• lauren's givin head
  • PipPipPip
  • Group: Premium Member
  • Joined: Feb 8, 2005
  • Posts: 375
I have the newest ipod nano, the little tiny ass silver one. there was an upgrade available on itunes for the nano so i decided to do it. then when i tried running it on my itunes it said it couldnt work because i needed to upgrade to the newest version of itunes. i tried the update button and it said no new update was found. i was mildly dumbfounded, it said i needed itunes 7.6. then i searched online, found it ,and downloaded it. i decided to install it but then... DUN DUN DUN it said it requires windows service pack 2 in order to work. me and windows service pack 2 dont get along. ive tried to install sp2 multiple times but all it ends up doing is nuking my computer. so that means i cant update my ipod with new tunes. so that was the story and the question is pretty simple.

is there a way to revert your ipod to an earlier update? kind of like the way system restore works on windows or something. thanks.

Okay so here's the new problem, which is a tad bit worse. I managed to upgrade my drivers and shit and ended up installing windows sp2 again. it worked! yay! oh wait, now the problem is that whenever i log into my windows account, and everything starts to load. once i do ANYTHING the desktop becomes unresponsive and the start bar/menu/everything else including icons and shit on the desktop start blinking, on and off. nothing is responsive and the only thing i can use is firefox. i managed to get into firefox because when i installed windowsblinds(talk about it below)i can hit buy and it pops up firefox (since i am using the trial version). i can try to get into files by putting "c:" in the firefox link bar and stuff. ctrlaltdel doesnt work. i cant get into windows restore because my start bar doesnt work. i am not entirely sure if i can run programs via firefox but i tried downloading the new stardock custom bar shit or whatever because i was using an old one and thought that was causing the problem and it actually let me install it/restart but it didnt do anything but make the start bar look pretty while it blinks violently. ok, that was pretty much all the info i collected so far. help please.

extra bonus, i can access ctrl alt delete if i dont touch anything and can browse through it using only the keyboard.
when i get kicked off ctrl alt delete (when i do anything on it, like end a program etc) it says "windows prevented 'run dll as an app' from running"