• Angel of wavering tides.
  • PipPipPip
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Check out the Game Page over at RMN!


"High above the clouds—high above all of God's
divine creation sits a single stationary island;
Venaitura, palace of the damned. Shrine to the
ancient Goddess of Darkness: Celes.

Four youths have banded together to travel
to this cursed place—journeying forth with
one thing in mind: revenge. Their destinies
have been intertwined with that of a single

man—their ultimate goal—to which
they seek to break their bonds. Life has
given these individuals terrifying hardships
and dreadful ordeals... but what awaits

them within that dark and cursed place is something
far beyond their understanding.

The end of all things.

The beginning...?"

"Eternal Paradise," my latest project using RPG Maker 2003, chronicles the adventures of four youth who have ascended to the palace of Hell in search of one man that all of them have come to find a deep loathing for. With their pasts, presents, and futures all intertwined with one and other, the following hours could very well be Earth's final moments.

It's a dungeon-crawler of sorts with heavy focus on story. It is not going to be a very long project, because I feel that shorter projects are so much more worth it in the long-run. They're also much more enjoyable to work on, too.



Andrew is a young man who, on Earth, was engaged and married to Maria, one of his travelling companions. They had a child together—a baby boy—who they named Evan. Sadly, Evan passed away due to an unknown cause, which marked the beginning for the couples descent in to hell. From that point forward, both Andrew and Maria's lives became a living nightmare to which there was no escape.

Andrew is kind-hearted and willing to listen to a friend if they are in need, but he can become very short-tempered in stressful situations and usually does not think too well under stress. Both he and Maria tend to help one and other out in next to every situation they find themselves in, be it good or bad. It is because of their close relationship and strong bond that they were able to pull themselves out of the depression of losing their son.

Andrew, like Maria, mysteriously came upon the same conclusion to the mystery of what, or rather WHO had killed their son: a man by the name of Ephiam. In pursuit of this man, the two lovers ventured to Venaitura with the aid of two close friends: Laura and Alexander.


She is very sweet  and kind, but also very fragile. She has difficulty accepting pain and truths that she finds hard to believe believe, and sometimes allows her emotions to manipulate her in to doing or saying things that she would later regret. She has adapted some of Andrew's care-free and light-hearted spirit, but still slings to her semi-serious ways.

When faced with problems herself, she often tends to lose herself to her emotions and the swirling array of choices and decisions she has to make, or has already made. However, when confronting someone else's problems (mainly Andrew's) she is much better at voicing her true opinion and offering a helping hand.

Ever since her child died from a mysterious cause, she has been a different woman. She has since then, however, recovered a great deal from the effects of stress and depression.


Laura is a very strict and powerful mage. She's been studying the dark arts ever since she was a young girl (or for as long as she can remember), and has had to adapt a serious and punishing attitidue for herself in order to help her live an easier life in a world that has come to shun such magics. Out of the three other character's she spends most of her time with, she is definitly the most iron-willed of the lot and can usually keep her calm and speak her mind regardless of the situation at hand.

Laura had tried to settle down with a man every now and then in her life, but found that she could never deal with the daunting amount of tasks linked to relationships and building a strong love-life. Instead, she chooses to live freely and could never care less whether or not she finds the “perfect man” or not.

The link between Laura and the Palace of Hell also rests within Ephiam, a man whom all of the character's seem to have connections to. Again, here these connections are also grim and involve the loss of life, although Laura has never (knowingly) talked about the incident with either Andrew, Maria, or Alexander.


Alexander is a “unique” case. He is a very non-serious person, and there will rarely be a moment where he does not try and change the topic at hand, if it tends to deviate off in to something serious, on to a more humorous one. Because of Alexander's uniqueness in this way, he has earned a great deal of dislike from Laura, although Maria and Andrew still tend to find a soft spot towards him and his odd ways.

For whatever reason it may be, Alexander is always allowing his mind to wander and will never truly join in on a serious discussion. He will either add something completely unrelated, or try and mix things up a little by adding his own humorous spin to whatever the the current discussion is about.
Perhaps there is a little more to Alex's tom-foolery...?

Graphics: Kentona and Jaymonius. (For gathering and having the resources, not for producing them).
Story/Editing/Testing: Ephiam.




Check out Eternal Paradise, my latest RPG Maker 2003 project, over at RMN!
  • Angel of wavering tides.
  • PipPipPip
  • Group: Premium Member
  • Joined: May 14, 2006
  • Posts: 303
Basic Information:

This new entry in to the Dragon Fantasy series of RPG Maker games brings the series back to the good and nostalgic times of the Nintendo Entertainment System... and to a time before even then! With 80%~ custom graphics made by myself, Origins is aimed to emulate a fusion of the old Ultima games and Dragon Warrior. Also, as in the 2nd entry in to the series, Origins re-introduces the Class-Selection system! Also, unlike before, you can now choose the class for your Hero, too! Want to have a party made entirely of Priests? Then go right ahead and be my guest! Any combination is available to you.

The story behind this game is pretty much non-existent. I have to tell all of you this now. Unlike in most of the other titles where there may have been some grand plot with semi-fleshed out characters thrown in to the mix, Origins is a simple as it can possibly get (within the Dragon Fantasy universe). The driving-force behind the character's actions and the reason you are sent off on a grand adventure is as follows:

-A curse has been placed upon the land by the Dark Mage, Vlad, and it is turning people in to hideous monsters! It is your job as the hero to gather together a band of worthy companions and venture out in to the world to put an end to Vlad's evil plot.-

Character Class Information:

The Dancer is a fairly agile fighter that uses a variety of Dances to inflict status conditions on to her foes. Most of the dances at her disposal, however, merely target a single enemy.

Equips some 1 and 2-Handed Weapons.
Equips Light Armour.

Musician's are beautiful artists whom use their voice to sing many songs to aid her allies in battle. All of her songs target a single ally/enemy.

Equips some 1 and 2-Handed Weapons.
Equips Light Armour.

Elementalist's wield black magics to summon elemental beasts to the battlefield to obliterate her enemies. All of the Elementalist's spells are aimed at a single target, and she is granted a single spell per-element.

Equips some 1 and 2-Handed Weapons.
Equips Light Armour.

The Priest utilizes his holy powers to heal his comrades in battle.

Equips some 1 and 2-Handed Weapons.
Equips Light Armour.

Combines deadly poisons to create deadly mixtures that disorient and disable enemy groups. All of their mixtures are aimed at entire enemy parties, but their abilities come at a fine price (Both Gil and MP-wise). However, the Hexer does wield a majority of the more deadly status conditions.

Equips some 1 and 2-Handed Weapons.
Equips Light Armour.

The Sage conjures powerful elemental-based storms to decimate enemy groups. All of his spells are linked to a single element, and they also target enemy groups.

Equips some 1 and 2-Handed Weapons.
Equips Light Armour.

Dark Knight
Dark Knight's utilize black magics to weaken their enemy's magical and elemental defenses. His abilities  target single enemy units.

Equips some 1 and 2-Handed Weapons.
Equips Heavy Armour.

The Warrior wields their swords to channel magical energies and break their foes defenses, and also inflict certain status conditions. His abilities target single enemy units.

Equips some 1 and 2-Handed Weapons.
Equips Heavy Armour.


Demo Download:

Check out Eternal Paradise, my latest RPG Maker 2003 project, over at RMN!
  • Angel of wavering tides.
  • PipPipPip
  • Group: Premium Member
  • Joined: May 14, 2006
  • Posts: 303
A game made to look like an early Nintendo Entertainment System game, but feel much different. Dragon Fantasy: Venaitura will mix the old and the new to form a whirlpool of oddly pleasant emotions that you did not think possible from such a creation. So while it may share its graphical style with the games of old, every other aspect is linked to other ages and their corresponding gaming systems. As an example, this game will feature an NES graphical style, but then take on Sega CD-level monsters on top of a PlayStation-level sound track.

Who knows, you may just like it! I know that I do.

"The Dragon's Fantasy comes to a conclusion in this installment, with the very fabric of reality its self being jeopardized by the appearance of the Hero of Old.

When all of the dreams become one, the gate will open, and the truth revealed. What this truth holds is unknown to all creation, but the result of being witness to its knowledge is cataclysmic.

The end is near.

-As seen on the Game Page's description at RMN.

The final tale that will conclude the Dragon Fantasy series of games and finally explain the meaning behind the multiple worlds within its universe begins with young Gerald and his 86 year old Grandfather, Zaggus. The pair eventually meet up with their long-time friend and fellow villager Fasia, and finally a middle-aged swordsman going by the name of "Pinnik," who claims that the soul reason he has taken up the sword and ventured out in to the world is due to a compelling and mysteriously magical dream he had one night after having fallen in to a deep sleep beneath a statue of the Goddess.

The four friends are plunged in to an epic tale that has woven their very existence in to the fabric of time, and are pit against a force so malevolent and evil that its presence could jeopardize the entirety of reality its self.

Traditional, ATB encounters make their appearance once again. As in the previous installment in to the "Venaitura" games, enemies are viewable on the field, triggering encounters only if your player character is touched by one of them. The battles will also take a more strategic approach down the line, and will become exceedingly more difficult in correspondence to the amount of resources that have been given to the player and characters. So while the beginning of the game may be fairly easy, that is going to change once the project nears the end-game.

--Screen shots--

--Demo Download--

Check out Eternal Paradise, my latest RPG Maker 2003 project, over at RMN!
  • Angel of wavering tides.
  • PipPipPip
  • Group: Premium Member
  • Joined: May 14, 2006
  • Posts: 303
Hello everyone! So I've recently began development on my RPG Maker 2003 project entitled "Boss Project IV." It is the fourth game in a series of RM2K3 games devoted strictly to fighting bosses. However, unlike those before it, I'm making sure that the fourth one has a plethora of bosses to fight.

Now...what I need from all of you are a few ideas for the bosses. I've a good 5-6 done so far, but I figured that the best way to get idea for new and special bosses would be to ask around. Thus here I am doing just such a thing!

The bosses are ranked from Low to High-Tier. For now I will only be taking Low Tier submissions, and will move up through the ranks as they are needed in the game.

I will list the status effects, magic elements, and weapon attributes bellow, as well as the MAX stats for Low-Tier bosses.

You will have to post a picture to accompany the boss, and I'd like it if the graphic was from one of the following games: Rudra no Hihou (Treasure of the Rudras/Rudras Treasure), Final Fantasy VI, Final Fantasy V, Bahamut Lagoon, or Breath Of Fire II.

List of Status Effects in the game:

Weak DEF
Weak ATK
Weak Mind
Mgc Drain (MP Poison)
Bleeding (Stronger Poison)
Gravity 2 (Stronger Gravity)

List of Attributes in the game:


Here are the MAX STATS For Low-Tier bosses:

HP: 40 000
MP: 100
STR: 4000
DEF: 255
MAG: 900
AGL: 40
EXP: 60 000
GOLD: 25000

And here is a template for your boss:

(Name of Skill/Effect) + (Strong, Moderate, Weak damage) +(Party/Single)


 Chaos/Confuses Party (Weak) (All)

Please do not post any elaborate designs that require constant fiddling with the Monster Group Events/Switches. Make it simple and yet effective. it is very possible to dosign a unique and challenging boss battle without any fancy events.

Thank you~!
Check out Eternal Paradise, my latest RPG Maker 2003 project, over at RMN!
  • Angel of wavering tides.
  • PipPipPip
  • Group: Premium Member
  • Joined: May 14, 2006
  • Posts: 303
Hello everyone! I've come to share a tad piece of news with you.
So, fo what reason have I come in here this day and made my this topic, you ask? What is this news?  Well...it's to tell you all about Meth Note! Ha ha. It's a sort of gag series a couple of friends and I are working on. We began development yesterday...when one of my friends just up and suggested we use the idea to make a video! So...we did it! Ha ha. Now we're just showin' it around.

It's not the best idea, nor does it hold any level of real professionalism, but it was just fun to do! We plan to make more when we get the chance (which is not too often, since we live a fair bit apart).

Anyway, each episode is probably going to be around...what? 4-5 minutes in length? Yeah, that seems about right. If you've ever seen Death Note, then you'll probably get some of the references being made in the video (after all, it is a sort of spoof of the Anime!) and it might help you to enjoy it better. But fear not! We're gonna make sure that everything is explained so that you don't have to know too much about Death note.

I didn't know where to put this exactly, so i stuck it in here in the film department. Heh.

Anyway, here it is.

Check out Eternal Paradise, my latest RPG Maker 2003 project, over at RMN!
  • Angel of wavering tides.
  • PipPipPip
  • Group: Premium Member
  • Joined: May 14, 2006
  • Posts: 303
Check out Eternal Paradise, my latest RPG Maker 2003 project, over at RMN!