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Usually I wouldn't post something like this, but I am having hell trying to find a part time job, and even should I get one, I'm looking at 200-300$/mo.
I do have a full time job, where I make about 1200/mo, but I am supporting myself and my family, so there really isn't anything to spare. I am working in a printing shop, and I pretty much hate it. It's good work, but I really want to work with animals, and am lacking the education.

I have one year of university under my belt, but unfortunately I came into MASSIVE problems during the end of my second semester and had to quit to support my family. I have about 800$ left in student loans to pay, and then everything I earn from my soon to be part time job can go towards school. I realize I could probably get the money from the part time job, but I am trying as hard as I can to be ready for the fall semester, which means I need another grand or so to go to community college.

And so I turn to GW, for help. How can I make large sums of money in short periods? I am not afraid to ruin my life for a few weeks if the payout is good, in the past I have done a few 20 hour work days. I can't sell weed or anything because I am putting up my little sister in high school right now, and if she found out it'd be devastating. Is there anything I haven't thought of? I will try anything.
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I work the 3-11 shift at my job, so my downtime during the week is usually from about 11-5 in the morning. Cause of this, I see a lot of infomercials.
I have my favorites, Shamwow, Ronco's cutlery infomercial, the pedegg, and of course, my absolute favorite is the Magic Bullet. Most of these things are pretty worthless to me, and though they do seem appealing, I'm a rational person and don't give in to things like these.

But shit, that Magic Bullet sounds awesome!

Thing is, christmas is around the corner, and I have like 5 house-holds to buy gifts for. Magic Bullets would be great, because the infomercials sell them 2 for 1. So I could buy 3 of them, give 2 to the other friends of mine, and have a magic bullet of my own too!

But I'm worried about how legit these are, since I don't know anyone who's ever used an infomercial, and I'm afraid for the quality of the magic bullet.
So I ask of you, do you have any experience with the magic bullet?

If not, I'd love to hear anything about infomercials you like or have dealt with!
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Religilous is a documentary, most similar in vein to probably either a Michael Moore flick, or maybe something by Sacha Baron Cohen. The premise is, Bill Maher, an anti-christian and anti-organized religion talk show host, travels around the world discussing religion with different demographics and figures within the various religions. Maher is cynical, but not mean when he is speaking to these people, and the comedic aspect comes from Maher forcing the interviewees into admitting their beliefs are all but ridiculous, but doing so only by asking simple questions. Maher has said himself that he sees the movie as more of a comedy than a documentary, so keep in mind that it isn't just a religion slamfest for an hour and a half.

Bill Maher is a personal hero of mine, and as I have just recently found that there will be a few showings of this movie in my hometown, I feel I must do my part to spread the word a bit. I suppose if you are anything of an avid christian or muslim, I wouldn't suggest this film because you will hopefully either be converted, offended, or best case scenario, humiliated. It's my understanding that Maher spends about a quarter of the movie on Christianity, and then divides the rest between the smaller religions.

Anyway, hopefully a decent amount of people are interested in this, at least for the entertainment value. I will be bussing as many people as I can to this movie, as I am not much of a debater, and this movie should help fill the gap left by my debate skills.
Religulous is only in "select" theatres, and will release on Friday, October 3rd.
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Emmy-winning actress Estelle Getty, best known as a wise-cracking octogenarian on the popular 1980s and '90s sitcom "The Golden Girls," died on Tuesday. She was 84.

Getty, who spent four decades toiling in show business before winning fame and critical recognition as Bea Arthur's sassy, 80-year-old mother on the hit show, had been suffering from dementia.
"As of 5:35 this morning surrounded by her family in her Hollywood Hills home, Estelle Getty passed away peacefully in her sleep of natural causes," her longtime manager, Alan Siegel, said in a statement.
Born Estelle Scher in New York City in 1923, Getty wanted to be an entertainer from an early age, despite her small size and the initial objections of her Polish immigrant parents.
She got her start as a comic at resorts in New York state's Catskill mountains and pursued her dream as an actress in regional theater and off-Broadway productions while raising two sons and working office jobs to make ends meet.
She won a breakthrough role in a production of "Torch Song Trilogy" that brought her to the attention of Hollywood. She was ultimately cast as the oldest of four female retirees living together on "Golden Girls" even though she was slightly younger than her screen daughter.
Getty won two Emmys for her role as Sophia Petrillo on the show.

Goodbye Estelle, you were a God amongst Kings.
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I really don't like making all these new movie release topics but oh well.

Hellboy: Golden Army, did you like it or love it?

There were a lot of really good points in the movie, and it seemed for the most part to be a family movie. On the other hand, about every 20 minutes there would be a TERRIBLE TERRIBLE joke, and despite having some very amazing looking costumes, they didn't seem up to the task of keeping the makeup fresh on the main characters. There are a few points in the movie that Selma Blair will have Hellboy makeup left on her seemingly unnoticed, and the main antagonist, Prince Nuada, loses makeup left and right throughout the whole movie.

They focus A LOT on Abe, which for me was too much, maybe not for others. Abe fits as a good side character imho, but doesn't do too well as a focus point. Also, late in the movie he does something for completely no reason at all, and it disrupts the entire plot.

All and all, my main problem with the movie was that it's so grossly detached from the Hellboy universe. There are goblins and elves and trolls and elementals and it seems completely out of touch with the post-1950s feeling of Hellboy.

I give it 7/10, and I feel generous despite it's good ratings.
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scuse me, I'm not actually leaving, but I'm minimizing all parts of GW except Game Development, and Entertainment (just for the VG board).

I'm finding that GW's community is being overrun by people who seem to think there is a problem with GW. I understand GW isn't at it's peak but anyone who doesn't know that it's because there isn't a main site has been running around saying "no one can make good games here wtf." The things that don't need to be fixed are being fixed, and the wrong people are being outted for it.

Also, it's becoming a drag to go anywhere near the film, VG, and comic boards because there are all these people who think they are professional critics and need to make Dragonball the movie into a discussion on why anime can never make a good american film translation. It's tiring and drawn out, and anyone who refuses to argue gets "GW IS NOT A CIRCLEJERK" thrown in their face. I caught myself doing this, and decided immediately that I was taking my own opinion waaaaayyyy too seriously, and a lot of other people are the same.

I guess I'd really not like to lose access to the few boards I plan on still visiting, so I won't point fingers, but GW is starting to smell distinctly of bacon.
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Looks like the other tournament isn't happening now, so here's an alternative:

1. Swiss Tournament style, better for time. I'll post the list of your 4 opponents, and you have 4or5 days to finish your fights. Send me a rundown of which matches you won and lost, and I'll update the list with your new opponents.
2. You must use the same character throughout the tournament. Also, you cannot use the same character as someone else. Pick which one you want now and it shall be done. First come first serve. This also means only 35 people can play, if there were actually 35 people interested.
3. Best 2 of 3 matches per opponent, all items off except for smash balls. 3 Stock matches.
4. Non-Allowed Stages: Rumble Falls, Mushroomy Kingdom, 75m, Spear Pillar, Big Blue, WarioWare, Rainbow Cruise
5. Starts June 30th-July 7th.

#1 Donkey Kong: Eric [vs.2] [vs.3] [vs.4] [vs.5] [vs.6]
#2 King Dedede: Evil Bob [vs.1] [vs.3] [vs.4] [vs.5] [vs.6]
#3 Lucario: Jaller [vs.1] [vs.2] [vs.4] [vs.5] [vs.6]
#4 Marth: Lord Typhoon [vs.1] [vs.2] [vs.3] [vs.5] [vs.6]
#5 Pokémon Trainer: Despain [vs.1] [vs.2] [vs.3] [vs.4] [vs.6]
#6 Wario: Capt. Strife [vs.1] [vs.2] [vs.3] [vs.4] [vs.5]
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Do they exist?

I just recently saw that Triop they found in November, and it makes me curious to whether there could be semi-prehistoric animals still running around somewhere.

I'm not talking about ghosts or Bigfoot, I'm talking about things like that hairy-oceanic-crocodile from russia, or the chupacabra dogs that keep popping up in the lower states.

Also, post any interesting otherworldlies, or unindentified animals you have seen in RL or on google.

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Has anyone read this? I found like 6 novels at borders for pretty damn cheap, and I haven't read it yet, but my observation is that it's like dragonball (not Z) mixed with Naruto. It even does the time skip that both series do.

ANyways, I like the idea that inside this maniacal little boy is the ALLPOWERFUL SATAN. It's kind of blunt and ironic. Amusing.

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What rare games do you have/have you come in contact with? How much are they worth?

My only truly rare game (I think) is the original Monster Rancher, which I happened to come across in a game shop that has since gone out of business. It cost me about 30$, but its worth about 50$ now.

I checked to see if this was already a topic but couldn't find one so meh.
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So I've stumbled across a strangely promoted blog called "What Happened in Piedmont?"

Here's the link: http://www.whathappenedinpiedmont.com/

Looking around on the internet, I gather that it's some type of viral campaign for an unknown movie or tv series. There is no wiki or official infomation on it, but people on digg and other various sites have ideas on what it could be.

If you read the terms of service on the blog, it talks about it being some kind of game, but the only interaction it speaks of are user comments.

Has anyone seen this before? Apparently there is a billboard for it in LA, I found an ad on Superherohype.com for it.

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Well the DVD for this show comes out tuesday, so I thought I'd post about it.

Personally I love the show, but I get the impression a lot of people hate it. It is very dry humor, and while most people don't like it because of that, a lot of people don't like it because it tries to be funny by being serious. I know it's not extremely intelligent humor, but it's refreshing to me. It's on Adult Swim right now, I think on sunday nights, and they also have a live internet show, Tim & Eric Nite Live, and they also did Tom Goes to the Mayor, which was much more successful, in fact.
One of my favorite skits is Spaghet, a very ugly guy who does a poor job sneaking up on people and scaring them. Unfortunately no one is "spooked" as he calls it, but responds as though he was successful.

So what do you think of them? I want to know whether I'm allowed to speak of them here (surprise me).
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that I saw a music video for years ago.

I thought it was Ayumi Hamasaki, but I can't seem to find any videos that match up.

I'm positive it is a girl singer, and the video was obviously a pop song, but had a hard rock sound (almost evanescence) and was very dark appearance wise. The chick was on a giant black lazy-susan, and all around her were metal guitar players (way too many for one band lol). The song kicked ass and I'm looking to buy some of her music, whoever she is.

I looked up Ayumi Hamasaki and found this video for Talkin' 2 Myself, but though it's close, it is definitely not the right song. Still could be her though.

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Uwe Boll will quit making movies if this petition reaches one million signatures.


I don't know how to make a dropdown window so if anyone wants to edit this go for it:

"Ladies and Gentleman, we finally have a chance to rid the cinematic world of a cancer. Uwe Boll, the German director behind such horrid video game adaptations as House of the Dead, BloodRayne, Dungeon Siege and Postal, has recently admitted that he would retire from making movies if enough people want him to stop. When FearNet mentioned to Boll a petition online signed by 18,000 people requesting that he cease making films, Boll responded that “18,000 is not enough to convince me.” So how much would be enough?

    “One million,” Boll said. “Now we have a new goal.”

Indeed, now we have a goal. All we need is 980,000 more signatures on this petition and we can rid the world of future Boll-directed/produced cinematic atrocities. as my friend Scott Weinberg on Cinematical points out, Tunnel Rats, Far Cry, Zombie Massacre and BloodRayne 3 are already in production. So we might not be able to stop those productions. Be we just might have the ability to prevent a BloodRayne 4 or House of the Dead 3. So sign now!"

There is a link to the actual petition in the article above.
Hurry and sign it! I feel that 2008 is a great year for change, we can stop the Iraqi war AND Uwe Boll! WE CAN!
I put this in general because I feel that if more people saw this, Uwe Boll's career may actually end.
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What is your favorite wesley willis song?

I hate to be on the bandwagon, but RocknRoll McDonalds is my favorite. I love the song, and everytime I see a live video he outdoes himself.

That said I love every one of his songs and pretty much everything he does. He is like the Chuck Norris of music.
Share your favorite song and our favorite instance or fact involving Wesley Willis.
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SO I am looking to keep my roommates out of my milk.

I drink a lot of milk, so I have to keep a gallon as opposed to a pint, and therefore cannot fit in my basement fridge. So I keep it in the kitchen fridge, and my roomates keep fucking drinking it.

My male instincts tell me to put food coloring in it (girls hate off color foods?). Will this do anything to cheapen the milk or make it expire quicker?

I am very interested in learning any fowl tricks to keep my roommates out of my food. And my beer.

ps. don't say "confront them" because it is roommate code that you cannot tell them what they are doing to irritate you.

pps. my roommates are both girls. and i am a man.
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I didn't check for an old topic, but this is important.

I'm entranced by it. The story is pretty great, though slow moving, and the characters are all cliches in both manner and appearance. Yet I can't get away!
I think the cliches work because the story is set in an online game, whereas fanboys and preteens would be using them in real life.

Right now I have bought the first 5 episodes of .Hack//Roots on DVD, and finished them all within two hours. I'm pretty sure the only development storywise was Haseo joining the Twilight Bridgade, and that happened in the third episode. I have no idea why it took 5 episodes to show absolutely nothing, but they must've done something right, because I ordered the next two DVDs ten minutes ago.
I saw a lot of .Hack//Sign when it was on the saturday night line up on adult swim, but it's been a long time and I don't recall seeing any resolution. //Legend of the Twilight is a travesty and I refuse to even acknowledge it as part of the series. I've only seen like two episodes, but it seems very clearly to be chibi-anime.
The anime does have the best soundtrack I've ever heard in an anime before though. I've rewatched a few of the episodes just to hear it!

Has anyone read the manga or played the games? Supposedly there are 4 PS2 games along the main storyline, and then 3 more to go with //Roots.
Anyone who has not indulged in all that is .Hack should definitely do so, especially if you are a fan of online games.
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Wow. I just got back from the movie Vantage Point, and despite the low scores it got, I LOVED it.

They pulled off the different viewpoints perfectly, starting at the same time with each one, and then using the last viewpoint to blend all of them together.
I especially loved William Hurt's and Dennis Quaid's perfomance, and Forest Whitaker did amazing too. By the end of the movie I was genuinely attached to the characters, and nervous to whether they survive or not. I don't want to spoil the movie in case anyone here actually plans on seeing it, but Dennis' Quaid's character is set up to be an emotionally rattled secret service agent, and while most characters in the movie think he is a handicap to the situation , he does some borderline unrealistic things to prove himself. Forest Whitaker is only a tourist, there to see some kind of treaty signing; the movie is set in Spain; and just by having a camera, he is sucked into the action.
I went in a big fan of Mathew Fox, thinking he would carry the movie, but he is actually only a side note, though vital to the story.

Any thoughts on the movie? I'm hoping that just because movie sites like Rotten Tomatoes has a bad score for this movie, people won't be turned away.
I'm part of a movie club that goes to a movie every sunday night, and most of us are pretty divided on whether the movies are good or not, but everyone was at least surprised by how good Vantage Point was.

Go see it!
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So this week cast members were revealed for the movie Wolverine, which is shooting right now.
I'm glad to see a lot of low popularity characters included, but there are also some big names being played by, well, big names.

Variety says that Daniel Henney has also joined the cast of 20th Century Fox's X-Men Origins: Wolverine, now filming in New Zealand, Australia and New Orleans.

Henney will portray Agent Zero, a member of the Weapon X program and an expert tracker with lethal marksman skills.

He'll be joining Hugh Jackman (Wolverine), Liev Schreiber (Sabretooth), Ryan Reynolds (Deadpool), Taylor Kitsch (Gambit), Will.i.am (Kestrel), Danny Huston (William Stryker), Dominic Monaghan (Barnell) and Lynn Collins (Silver Fox) in the Gavin Hood-directed pic, opening May 1, 2009.

Liev Shreiber and Ryan Reynolds are amazing actors, but I'm not sure they live up to my expectations. Reynold's has the attitude, but I just can't see him as a badass mercenary. Same with Liev Shreiber; the only reason I imagine he'd made a good Sabretooth is the fact that he's like 6'4.
The rest of the actors are not as big, and the characters are not as important, so I don't really care. But there's talk of spinoffs for Silver Surfer and Deadpool, however dreadful they may be, and part of me wants a really good actor to go along with the name.
Also, I'm really looking forward to this big Weapon X team thing, and I'm curious as to how Gambit and Beak will be involved. I'll say right now, if they are said to be involved with Weapon X this movie will suck.
