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  • PipPip
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hey you missed it start here

  • Avatar of Mike
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For listeners & DJs

Please follow all these rules. Action will be taken against those who disagree, and the outcome will depend on the severity and intent for rule breaking.

For DJs

1. You must be on IRC and in #gwradio during your show, for the full duration. This applies to both scheduled and freelance shows. If, for some reason, you cannot connect to IRC (or the channel), please contact Mike or one of the Council Members.

2. You must not distribute the password for any reason. This includes giving it friends so they can try it out, or mini-modding the server (i.e. thinking someone should have a show so you give them access to the server without permission by Mike, or following proper application procedures). Even if a DJ has applied, they will be informed of their acceptance/denial as quickly as possible, including their right to use the server. Failure to comply with this rule will be dealt with severely. Furthermore, leaving show details saved on a publically accessible computer is not allowed, and you will be held responsible for any unauthorized users connecting through your mistake.

3. Insulting other DJs or listeners is not allowed. A little joke about someones sexual preference or what position you screwed their mother in the previous night is fun, but don't take it too far. You will be contacted and dealt with if the victim contacts the GWRadio Council with a complaint.

4. You may only broadcast during your allotted broadcast slot, or during a freelance period (a slot where no show is scheduled). This includes overlapping someones show, or jumping on too early. Furthermore, be fair with shows. If you have been doing a 2hour freelance show, and another DJ requests an hour after that, disconnect and allow them access. This promotes fair use with the server.

5. Broadcasting other media is strictly prohibited. You may not attempt to broadcast video over the connection, despite the fact it will not work. If you want to broadcast shows to people, find your own way using your own server.

6. Late starts are OK, but it is preferred that you arrive a few minutes before your show begins, in order to prepare. If you are constantly late by significant periods of time, you will be contacted to discuss the problem.

7. Missing entire shows without reason is not accepted. If you are unable to make a show, please contact a Council Member in advance, stating the reason and show details. Failure to do so, or constant show skipping will force us to take action.

8. Music tagging is a must have. Ensure all your mp3 files are tagged correctly, to keep users fully informed of what is currently playing. Furthermore, tags that suggest titles other than what is actually being broadcasted are not accepted. For example, playing "Aqua - Barbie Girl" while claiming to play "Opeth - The Baying Of The Hounds" through tags (or other means) is forbidden, even if it is a joke.

9. Due to the upkeep of good quality, 56k (or less!) users are not allowed to broadcast shows. Either upgrade to a more modern connection, or do not attempt to broadcast.

10. You may post a "first time" topic for your show, but after that do not post more topics unless there is something special or important about the show (For example, an x-mas show is different from the normal).

Listener rules obviously apply to you as well.

For Listeners

1. Respect DJs at all times. If they choose to play a certain genre of music or song that you choose to dislike, all is fair in showing your disgust slightly, but do not insult or comment on the DJs music tastes. The key word here is CHOICE. Furthermore, please respect the musical preferences of other listeners.

2. If a DJ refuses to play your request, or say something for you on-air, do not kick up a fuss. After all, it is their show, they control the content.

3. Simply do not hassle DJs, listeners or GWR Council members, you'll only get banned from the IRC channel and even from listening all together.

4. Do not attempt to draw the password from other DJs or council members, as you will not be given it. If you want to broadcast, apply through the correct methods.

Forum Rules

All parent rules apply. That is, any general rules for GW should be followed. This includes flaming, spamming and bad posting habits.
  • Avatar of Mike
  • Avatar and Sig made by Moi!!!
  • PipPip
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Broadcasting Guides [Winamp & Foobar]

UPDATED: 5th April 2006 - Multi-DJ guide added

These guides are for broadcasting only, you can listen to GWRadio without any modification, just click here.

Before you proceed, please ensure you have applied to be a scheduled DJ or a Freelance DJ. You will NOT be able to broadcast on the whahay server as this guide will not detail the password.

Also, make sure any music you are playing is properly tagged. There are pleanty of various applications and guides that will help with this, just check google.

Winamp & SHOUTcast

Foobar & Oddcast

Multiple DJs/Guests for all players

Credit to leafo for the Foobar guide.

If you have any problems, please post them in this topic or contact myself or one of the GW council members. This topic should not be used for anything else (any unnecessary posts will be deleted). If you have guides for other media players, contact me.
  • Avatar of Mike
  • Avatar and Sig made by Moi!!!
  • PipPip
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Use this topic to keep the rest of the Council updated on any banning that has been done (station mainly, but if there is a problem on IRC you might as well note it here too).Also, post anyone who could cause further problems in the future, but is not doing anything particularly wrong right now. This way, we can keep an eye on the bad apples, while holding the good apples close to our bosom! (Ho ho)
  • Avatar of Mike
  • Avatar and Sig made by Moi!!!
  • PipPip
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  • Posts: 276
So, now I have somewhere safe to post this, you will need the following details:

Server Info
Address: radio.whahay.net
Port: 8000
Password: a06e5ff8

At the moment, you can give this information to those you think would make good DJs (on request). If you don't like the idea, you can keep the information from them, but check the opinions of the other council members before saying an outright "No you can't DJ".

Admin Panel
Address: http://radio.whahay.net:8000/admin.cgi
Username: admin
Password: e4c948

Here, you can check who is listening (address, connect time, etc), gain a little more info about the DJ on (IP etc) and kick/ban the listeners or DJ. Please don't abuse this, only use it if someone is breaking rules. Also, be sure to post in the "Bans & Troublemakers" topic when you do, so that we know who has been banned and for what reason.

This Forum
So, pretty much this forum is our playground 8D

Here we can post topics about new ideas for the station, updates, and share opinions on events/people on the station, and whatever is related to moderating this place. It's more efficient than IRC (not everyone can be on all the time!) and mass PMing.

So, as soon as you have an idea, post it here and see what everyone else thinks. You can post ideas in the main GWRadio forum, but it's advisable to post them here first just so we can share our views on it first (I'm all for the community being involved with how this place is run, but it's safer to get the approval of most of the council first before we start throwing ideas at them).

If there is a serious issue, post it here so that we are all alerted to it. If it's a troublesome DJ, post in the "Bans & Troublemakers" topic first to let us know something is up, and once it becomes out of hand (but you are still unsure of what to do) then post a topic and we'll see what happens ;d

Site FTP
For now, I will keep the FTP info private. There's no real reason why anyone needs this information at the moment, same for database info. Should you need it, contact me with reasons (ramirez also has the information, but I would prefer if you spoke to me, though if I am unavailable and it is urgent, go ahead and ask rami).

Any recent updates will be placed here.

Update - 01 Feb 2006
This forum has been opened, leafo wrote up a guide for Foobar2k. VB informed me that a DJ might be giving out the Server info, and that Iaman was on without checking that it was ok. We must keep an eye out for this, I don't want just anyone hopping on and off whenever they feel like it, we might as well just disband, throw all the information out there (admin panel and all!) and sit back and watch.

Also, sorry about delays on some of the work. I'm at the end of a college block, which means PROJECT DEADLINES. They are smoothing over now, as I have slowly got on top of things, so I will be getting more done. It's just bad timing that's all ;d

As for the site and schedule, schedule will come first. I will have ramirez setup a MySQL database for us, I'll code up a little PHP page to display the show information in some basic form (just until the site is up) and I'll start taking applications. It would probably be wise for us to change the password at that point, so that people follow the application procedure. More information to come.

For a site design, well unfortunately design is my weak point in web development. I'll think up something, but Jeff has kindly offered to help. If I run into problems, I'll ask him to give me a hand with it. We currently don't have an official logo/banner as of yet, but Medieve is going to do this for us (I'll pay him via paypal).


And finally, the more people we can attract to hang around IRC, and to use the sigs, the more active this place should become (once things fall into place, they already are!)

So, now that that's cleared up, all I can say is "FLY MY PRETTIES, FLY!"

(This topic is open for discussion on new updates, and for any problems with the above. Please quote the specific part you are refering too, as this topic may or may not become quite long (i.e. no one will know what you are on about))