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The video game is a rather young medium, and has perhaps not matured as much as books and films. However, some art games touching controversial subjects have been released, for instance The Path. Altso there is the art of making games that are purely based on delivering a feeling, like Flower.

Is it possible for games to be a matured enought medium to touch themes in a intelligent way? Themes like:

- violent relationships
- suppression
- child abuse
- sexual abuse and incest
- sexuality and homosexuality
- social injustice
- capitalism and consumerism
- racism

Can a game be as intelligent as The Catcher in the Rye, One Flew Over a Cucoo's Nest or Stanley Cubrick's films? It would be interesting to see some views on this matter.

Visit me at naggynerd.com
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So, which boss fight burned itself to your brain?
Mine would have to be Queen Gohma in the Deku Tree dungeon in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I just loved the introduction when she spots me with her big eye and crawls her way up the walls into the darkness. Great design.

Visit me at naggynerd.com
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OK. It would be interesting to see what games were the first people ever tried. Let that nostalgic feeling from childhood come back to you.
I guess I'll start out.

It was Super Mario Bros. on a rented NES from the video store. I was 6 years old.  ​

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I'm walking around with this desire to speak my mind about games, and a game blog would be the perfect place to do so. The thing is, I don't want to do it on my own. Therefore I try airing the idea of starting up a game blog with intelligent and experienced gamers from around the web, which of course includes you people.

Could this be an interesting thing to do? Starting from scratch, writing about anything game related that you feel confident of writing about. I like Wordpress, but the platform can be a topic up for descussion. I've recently started a game blog of my own here: http://mertesgameblog.wordpress.com/, but I'd rather join a team effort: more updates, more readers.

So, how does this sound? Anyone interested?

Visit me at naggynerd.com
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Mutton Chop Productions proudly announces:
Bachelor Story
a game by Merte


GAMEPLAY TRAILER: (sorry, no sound)


Leif is a guy with big thoughts in a small mind. A wannabe intellectual that never really made that final step to the university, or to the dating arena. One day, as a bachelor living out the hight of his career, he receives a letter from an attorney's office stating that he has inherited a quite formidable piece of real estate from his recently deceased grandfather.

As Leif arrives to his new home, he discovers a strange cave underneath the basement of the house with odd rock carvings and more notably; a glowing crystal shard. As he leaves the cave, a strange vessel suddenly pops up in the yard. Curious by nature, Leif invesigates the alien piece of machinery and discovers slots where the odd shard he found fits in one of them. And seconds later, Leif finds himself in a completely different situation than he had planned for this afternoon.

The search for the time shards has begun.







Development Progress:

Story: 60%
Scripting: 20%
Graphics: 30%
Sound/Music: 50%

Visit me at naggynerd.com