• Just like sex, only not really.
  • Group: Member
  • Joined: Dec 13, 2002
  • Posts: 68
So as you all may know from the screenshot topic, I'm working on a Mega Man fan game called Mega Man +1.  I think it mimics the classic NES style really well.



Arrow keys: Move
Enter: Confirm selections
Z: Jump
A: Fire
1: Previous Weapon
2: Next Weapon
F5: Save State*
F8: Load State*
F12: Reset Game*

*: Only usable when you have control of Mega Man.

Contains Arctic Man and Inferno Man; both levels and boss fights.

Robot Masters
Inferno Man
Balloon Man
Arctic Man
Deal Man
Toxic Man
Boulder Man
Tidal Man
Slice Man

Inferno Twister - A flaming tornado that travels along the ground.

Static Burst - A balloon that can be remotely detonated (or popped).

Arctic Hail - A screen-wide attack that covers the screen with hail.

Luck Dealer - Throws random cards; rarer ones dealing more damage.

Toxic Drip - A slowly moving glass orb full of super-potent acid.

Heavy Boulder - A large boulder that falls straight down and breaks into four smaller pieces.

Tidal Pump - A super-dense bubble that erupts into a large pillar of water.

Slice Barrier - Two swords that rotate around you,  capable of destroying some enemy projectiles.

Hell, I have no idea.  Something about Dr. Wily taking over the world.  Maybe also a fake Dr. Light with it's own castle, and fights with Roll and Proto Man! :O

Most recent videos are at the top.

Slice Man Level Preview/New Enemies

Arctic Man Level Preview/Boss Fight

Disappearing blocks

Stage clear/new weapon

Improved jumping/damage graphics

Inferno Man level and boss battle

Demonstrates scrolling and death

All the special weapons

Pre-Alpha teaser

More Screenshots

Tidal Man level mockup

Game over/password screen

Potential Wily level boss; uses only attacks that can kill you in one hit.
  • Just like sex, only not really.
  • Group: Member
  • Joined: Dec 13, 2002
  • Posts: 68
Whenever I try to run it, I get this lovely screen.

I have no idea what to do to make this error disappear, other than buy it.  And there's no way in hell I'm about to pay $90 if it's already giving me this much shit.