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Knock knock,
Who's there?

Liman, who?
I dunno, do you remember me?

I'm basically just another old member (last post sometime in 2008) who decided to re-emerge for reasons that are strange even to myself!
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The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks

Coming 2009 to the Nintendo DS.

No, this is no april fools-joke...
Nintendo has yet again run out of ideas and decided to put Link on a train this time!


I personally liked Phantom Hourglass and will probably get this despite knowing it will be exactly like the past Zelda titles. The concept of the train is really weird though. I assume that Link will end up having a car in the game after this. First horse, then boat, now train and eventually a car. Finally he'll end up in a space shuttle flying around with Mario in the galaxy.
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Star Wars: The Clone Wars
So the new Star Wars series begun airing on Cartoon Network and so far three episodes are out!
The series takes place between Episode 2 and 3 and shows the ongoing Clone Wars between The Republic and the Seperatists. The show isn't based on the cartoon version but draws inspiration from it (mainly the art). Some episodes focus on famous characters while others will focus on less famous ones such as Kit Fisto, Plo Koon and even clones.

Each episode is around 22 minutes and are mostly independent from each other but there is a main story (the clone wars) that ties them together, sort of. The premiere was the largest most-watched ever on CN.

So far three episodes are out. I'll copy & paste the summary of each episode from wikipedia:

I personally liked the three episodes so far. I haven't seen the Clone Wars film yet so I can't comment if this is better or not but it's on the same level (although more realistic) as the cartoon but longer. The only thing that bugged me is the "news-ish" intro of each episode and that the Battle Droids are too human and have independent thinking - but I get it, it's for the kids so they can laugh. However, some episodes (especially ep3) contain some cruel deaths, so it's still a serious feeling overall.

Thumbs up from me at least!
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The Incredible Hulk

So Hollywood is at it again! The Hulk is coming back to the big screen, although not a sequel or a remake. This is just like Batman Begins, The Incredible Hulk is re-launching the franchise, ignoring Ang Lee's version with Eric Bana. Instead, Edward Norton plays the greenish scientist along with Liv Tyler as his girlfriend, William Hurt as General Ross and finally Tim Roth has a role. Oh and yeah... Robert Downey Jr. makes a short appearance as Tony Stark (Ironman).

Marvel didn't seem to be too happy about how "Hulk" did at the boxoffice and decided to give it another go with a totally new crew. The first teaser trailer was released last night (can be viewed at the link in the end of this post), showing the Hulk going against Abomination (aka wannabe-Berserker from Gears of War).

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7ezY13V7Ws <--- Trailer

What do you think? Batman Begins didn't touch a ruined franchise in nearly 8 years. The Incredible Hulk re-starts things from a film that was hardly a mess, just pretty darn boring. The trailer looks kinda tame in my opinion and I don't see Bruce Banner, I see Edward Norton. At least Ang Lee was smart enough to cast someone who was somewhat unknown at the time.
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As many might already know, the upcoming Indiana Jones flick will be released on May 22. It will be starring ol' Harrison Ford, Cate Blanchette, Shia LaBeouf, John Hurt among others. Not much of the plot is revealed but as the title suggest, it will be about the Crystal Skulls, ancient skulls made in crystal (duh). Instead of germans, the russians will be the bad guys this time around with Cate Blanchette in the lead.

The teaser trailer was released earlier today. You can find it by clicking on the link below.

My personal opinion: I wasn't very excited about the film before. I love the old ones but I kinda doubted this one. There's been alot of sequels to old films lately (blame Stallone) but after viewing the trailer, my interest went from 30% to 90%. Last 10% will probably go up within the week of the release. Ford may be old but he can still use that whip of his!
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Alright, I have a very strange problem... I have two harddrives: C:\ and G:\
When I went into G: to check some stuff I noticed that all my files are gone and replaced my some weird folder with alot of random letters and stuff in its title. I got scared shitless because I thought I lost all my files but I noticed that my mp3 player was still working and all music is located on G:

I decided to type in the location where the music folder is and voila, everything was there! I checked more and they are also there... if I type in the directory. So that's a relief... somewhat. The harddrive have been acting strange lately so I figure it's about to die very soon and this latest event is yet another hint that it will.

My question is: Can I do something about this? Is anyone familiar with this type of problem? I mean, I can load stuff, save stuff and open stuff. But when I click on G:, there's nothing there... just that one weird folder with tons of letters and numbers. Maybe revert the system back a few days or... whatever.
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