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curly hair onry
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fried rice w/ green beans and garlic pork roast

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windows xp, shell replacement called LiteStep

took some random guy's minimalist theme (no textures/etc) and customized it to be even more minimalist

i am pretty happy with it

edit: wallpaper is from wallpapers.net
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Minimalist <3

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hey fuck you guys you are all racist for hating me since i'm white

i can't stand this place fuck off

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I've attempted multiple times to reason with him and instead of COMING TO TERMS he eggs me on further. You get what you put in, buddy.

maybe i'm unstable too, it's not that ridiculous of a claim, right?
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It wasn't hacking. It was a stupid ghost client. I didn't do anything to compromise you.

If you weren't such a fucking crybaby about everything that everyone says EVER then maybe you wouldn't be targeted by everyone in the channel.

I'm a dick, I get it. You're a baby.

Get it?
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sorry you're right you totally crossed the line
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1: Sultans of Swing - Dire Straits (1977)
2: Surfing With the Alien - Joe Satriani (1986)
3: Sweet Child o' Mine - Guns n' Roses (1987)
4: Hotel California - The Eagles (1976)
5: Bad to the Bone - George Thorogood and the Destroyers (1982)

special mention to Maggot Brain - Funkadelic (1971)
that song rules

none of the songs on your list are even near my top 10 :(
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My name is Krinsdeath.
I've been a member of this forum since 2003 (or 2002), but have less posts and general forum activity than members who joined last week.
I am a former moderator, and along with ramirez I administrate this forum's IRC server.

I am a musician, web designer and bartender.

My pastimes include golf, playing games and designing new alcoholic beverages to fuck people up.
My hobbies are building wood furniture, drinking (domestic and foreign) coffee and playing the harmonica.

It is nice to meet you all, and I look forward to reading all about you!
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this has helped me sleep for the past like two years, but write down everything you think about, so that if you forget it you can reference it later on your handy I WROTE DOWN EVERYTHING paper. it doesn't seem like it helps with stress but seriously dude that shit will save your life.

trust me.

also try doing those neck stretches pretty frequently, they're really nice.
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that's the trapezius muscle (i had to google brock lesnar because i have no idea who he is) but yeah, you can self massage it. a lot of people just pinch the shit out of it and that is pretty UNHELPFUL in relieving pain.

basically cup your hand like you were going to take a drink from your palm, and then use the part of your palm close to the wrist and the base of your fingers to sort knead the muscle gently. it hard enough that you can feel it but not enough that it hurts enough to make you wince. I don't know if you specified left or right, but obviously use the opposite hand. if your left shoulder is hurting, use your right hand. etc.

edit: again proper posture is helpful, especially since this muscle helps with your breathing. btw if you are breathing really shallow this muscle will continue getting stressed, because it's the muscle that pulls your chest up for shallow breathing (unlike your diaphram which controls your full breathing)
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I don't know if you are allowed to do minor stretches and shit, but if the pain is localized near the muscle on either side of your spine that runs lengthwise up and down it, try tilting your head so that your ear touches your shoulder and pulling gently with that arm (ie left ear, left shoulder, pull down with left arm), and it'll stretch that right muscle. Do it gently for like 30 seconds and then the same on both sides, and then relax your shoulders if it's possible for you. It helps me out, but this is all assuming that's where your pain is.

Maybe I know other easy exercises/stretches but I have no idea where the pain is located.

something to consider I guess

edit: if you do the stretch, try to sit with as proper posture as you can, it doesn't really help you at all if you're sitting in a fucked up position
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you guys have converted me

let's let animals run free (like they are supposed to be) and starve most of the world so that our slaughterhouses can be shut down and our immoral slaying of the free creatures of the universe for food can be put to an end

humans are worthless. animals before humans, bro

i guess it doesn't matter that one cow feeds my entire family for 6 months. can one tomato plant claim the same thing?

I'd say 75% or all of you have no idea what it's like to butcher an animal, and while I've never done it on the grand scale, I think you're assigning too much credit to these animals. Yeah, they feel pain. Do they feel pain like us? Maybe. Is one cow as important as one human? No.

Fuck your immorality bullshit. It's immoral to be a vegan because you're promoting the waste of good meat.
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I have a dual blade/reflex brute named The Grey Earl on Champion serv.

yes it is a badass name, I know.
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Holy fuck dude! It's been a while. I already greeted you on IRC but figured I'd post here for posterity's sake.

Glad to see you back, and I'm looking forward to your radio shows again :D
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why do you keep mentioning me as if I'm some kind of ignorant dickhead :(

either way, hope you pull through. A friend of mine just beat lung cancer and is currently recovering (and he's quite a bit older, he's in his 70s) so even if it turns out bad for you, don't give the hope up. You can beat the shit.

especially since it's going to turn out to be nothing but a big wad of pipe tobacco that your roommates unintentionally dropped in your mouth while you were sleeping
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xbox live - Njodi

nothin' else.