• Avatar of Mineyl
  • Stand back, dragon! Do not touch her!
  • Group: Member
  • Joined: Sep 24, 2008
  • Posts: 80
Hello, dear GamingW(orld).  Call me Mineyl.   ​

Some may be wondering about the cryptic thread title.  Well, this isn't my first account here!  Oldbies may remember a crazed psycho who used to post here named LucentAmethyst.  Well, that was me.  :b  Not that there's really anything psychotic about me...I think...I hope...  Under normal circumstances, I would have simply used that old account, but I have long since forsaken that alias and decided I wanted to start fresh.  So hiya'!

Some random nonsense about me follows!

:: Favorite console series ::
Classic Mario Bros.
Final Fantasy
Most-anything from Tri-Ace

:: Game creation projects :: (note: none of these were ever made public!)

- RM2k/2k3 -
1999 - Secret of Aerissa :: My first game making experience.  I think everyone does this; create a game involving several or all of your immediate family or friends and force them to go on a lackluster adventure to save mankind.  I quickly realized I could do a lot better, but hey, I was only 14 at the time~

2000 - Secret of Aerissa (Take Two) :: The story from my first endeavor evolved into something much less personal to my own life, but was still pretty mediocre altogether.  After making three hours of gameplay, it got scrapped.

2001-2006 - A Series of Unnamed Projects :: In this time period, I discovered QHeretic's then-revolutionary battle engine primer, and became instantly enthralled with the idea of creating something equally as wonderous with what I'd once thought was a fairly limited editor, and so dissected the -entire- coding of his project and learned how to create my own custom systems.  Yay!

2002-2004 - Solis Occasus / Neko no Unmei :: I forget the exact details, but somehow, I ended up on the development team for the premier project of a group of fellow RM2kers called Night Skies Productions.  Our director tried desperately to get many people working together in this endeavor, but in the end, the whole thing fell apart due to a clash of ideas and schedules.  Probably would have been awesome if not for that.

2006 - Unnamed Puzzle Game :: Inspired by Laughy's Tetris, I embarked on a five-day journey filled with ambition...though I realized that I couldn't think of any original ideas for a puzzle game, so I gave up on it by the end of the week.  I did program a nifty 3-2-1-GO countdown for it, though!   ​

2006-2008 - Shards of Unity (tentative title) :: A collaboration between one of my best friends and I.  We spent nearly two years on this project, but Final Fantasy XI, school, work, family,  and a lot of unnecessary drama got in the way, so we eventually had to scrap it.  I may pick it back up someday, though, as the better part of our story was written and the entire world already laid out along with 1/4 of the game's maps drawn by hand by yours truly; complete with custom -everything- except for RM2k3's tile-based movement and message system.

- ROM Hacks -
2005 - I tried to hack the original Megaman and Castlevania III.  I failed.  :>

2007 - Discovered Lunar Magic and created a series of levels for Super Mario World.  I have a really hard time being satisfied with my level designs, however, so I scrapped the project.

2008 - Began hacking Super Mario Bros. 3.  I completed the first world, but it wasn't until after that I discovered the exact format and notation the engine uses to deal with level headers and object read termination.  I haven't given up on this project yet.

:: Other BS ::

I take pride in being able to code many kinds of things for RM2k/3.  Have a question?  Just ask.  :3

I also consider myself to be something of a good spriter.  Here's a sample of my work.  This is Karen, the anthropomorphic co-lead of Shards of Unity:


Whew, and that's all I've got to say about myself.  After all that, I feel more like I typed a resume than an introduction, but I don't hear anyone complaining...yet.  :>

tl;dr?  I'm awesome.  That's all you need to know.  :3