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Well...  my old desktop died, and I wanted to replace it.  I have no idea as to the inter workings of a computer, though I heard its not too hard.  Still I'm worried I would still fuck something up, since I'm kind of know to do that...

Anyways, I was wondering if you guys knew of a store/website that would allow me to choose what I want to put into the computer, they build it, and mail it to me.  But I also don't want a place that's going to overcharge me like Alienware does.  (Seriously...  $2000 for a laptop that's worse than my old $700 desktop.  If it wasn't a gift, I'd be royally pissed)

I know Newegg is probably the cheapest route, but as I said, I would rather not take a chance of screwing something up, when I put it together.  At least if it gets damaged in the shipping I can get a refund, or have it resent and whatnot.
  • Developer of "Eternal Conflict" Series
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I recently bought an XBOX, and am planning on using my computer monitor to play it.  (This part is possible due to the AV to VGA adapter), however my monitor does not have built in speakers, and I don't really want to buy any.  Mostly because I have very little room to put them.  So...  My question is this:

Is it possible to play the audio from my XBOX360 through my headset(the computer one, or the one I got with my XBOX), and if so, what do I need.
  • Developer of "Eternal Conflict" Series
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Alright, So I have a Wii, and so far only one game coming to it interests me (Mad World).  And none of the other games that have been released, that I don't have look very good.  So I've been thinking about getting one of the other current-gen consoles.

I'm still currently undecided about which one to get.  (I can only afford one right now), and my friends around here are baised morons, so...  I'm looking for which console is better for me.  Things I'm looking for are:

- What games are exclusive to each console
- Price
- Games worth buying for each system
- Anything else you want to add

Help me make up my mind.  I'm currently leaning towards the PS3 though
  • Developer of "Eternal Conflict" Series
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Alright, it's not my DVD-ROM that's the problem, I have a bad virus.  The virus is making it so that I can't run CD's at all, even if I have the Windows CD in at startup...  (I can't even access my harddrive without going into Run...)

So I have a question:
If I format through the command prompt, would that clear out my hard drive to the point it's like new?  Or will I have to do more?

Please help.
  • Developer of "Eternal Conflict" Series
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As the title suggests, is there anyway to hook up a console game (Wii) to a PC monitor?

In case you're wondering, I'm doing a demonstration speech on how to play Guitar Hero, and need to be able to project the video game onto the wall, so the class can see.

I'm aware I'm a total nerd for showing how to play Guitar Hero for a college speech class...  Lets not go into that.