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Prior to this project, I've worked almost exclusively with RPG Maker 2003 for the PC and RPG Maker 3 for my PS2.  Now that I'm about to start developing again, I'm wondering which version of RPG Maker the populace of Gaming World finds most effective?

I've done some of my own research onto the subject, but I'd like some more opinions of people who have spent a lot of time developling with these programs.
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Okay.  It's official.

The Dark Ones is now being put into production by me.

Here's the devblog: http://rugamestudio.livejournal.com/
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First and foremost I'm curious if anyone remembers me.  A few years ago (about 4, it was my freshman year of high school)  I stalked this forum in a half-joke account, half-serious but owned by an immature freshman account called Jeffro12.

If anyone remembers that account, you're probably glad I went away for 4 years.  Immaturity on the internet is never taken lightly I've found.

Anyway, I'm back, and I plan on using this website as a platform to get some of my RPG maker produced games some publicity, once I get Windows 7 running on my Mac (bootcamp has been giving me some trouble as of late, but now its in the hands of a Campus IT junky who knows a lot more about computers than I do).

I'll probably also frequent some other areas and talk about... other stuff.

Anyway, hi to y'all.
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Here are some ideas I have.

Make of them what you will.

The End War Chronicles: Star Saga

A three part story.

The basis of the story is that world as we know it was created by two gods, one who was based in light energy in one who was based in dark energy.  The gods were benevolent, and created the universe together, but they were unable to foresee that their light and dark creations would clash with eachother.

This led to the creations of the light based Guardian Angels and the dark based Guard Daemons.  These are more or less human with the souls of angels, so they get some cool powers.

The End War legend states that both Guardian Spirits will one day see the creation five of their kind at once, each with a birthmark of Star (for the angels) or Pentagram (for the Deamons) on the back of their right hands.  These two groups are destined to lead their respective sides in the Universe-spanning war known as the End War.

The game follows the Star as they attempt to complete that task.

This story is much more fleshed out then what I have posted here, so if you want more information, please ask.

next idea:

The Dark Ones (possible title)

This story isn't nearly as fleshed out but:

Our universe is one of several organized into a giant universal ring that is moving steadily through time.  Each universe is temporally ahead or behind the universe adjacent to it by about one millenium, to prevent the formation of a universal feedback loop.

The universes are held inplace by dark matter, and dark energy keeps them in their correct timeframe.  Furthermore inbetween the universes is the Mainframe, a network made of dark matter, which in this state is the physical form of knowledge.

Creatures called the Dark Ones are able to use dark energy and matter to control space and time, as well as hop between universes.  They can also access the Mainframe and gain access to interuniversal knowledge for short periods of time (connecting to the Mainframe indefinitely would cause one's brain to basically explode.) The dark ones function as a sort of interuniversal police force.

Now here's the story: a scientist has found a way to manipulate dark matter and energy in such a way that he can access the Mainframe, however the process causes the universes to align temporally which, unbeknownst to him, would form a Universal feedback loop and basically destroy everything.

You play as a dark one who tries to stop him.

I may include a sub-plot which fleshes out Dark One culture, but that isn't important to know for this introduction.

So.  What do you guys think?

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Greetings to all.

I used to frequent this board in my freshman year of high school, and consistently got my ass chewed out for my lack of maturity.  Now that I am back (and hopefully now more mature being a freshman in college), one of the more significant changes is that I'm now on a Mac.

And please leave the mac bashing at the door.  I know they suck for gaming and overpriced but I bought one for some reason or another and what's done is done.


One of the things I tried to do back in my freshman year was design games.  And I sucked.  Anyone remember Metul Vonner?  Yeah.  That was me.  I'm shuddering at the memory.

Anyway, I want to get back into some basic game design.  Does anyone know of any RPG maker-like GUI game design programs that work on a mac?  I don't have the time to do any serious code based designing unfortunately.

Anyway, thanks for the help.