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hey bros, I know the obvious thing to do is see a doctor, but shits expensive so I thought it wouldnt hurt to ask if anybody has heard of anything like this. Ive already facebooked and "see a doc" is the best I could get.

Anyway, I've been getting migraines about 1-2 times a week this summer. I've been blaming insane Nebraska humidity, and the doc prescribed me a new med called Axxert, he said it might be humidity, stress, barometric pressure, etc... not important.
Anyway the last week or so, my visions been kinda wacky. As I'm writing this, there are kind of atmospheric blankets of light around my monitor. THe best way to describe it I guess would be to say that everything I look at leaves after-images in my vision, in the way those little pictures work- you stare at a picture of a ghost or whatever and then look at the wall and oooohhh the after image of a ghost is on the wall!
Anyway, even a brief look at a lamp or a chair or anything leaves an after image. THere is also some sensitivity to light, which is a little annoying. Weirdly enough, I don't have much problem with my vision if I'm wearing sunglasses, but that doesn't really put me at ease. I guess it wouldn't be too bad being Cyclops for the rest of my life but it may be a shorter one... :(

So I went to an optomitrist? Eye doc? I went.
They did an hours worth of rooting around, apparently not only in my eyes but in the back of my brain where vision is taken care of... Found nothing. Apparently when I get older I will be high risk for glaucoma, however. Whoop whoop!
Doc says if this thing with my vision doesn't go away to see a neurologist after this weekend. He's got one he can send me to.

Well that sucks and is hella expensive, like thousands of dollars, and I am still paying for my appendectimy in the spring, so if that is unneccessary I'd like to avoid it. Also going in there has some pretty dark evil connotations with a brain tumor or an anneurism. Scary stuff.

So anyway I just thought I'd ask if anybody has any experience with this stuff? I have been unable to google or webmd anything successfully because I can't really describe well what I'm seeing.
If it doesn't go away by this weekend I am going to a doctor regardless :(
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Listen guys, I am a huge tool and I have fallen into obsession with this nintendo-chip midi thing going around. I have very very limited understanding of midi-creation, and tbh ordering a MIDINES is far beyond my budget. i'd really like to add midi capability to my arsenal, I feel kindof like a dinosaur not understanding this stuff

can anybody tell me enough about midis that I can go about finding/creating an alternative?
I have downloaded anvil studio, but starting out has been frustrating enough to turn elsewhere

thanks homies
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Hi guys. Just a little problem for me here, not totally reliant on responses but it'd be cool to see what you guys think.

I noticed back in december before I started touring with a band, while I was at work I rubbed my hand over my right lower back and felt a tiny lump. I didn't think anything of it but casually acknowledged it was there for months, thinking it was a cyst or a fat clump or something and would go away.
It's about the size of a pea I think, and seems to be under the surface of the skin, if I had to guess, and not part of the muscle. It moves a little bit, and by now it is prominent enough that I can feel it just by brushing my hand back there.

The problem is, I have been to a doctor (a PA actually) who said she could feel anything and assured me it was probly just fat or muscle from straining my back. Not sure how she manages to predict something like this when she genuinely did not even see what I was in for but whatever.
I have had my friend feel for it, my mom, my girlfriend, and my guitar player, and nobody can feel this thing and subsequently tells me not to worry. Of course that only worries me more (im not terribly worried to begin with) because I'd be pretty pissed if it turned out to be serious and nobody could find it.

I'm pretty sure it's not a cyst because it's been there for like a year, and what prompted me to make this post is that I felt a sharp pain in it a few days ago, suggesting it's not fat or muscle.

The inherent problem, I think, is whether the thing exists at all. I do have a bit of a paranoid history. Nothing huge, but I had a bit of a breakdown in highschool, though I never saw a doc or anything, I had been convinced that everyone was talking about me behind my back. Irrelevant maybe, but my biggest fear is that this could be a genuine mental illness rather than a physical, and the fact that I am even considering it seems to reinforce.

So I guess any opinions you guys feel like sharing would be cool. I am considering in the next few weeks going in and demanding an ultrasound or something.
thanks dudes
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ehy guys

i have stumbled upon some spoilers for whats goin on in one piece right now so i went back and redownloaded everything have been reading the manga alot lately
i tried watching the anime when it was 4kids but it was too kiddy and the voices made me cringe

i know it got sold to funimation so im wondering if anyone can say that it better enough that it's worth watching
just finished watching/downloaded s-cry-ed (subbed) a month ago which is pretty short so i'm wondering if one piece is too long, i think we're talking about a solid months worth of episodes

also if its any good im willing to watch the subs instead, i do really enjoy reading the footnotes that explain the culturally relevant bits

so yea this topic is mostly about one piece but there aren't any anime topics at all so...
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Did anybody buy this? It's awesome.

I got it last night because the demo was amazing, but let me say if you played the demo and are great at it, you are still nothing.
This is hands down the most active, quick, busy multiplayer game I've ever played. There are so many buttons!

I have a problem with accidentally transforming (you can do it any time) when i'm trying to use my melee and on top of that there are usually 2-3 enemies in any area you might be in.

Being able to transform on command is really awesome, you keep momentum while doing it so you can go off ramps and transform and do the shit that made the new movies watchable.
In addition, you can choose from 4 classes, car, truck (which is an offroader type thing), tank, and JET.
I know you're thinkng, why would you choose anything but Jet? Well the jet is fucking HARD. Flying around is fun sure, but you're a huge target, and your guns arent as effective.

Get this game guys.
add me on xbox too
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a few days ago i tried to click user cp and realized i wasn't logged in

actually i clicked "register" and it gave me an error
i didn't care enough then but just now i went and tried again and it again gave me an error

maybe it's just my net or my pc or whatever but if people are unable to register that is PRETTY BIG right?

it's great because if this is legit there is a topic in feedback about "gw dying"
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It's a chatroulette/omegle clone that pairs you up with someone to argue with!!!

First you pick an issue, then it sets you up with someone of the opposite views.

I haven't gotten it to work yet, it's pretty new so there's never anyone to connect to.

Give it a go and post it somewhere for me.
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I have about 2k in medical bills I cannot afford to go to the doctor.
Post your ailments and we will give you a diagnosis/treatment recommendation in return for the same services.

I have a few ailments.
My right ear has been very sensitive lately. Simple things like dropping a book on a desk will make my ear ring. At a show about a week ago I actually had to leave the room because the PA was making my ear hurt. But I have no hearing loss and the ringing is temporary and only in my right ear.

Also, I have been getting these little things on various parts of my body every few weeks, one at a time. They look like moles, but are smaller, darker, and apparently are filled with blood. My guess is some kind of blood blister but they aren't from pinching or anything. I had one on my ankle about a week ago and I thought it was a tick until I had one on my tongue yesterday. I just scratched them both and they popped and then healed, with a tiny bit of blood. wtf.

Tell me your ailments and I will diagnose you free of charge. I am a 6 season graduate of House MD so nothing is above me.
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What are you getting back from the IRS? I think most people here have jobs that make over a few grand a year so most of us should be getting returns! Hopefully nobody is ending up having to pay anything extra...

Suppooooosedly I'm getting about 700 bones back, which is pretty terrible, but I'm still pretty excited.
I am torn on what to spend it on because I really hate spending extra money on things that my week to week paychecks go to.
I have like $300 in student loans to pay and then about $700 left on a loan for my alto sax, but if I pay off the sax in the next 2 months I get like 100 bucks off, so I'm leaning towards that. THOUGH I sure would like to not have to worry about my student loans anymore.

I'm a little ignorant when it comes to foreign government btw, are there similar systems outside the US?
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Hey guys I am posting this here instead of the arts board cause I want people to read it
like the title suggests im goin on tour
around the midwest

I joined a pop/ska band back in august playing bass and they are a bit more ambitious than my other works so this tour thing is new for me
i don't know how many of you guys live in the midwest (USA) but I thought I would post it here and maybe you could help me book a show or two or come have a drink with me when i'm out

here is the list of dates from the myspace
Dec 26 2009     8:00P   Beechwood Lounge    Des Moines, Iowa
Dec 27 2009    8:00P                                   Quad Cities, Illinois
Dec 28 2009    8:00P   w/ Bandit Sound          Kansas City, Missouri
Dec 29 2009    8:00P   w/ Bandit Sound          Springfield, Missouri
Dec 30 2009    8:00P                                       Little Rock, Arkansas
Dec 31 2009    8:00P                                       Houston, Texas
Jan 1 2010    8:00P                                       Dallas, Texas
Jan 2 2010    8:00P    Headhunters           Austin, Texas
Jan 3 2010    8:00P                                       Dallas/suburb, Texas
Jan 4 2010    8:00P                                       Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Jan 5 2010    8:00P                                       Claremore, Oklahoma
Jan 6 2010    8:00P                                       Wichita, Kansas
Jan 7 2010    8:00P                                       Lawrence, Manhattan or Topeka!, Kansas
Jan 8 2010    8:00P                                       Lincoln, Nebraska
Jan 9 2010    8:00P   Sokol Underground    Omaha, Nebraska

if anybody lives around these places and knows somewhere we can play/someone we can talk to, let me know! the ones without any club listed aren't final and we aren't necessarily tied to that city. we will drive elsewhere if it's not unreasonable with gas and time. we also need places to sleep too as hotels/motels are only okay maybe once or twice the whole trip.
i am very excited to play at Headhunters as supposedly it's the bar that was featured in Death Proof by quentin tarantino. i plan to reenact scenes from the movie whilst waiting to play.

here is the myspace btw: http://www.myspace.com/theluckylosers
im not really interested in any comments or crits on the music or the band itself as I did not write any of it and am not on any of the current recordings or in any of the pictures. i'm pretty hands off and doing this second to my own band (which is not as productive). i know not many people are into this kind of music so i usually don't post my stuff here but I figured travelling around warranted a topic

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I think this has been brought up before, it was showcased in GameInformer and on a bunch of sites, but I guess it has a free demo that I am playing through as I type this, and this game is great!


It's a standard adventure puzzle game but the atmosphere is beautiful.
You should at least try it, maybe buy it if you like?
I'm really hoping for a livearcade port, if there isn't one planned.
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Throw away your photoshops, your pixelarts, your programs of yesterday, I give you ASCIIPaint.com, the one stop for all of your artistic needs.


Gradients, who needs them? B's and D's work just fine.

Throw out your macbooks, all you need is an internet worthy Pac Bell and there you have it!
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I am in early stages of a doctor game, havent decided whether to use XP or AGS, but I have little medical knowledge and am looking for periodic consult over the duration of the game's creation.

I'm not aware of anyone here that is a med student/doctor so I thought I would ask before I charge headfirst into a project of topic I know nothing about.

So, are you a med student?
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Ok so my computer gets this virus called braviax. awesome virus really, it installs a spyware software that wont let you run other spyware softwares and is irremovable by most, so I reformatted my comp.

i ran both the OS installation cd that came with the comp about a year and a half ago, and then I ran the drivers cd. From that, I had neither the wired connection icon or the wireless in my taskbar and couldn't find a way to add them without setting up a new network, which is dumb cause there is already one running.

anyhow my friend downloaded a bunch of drivers and stuff from dell and finally got the wired connection up and running, but still no wireless. we updated windows, updated all drivers, updated IE and firefox, i have the newest service pack or whatever from microsoft... I don't know what else to do. there is not even a mention of wifi among the control panel or network connections or anything.

Help! I have the network key in my hand ready. It sucks because I only have a 5 foot ethernet cable and it sucks sitting next to the router!
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I came home tonight to play some TF2 on my xbox but when I turn it on, all I get is a black screen with a pattern of white dots all over it. It's not snow like on a tv but far fewer dots.
I have tried: checking the tv, plugging into other inputs, restarting xbox, taking out hardrive/cd, etc...

I have been through the entire xbox site trying to find help but the most I've found are threads started by people who have the same problem but are only given the same stupid answers. The light ring on my xbox is fine and in perfect condition, and nothing the xbox site has told has done anything.

ATM i'm not sure if it's the xbox or the av cable but i got my xbox used at gamestop so no warranty and I don't think I can send it in, and I'd sure like to not buy a new one!

If anyone has had this problem or knows how to fix it, please let me know as soon as possible!
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Hello. My name is Eric.
I am a big fan of Pirates. I like reading about them, watching movies about them, etc...

I am looking for some games about Pirates. I play Pirates! Gold for the genesis every so often and it's p. great, but lacking a lot. I am thinking of thinking a Pirates of the Burning Sea subscription, but right now I have two porn subscriptions and it costs like 25$ a month and my budget is still adjusting.

Please recommend me some Pirate games, console or online or whatever. Don't say Pirates of the Caribbean Online cause that shit sucks.

Cpt. Eric of the Hispaniola
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I really love They Might Be Giants but I own none of their music and I don't want to buy stuff off iTunes because I have this thing about needing hard copies of all my music.

Anyway, I have a couple songs I really love, Particle Man, Istanbul, Dr. Worm, and some others that I think must be hits or something, but I cannot for the life of me find a greatest hits album or a collection or something.

I have considered starting to build a collection of their music but they have so many releases it is really mind boggling! There are maybe 2-3 songs tops I have heard on any given one of their releases, and usually I can't justify buying a cd over that much unless it is some popstar of the week thing that I probably won't ever think of again.

So I'm wondering if anyone else here likes them, and which cds/vinyls are good buys.
I absolutely hate live records though so keep that in mind.

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So I was wondering if anybody else at GW collects shit.

I'm really into buying and selling these Marvel figurines called Super Hero Squad on ebay right now, and I've gotten myself a fair few of them. I didn't really want to get into collecting something again because of the money (I had a pretty good sized collection of pokemon cards) but after I realized Hasbro likes to retire shit all the time these things started being worth more and more money. So I'm stocking up on them, and buying a few G.I. Joe versions for the months after the movie comes out.

Anybody else collect stuff? I know they're gotta be a couple transformers collectors here, I'm a beast wars man myself.
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I use spybot every day, and still I've come into some ridiculous problem. I have no idea where I got these things, but when I boot my computer I always have to shut down processes in my task manager, like rundl32, acrord32, and a bunch of other crap.

I did a system clean from microsoft's website, and everything went away for about a day, and came back. I don't have a virus scan program, and I can't pay for one, so if anyone knows of one/has one for free, I need it!

I have no idea where I got these viruses, and I haven't watched porn in weeks, so I need this fixed asap.
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So I've heard of this new Microsoft Program, Songsmith.

I have mixed feeling about it, as I have not tried it, and I have decided that it is to music what wii is to videogames, and will either destroy music as we know it, or help it is some incomprehensibly innovative way.

Here's a video of the bitch in action

Pretty much the deal is, you sign to a drumbeat, and the program reads the notes and sets chord progressions to them, a la casiotone. You can change the tone with minors and blah blah blah. Basically, it's a songwriter's dream, because anytime you have a melody in your head, this thing will do the work for you. I'm not sure if it only operates in bars or something, or if maybe you can add in key changes and stuff.

What I am afraid of though, is that this is going to bridge the gap between the people too lazy to learn, and the talented musicians that actually deserve recognition. I do believe that today's mainstream musicians are not as talented as they were in the past, and I think this will take that to a new level. Imagine Britney Spears 2012 that doesn't even know a scale!

On the other hand, this is a fun program for people with time to waste, and probably a pretty big opportunity for comedians, and a gateway for people who are having trouble writing music.

There is a 6 hour free demo out there, but you'll have to find it yourself!