for an organization that develops Finland's business competence by training and consulting.  Other than that I've recently picked up board games as a hobby, you can check out my account at BoardGameGeek (DeePee there too). Great stuff.

Drama teacher eh? Sounds like something you'd end up doing. And you're still doing CAPS for added EMPHASIS! I love it.

Here's how being married looks.
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Hey guys
I haven't been here for a while. What's happening (if anything)? Me? I got married and purchased an apartment. The winters are still cold in Finland and I still like metal and progressive rock.