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  • Group: Member
  • Joined: May 10, 2005
  • Posts: 44
Well for my game I have planned a few different methods for a Class system, but before I start work on them I have a few questions regarding this subject.

1. Do people even give a hoot about Class systems anymore or are you discouraged by them?
2. If a game did have one would you prefer to be able to change classes at will or a "One choice and you’re stuck with it" system?
3. Exactly how should the Class system impact the game in your view, for example, like FFV where the story seems to revolve around it or more like an extra add-on?
4. Do you prefer classes to be restricted to what kinds of equipment they can use or do you prefer more freedom in that department?
And finally
5. Should Class skills be learnt as you level up or acquired though other means? (Such as buying them with Points or the like)

If you could share your thoughts on this matter it would help greatly. Thanks