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hey you crusty old so and sos, it's me, yer old pal neuropath, bearing season's tidings! 
'sbeen a while since there's been a game jam round these parts.   this old graveyard of a webforum's got a few cool spectres haunting it... this here ritual, colloquially known as "saltw game jam", is where we invoke these spirits of Outsider Game Development to rouse their dusty bones and get a cracking at the sweet art of generating cool, strange digital distraction once more!
if someone wants to pony up a material prize of some kind for this jam, I welcome their magnaminity with open arms, but in the meanwhile, whosever is voted pumpkin king/queen 2014 wins the high prize of my unyeilding, undying, undead respect! and probably that of some other people.  who can say!
 think everyone reading this more or less knows the score.  7 days to make a game. the midnight of Halloween is your... DEADLINE... !!!  *skeleton shriek*
you may do whatever you like, using whatever tools you want, go nuts!  however, if you want a suggestion, or want to prove your flexibility, well... that's what the theme is for! 
so, what's the theme you ask?
... to answer your question, let me quote esteemed salt alumnus stephen "thecattymights", from his charming, fun webzone:
What is a game? Professor M. Mouse of Texas, America claims that the word game denotes
"the historical process by which the term game has been characterised and understood".
Easy for you to say, Professor!!
Those of us with a more down-home approach to codifying the various aspects of a
nebulous and unbearable human condition prefer to go by a simpler definition, thus.

A game is some combination of the following indivisable elements:
- skeleton
- red key
- score thing
- magic door

If you see something that looks like a videogame but isn't, you should notify the Police.
so then, do you dare... to make GAME?




Make game by Midnight of Halloween (Oct. 31)... or FACE CONSEQUENCE!

(feel free to either incorporate the above-listed elements of a Canon Game or not as you see fit.  we're all rebels in this part of cyberspace)

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it's time to get ready to vote on who gets the Cursed Golden S.K.U.L.L. ! ! !





haha, took us long enough, right?
So!  to the best of my knowledge, the following are your choices:
http://brwiz.itch.io/soth]Sons of the Holster[/url] by Bwiz
http://casualcatharsis.itch.io/protocol-assault]Protocol Assault[/url] by casualcatharsis (??? can't find forums name equivalent)
http://denzquix.itch.io/whiskey-weather]Whiskey Weather[/url] by Denzquix and SwordofKings128
http://magicdweedoo.itch.io/dale]Dale: Lost in the City[/url] by Dweedes/Magic Dweedo
http://grom.itch.io/up-and-down]Up and Down[/url] by Grom
if any of you dark horses wanna step in, or if I missed anyone, let me know right away and I'll add you to the OP!  for right now, this is a time to play the offerings, and get a sense of who you might want to vote for.  that'll also take place in this thread, haha, so get yer ballots ready!


Pick as many as 3 of your favorites at that time!

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edit 12/21/2013: the http://saltworld.net/forums/topic/14228-sw-jam-winter-2013/]jam is commenced![/url]
still, feel free to talk here
hi ho, salt pals and newcomers alike! I'm Neuropath.

  and I'm Tiny's First Pepsi! and together we're hosting...

the 2013 winter salt game making jam!

this here's the second in what we hope is gonna be a seasonal game jam tradition!

  we had us some real good entries last fall, from game jam vets and complete novices alike!

A game jam's where you make a little game over a short period of time. Turns out it's not hard to do, with the right tools and a bit of gumption!

y'all can use helpful software like twine, klik 'n play, gamemaker, and adobe flash, OR you could make it all from scratch!

the gamemaking begins on DEC 21st! At that time, the official thread will be posted, and it will explain...

there ain't hard rules we're gonna hold anyone to.  you can even work with others!

  BUT...! there are some wicked rad themes that will be posted on the commencement thread.

you don't gotta use them, but hoo doggy, we don't wanna spoil nothing, but let's just say the cool kids are definitely gonna. and bein' cool is what gets you votes and... gets you prize!


A skull to hold your wealth... to be mounted on a pedestal engraved with YOUR NAME! or whatever else you'd like!
it contains many secrets and treasures... and a curse!

*wolf whistle* I'm in love already ~ <3

and there's more where that came from.  we're gonna be handing out at least 3 prizes by the time all's said and done this christmas season!

newcomers, get yourself a saltw account and introduce yourself here!

while you're at it, see some of the cool salt sights and spectacles.

like what you see? then consider yourself welcomed to our humble little secret society.

for newcomers and old salts alike, now's the time to announce your intention to join!

and maybe tell us a little about what tools you might want to use!

this thread's a great place to find team-mates, or just to chill out and soak up the salt environment

and spread the word!  #swjam it from twitter, whisper it to yr friends in the dead of night

shout it from rooftops and tie messages to yr pets and release them to the streets! let the world know, come winter...

   it's time to JAM
Dec 21st, Midnight GMT.  Be ready.  It comes... for you!


Nifty Title card by MaroonRacoon
Rad Section headings by Tiny's First Pepsi
S.K.U.L.L. by Neuropath
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hey folks, our old talky thread died in a horrible accident a few months ago, though its absence was scarcely noticed because most communication here is through the elegant media of surreal youtubes and videogame pictures. truly we are a transcended people
RE: Winter J.A.M.
so earl(tiny's first pepsi) and I are already colluding as to how we're gonna go about winter jam.  I already made a rockin prototype of one of the trophies!  I don't wanna spoil it before the december commencement thread, but let's just say it'll have more to offer than just a pretty face~
anyways, here's a few questions I've been thinking about.
When will it take place?
21-29th of December would be the weekend before and after Christmas, which is when a lot of us will have spare time from vacations and such, which makes it a tempting choice.  that being said, people's schedules might not all line up so well, so speak up if you want another week.
at the beginning of December, I'll make a thread for people to ~formally~ declare entry, and with a preview of the fabulous prizes that lie in store for the lucky winners! (that's right, there's more than just 1!)
What are the rules gonna be?
I love that saltw is a pretty anarchic place, so I don't think any of us here are overly hung up on rules. it'd be nice if you stuck to the theme, and if you submitted on time and all that jazz, but in the end, all that matters is that your BEAUTEOUS CREATION wins over the hearts n minds of the audience at home. that being said, y'all probably aren't gonna get too many votes if you act in deliberate bad faith somehow.  not that I honestly expect that from any of you dudettes+dudes, because you guys are consistently awesome.
so, in light of that, instead of rules, these are the general guidelines:
1. We're gonna have a major theme, decided at the start of the jam
this is where we could use your input.  if any of you have themes in mind, speak up! we wanna hear. maybe we'll vote before the beginning.  or earl+I may show our true oligarchical bastard tendencies and dictate it ourselves!  (it's unimaginable that we'd pick something people didn't seem generally behind, though)
I will say that I don't want everyone tied to the theme of christmas, though people are certainly welcome to make christmas games of their own volition. ideally, they'd also be in keeping with whatever we decide, naturally
the theme could be anything, from a tangible item (boxes!) or an abstract concept (entrapment!).  maybe an emotion? (fear!) a type of place? (inside of a box, where you are trapped and scared!)  the sky's the limit! ...and also a potential theme ?
2. submit yr games through the itch.io system once they're done!
itch.io is a good platform, and it worked fine last jam, though I think this time around we should make some things more clear about how this is done.  earl+I will try to make this more transparent in the actual OP for the competition
3. have fun, and keep it salty!
I can think of 0 other things I care about, or intend to enforce. of course, it'd be a right salty thing to use 2013 Fall Jam Victor and All-Around Swell Hepcat denzquix's horsename database~
If you're a salt-lurker or someone new who wants to show off your mad skills, don't be shy, your input is wanted !  my favorite game from last jam came from a newcomer, so believe you me, y'all are welcome here.
haha hi I am neuropath, how do you do.  I am an intern @ cogsci labs, trying to enter graduate school.  applications are due in december, and it sure is makin me antsy!  I like sweets, roguelike games, crows+ravens, folk music, old cartoons, second-hand clothes, and lots of other things <3
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I strongly recommend downloading it and running it locally, because it falls to pieces when I try to run it on my website.
I actually had a real blast making this, I've never done so much visual art in such a short span of time, and I think some of the things I drew looked pretty okay maybe.
anyways mad love to my saltpals, y'all know who you are!  also I listed you in the description of the itch.io thing so there is that too
see if you can find my self-insert cameo in 30 seconds or less!