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So today on the rig I work on, I was testing some stuff in the workshop when I said to my colleague I was gonna go for a smoke.

I walked out the door, started walking towards the bridge to the other side along an alleyway they call "Seagull Alley".

Anyway I got about halfway when suddenly a massive (must be like 6ft long) lump of steel becomes dislodged from the roof above and falls to the ground like 2ft in front of me. I picked up (it was really fuckin heavy) and went and told our safety/integrity guys and the manager. I almost shit my pants when it happened

If I'd have been like a meter in front, that lump of steel could have killed me, if not left me seriously injured.

Anyone else encountered a "near miss"? I was pretty shocked afterwards and I'm still thinking about it now which I guess is why I made this topic.
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I apologise in advance for the lack of information in this thread but I'm on an oil rig at the moment and almost all websites are banned!!

One night at a bar, an old friend tells director Ari Folman about a recurring nightmare in which he is chased by 26 vicious dogs. Every night, the same number of beasts. The two men conclude that there’s a connection to their Israeli Army mission in the first Lebanon War of the early eighties. Ari is surprised that he can’t remember a thing anymore about that period of his life.

Intrigued by this riddle, he decides to meet and interview old friends and comrades around the world. He needs to discover the truth about that time and about himself. As Ari delves deeper and deeper into the mystery, his memory begins to creep up in surreal images …


So yeah, I saw this advertised recently and thought it looked pretty striking.

It's essentially a fully animated war movie about the 1982 Lebanon war, where the Israeli army invaded Lebanon after their northern towns had been bombarded by the Lebanese.

Instead of POSTING FLASHY SCREENSHOTS (cause I can't) and even though I linked to the main page here's a direct gallery link:

Anyway if anyone who's seen it could give opinions or if anyone can give me any further info I'd much appreciate it. I'd definitely like to see it but I'm hoping the visual style isn't just some kind of lame gimmick and it actually strengthens the movie. It's getting regarded highly by critics but we'll see I guess!
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So, I've been at work for the last week. I work away from home (OIL RIGS and shit, some of you probably know a bit from me talking about it.)

I got on dry land about 5 hours ago. My mother picks me up, I get in the car and I say "Hey mum, how's the week been?" There's a look of misery on her face. Then she says, "We got burgled last night." I pause for a moment to take it in... Burgled? We live in a shitty little town, population of like 8000 (max), where everyone I know is pretty chilled out.

I'm baffled as to how it happened. My mum always locks the door, my brother stays up playing World of Warcraft to the early hours of the morning. How can someone steal shit from right under their noses?

She tells me she came downstairs this morning, wanted to go outside for her morning smoke, grabbed the back door key and went to unlock the door, only to realise it was already open. "Strange" she thought. She swore she'd locked it the night before. Then she looked around. Her bag was missing. She thought she'd just misplaced it, positive that with her scatty brain she'd just put it down somewhere and forgot where.

She then looks around even more.

Her laptop is missing. Several DVDs are missing from the DVD pile. My brother comes downstairs, looks around at various things and notices his Xbox 360 controllers are gone along with some of his games, he knows they were there the night before cause he was playing them...

It suddenly dawns on my mother that she's been robbed. Her bag is full of credit cards, cash, pictures of me and my brother as babies, letters from friends who live on the other side of the world. She'd been robbed while she slept and my brother was upstairs in his computer room killing dwarves on Warcraft.

There's pretty much a lack of conversation on the way home. She's just too distressed to really talk to me about how my week's been at work, how many big gas compressors I FIXED UP that week, etc. No standard HOW ARE YOU, HOW ARE THE CATS type shit.

So anyway I'm at home now, nothing of mine has been stolen (well, apart from one xbox game I bought a while back).

I'm kind of in a state of shock right now that shit like this can happen right under their noses. The guy/girl/whatever obviously saw an opportunity, noticed the back door hadn't been locked properly (or picked the lock somehow), ran in, grabbed all the shit he/she could and went out again. My mum and brother completely oblivious to the whole thing.

So, to give this topic a point; has anyone here been robbed? Anyone here also TOTALLY BAFFLED how this shit can happen so easily? I can't believe this shit has happened to my family, especially in such a quiet town.

I'm guessing I'm not alone, anyone else here been burgled?

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so i looked at the birthdays section at the bottom and...

Birthdays: Bart (23)

what else to say than happy birthday to the creator of GW, Bart!

have a good one mate and thanks for starting up gw!
