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Heya guys,

I've been thinking about this for quite a while so I decided just to ask you guys: How would you name your skills? especially the elemental ones?

The options I came up with are:
Completely made up:
The Shin Megami Tensei series has always done this. Their fire, ice, elec and force(air) skills are called, respectively: agi, bufu, zio and zan. The best thing about naming your skills like this is that you can systematize your attacks. SMT for instance, to indicate that the spell targets all enemies they put ma- in front of the skill. So agi becomes maragi (slight exception), bufu becomes mabufu, zio become mazio and zan becomes mazan. Also to indicate that the spell is a stronger variation they just put -dyne behind the word. So agi become agidyne, bufu becomes bufudyne, etc. So the strongest mulit-target elec skill would be called Maziodyne and can be immediately recognized.

Pros: Systematization, names sound cooler
Cons: Takes some time to learn the moves

Final Fantasy:
Final fantasy does basically the same thing as the option above, but instead of made up words they use fire, water, ice and then proceed to call them fira and wateraga or fire II and water III. This option still gives you the ability to systematize your spells while keeping the function of the spells recognizable.

Pros: Systematization
Cons: Very typical for FF... looks very cliche.

Random Names:
I think everyone does this in the beginning. They give all their spells cool names that have nothing to do with each other. Example: they call their first fire skill Blaze, their stronger fire skill Inferno and their last Ragnarok. There is no systematization and you'll have to look at the description every time you want to use a spell to make sure you're using the right one.

Pros: Allows for cool names
Cons: Confusing as shit...

Foreign Language without Order:
Same thing as "random names" but with each word put in a translator...

Pros: Names are most likely cooler
Cons: Now you don't even know what element your spells are anymore...

Yeah... something else which you like better...


So yeah, please don't just vote, I'd like your opinions as well... What are you doing in your game? Also, please don't consider setting when answering this... I think everyone understands why Alter Alia opted for "Random Names", with names like Napalm and Shock Grenade... that's not what I'm asking.
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Hey guys,

So lately we have been discussing villains a lot. There motives, what make them good and even there battles, but I`ve never seen this topic which I`m making now so I thought I`d make it =P

So without further ado, which villains are in your top 5/10 villains? And why? You don`t need to write a whole paragraph of info on why you like these villains so much if you don`t feel like it but something would be nice. It can even be as little as "very believable motives" or "original villain" or anything.

I`ll start:

1. Yagami Light - Death Note - I know I said I like the insane, no motive villain but that doesn`t mean I can`t like the total opposite too. Death Note is the best example I can think of of a serie about morality and questions like "is it ok to kill someone who killed someone else?" It goes so far that I bet some people may disagree with me about Yagami Light being a villain, but to those people I say heroes and protagonists are 2 different things.

2. Dr. Steinman - Bioshock - I love this villain a lot. He was once a normal surgeon that all of a sudden had the ultimate tools to do things he only could dream of before. Slowly he started to think that he could fix anyone of anything and slowly began to think that what limited him to make the most beautiful humans were not his tools but his imagination. He started to deform people saying he was an artist and was doing the same thing with a scalp as painters did with a brush (abstract wise). The thing that makes him so awesome is that you get all this information from finding tapes which tell you how Dr. Steinman slowly goes insane.

3. Scar - Lion King - Let me start by saying that anyone who thinks "OMGWTF dude you iz 16 now! Stop watchingz Dizney, Bi4tch!" should shut up now. I bet that most of us have watched this movie as a kid. As a kid though you wouldn`t understand why I think Scar is such a badass. I came to this conclusion after watching the movie some time ago with my 8 year old brother. After that I kept thinking about Scar a lot and it led me to watch the movie again a few days later with me paying special attention to him. The reason I liked Scar so much is because he`s smart, charming, convincing but most importantly, physically weak. The reason Scar is not seen as an awesome villain is because (aside from the fact that people think the movie is for children) the story in which he was placed doesn`t really do him justice (don`t get me wrong, the Lion King`s story was awesome but it didn`t really put much emphasis on the villain. The story could have worked just as well with a bulky, dump, leaderish villain).

4. The Major - Hellsing Ultimate - This is basically the insane "I need no motive to be evil" villain. The reason I like him so much is because he`s anything but "realistic" but he does what he was made to do extremely well, which is be one insane motherf*cker.

5. xxxx - xxxx - can`t think of one now... There are some good villains, but nothing worth my top 5 so... I may edit it later.

So these are my top 5 (4) villains ever! Tell me what you guys think and post your villains.

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Hey guys,

I`ve downloaded a game using bittorrent. The torrent is loaded, but I don`t know what to do now. Now I have a big file in my computer and I need to know how to use it.

I tried mounting the image with daemon, nothing. I tried a emulator, also nothing. The place where I downloaded the torrent also didn`t give any info.

I`ve been looking around the internet for about 2 days now and starting to get desperate. So does anyone know what I need to do to play this game?

It`s a psp game btw. The map contains many .Rar files and other random files. I tried opening a rar file. In it there was an other map called psp_game. This looks like it could be the game but nothing in it allows me to play (unless I`m missing some program to play)

(And sorry if all this is very noobish. This is the first game I ever downloaded with bittorrent)
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