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I've got a Netgear WGR614v6 router right now, and the thing is a piece of crap.  It locks up and stops routing if too many connections are opened up.  When I go to sleep at night and leave BitTorrent running (only one computer on my network) it basically craps out.  If I play Call of Duty IV or Smash Bros Brawl, it'll shutdown after a while.  Apparently, some people have been saying that it's faulty hardware and I've had the device for about 9 months -- so there's no real chance of RMA/warranty, which kind of sucks -- I only realized the complications now.

In any case, I need a new Router.  Preferably with all standard features, and something that will NOT crap out if it opens several connections.  I was hoping to get a Buffalo, since I've been reading that those are actually fantastic routers, but unfortunately, they are no longer manufacturing/selling them for legal reasons.  Linksys used to be decent, but I've heard some stories about them sucking lately.  So the good ol' Netgear and Linksys names seem a lot cheaper and shittier now.

Is there any brand/model that'd be worth buying? (I may head out to a Fry's Electronics this weekend and grab one)

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Not sure if anyone has read the news or seen anything about it yet,  but ThePirateBay, a pretty large bittorrent tracker looks like it's finally getting shut down.  I downloaded something from there a few hours ago and had no problems getting any search to go through.  But now, the entire site looks to be dead.


Pirate Bay hit with legal action

The Pirate Bay has millions of users
Four men who run one of the most popular file-sharing sites in the world have been charged with conspiracy to break copyright law in Sweden.

The Pirate Bay's servers do not store copyrighted material but offer links to the download location of films, TV programmes, albums and software.

The website is said to have between 10 and 15 million users around the world and is supported by online advertising.

Police seized computers in May 2006, temporarily shutting down the website.

Prosecutor Hakan Roswall said the website was commercially exploiting copyright-protected work because it was financed through advertising revenues.

According to the Pirate Bay website, its users are currently downloading close to a million files.

On the site, a statement says: "In case we lose the pending trial (yeah right) there will still not be any changes to the site.

" The Pirate Bay will keep operating just as always. We've been here for years and we will be here many more."

In an interview with the BBC's technology programme Click last year Pirate Bay co-founder Peter Sunde said: "I think it's okay to copy. They get their money from so many places that the sales is just one small part."

The other three men facing charges are Carl Lundstrom, Frederik Neij and Gottfrid Svartholm Warg.

If convicted, the four men could face a maximum of two years in prison.

The charges relate to 20 music files, nine film files and four computer game files.

In the indictment, Mr Roswall said the four should pay damages of 1.2 million kronor (£90,000), the minimum amount the men profited from the illegal activity, according to the prosecution.

Plaintiffs in the case include Warner, MGM, Columbia Pictures, 20th Century Fox Films, Sony BMG, Universal and EMI.

John Kennedy, chairman and chief executive of global music body, the International Federation of the Phonographic Industries, said: "The operators of The Pirate Bay have always been interested in making money, not music.

"The Pirate Bay has managed to make Sweden, normally the most law abiding of EU countries, look like a piracy haven with intellectual property laws on a par with Russia."

Time to go find another place to yarrrr at.

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Alright, so here's a fun story.

I owned Breath of Fire 3/4 years ago, but lent them to someone who basically stole them, moved away, and probably sold them.  I'm trying to find decent/new copies of these games so that I could play them on my PS3, but not tear a hole in my checkbook.  Also, looking for Wild Arms 2, etc.  Basically a bunch of the great old PSX games from back in the day.

I'd prefer to avoid eBay, because they tend to try to sell garbage.  Does anyone know of any places (retail) that even carry PSX games anymore?
